Dude. I got the coolest email yesterday. The nice folks over at Skinny Scoop decided to feature ME as their Coffee Break: Blog of the Day.

Pretty awesome, right? Skinny Scoop is a pretty neat site, and if you like making lists (I do), then get prepared to fall in love with another total time suck (and I mean that in the nicest way possible)!

Here’s a list I made about my blogging life:

You should go check them out. It’s a really great site and they OBVIOUSLY have great taste in blogs (hee hee)!

If you’re visiting from there, WELCOME! It’s so nice to meet you! I know the first thing I do when I visit a new blog is to check out the “about me” page so I can get to know the blogger a little bit. So, here’s a list of a few key points about me.

· Iโ€™m a 30-something mom living in Chicago. Iโ€™m a freelance copy editor, a big reader, and a wannabe author. Iโ€™m currently in training to be a certified yoga teacher, and my favorite colors are purple and pink.
· My happy place is Disney World. I’ve been seven times, and I have a blog about my love for Disney.
· I’m married to an author/ghost tour guide. Cool, huh?
· I am a literal tree hugger. Seriously. Set me loose in an arboretum and no tree is safe. (I don’t hug trees in the city because well, they’re usually surrounded by dog poop and pee, or worse, human pee.)
· I love Summer, hate Winter.
· I have crazy, curly hair that I’m trying to grow super long.
· People tell me that they love my smile. This is convenient because I love to smile! See?

Photo on 04-02-2012 at 8.14 p.m. Ronni! Random Ronni Random Wednesday Night

I suppose that’s enough for now. If you want to know more, check out my about me page! ๐Ÿ™‚

If you like what you see here, please subscribe or follow me and come back again soon. I’d love it if you left me a note letting me know you were here! ๐Ÿ™‚

Now go visit Skinny Scoop! ๐Ÿ™‚
