
A Good Day (Pictures)

First thing was that I got a text from my Adam telling me Happy Valentine’s Day. ♥

The work day went pretty quickly, with chocolate chip cookies, M&Ms, and a trip to Yankee Trader, where I found stationery for a penny a package!

A Darn Good Deal!
I got 12, but the guy only charged me for 10. 🙂

The rubber duckies on my desk celebrated the day and the season:

Quackity Quack!

I wish I’d been photographing the duckies all along, I have tons of them. Ah well, I can continue the tradition NOW, and pick up and continue once I’m settled and employed in Chicago.

And jamz tagged me for a Handwriting meme. YAY Handwriting!!!


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Things I love! ♥

Idea from kbaccellia who got it from someone else….

  1. Aidan
  2. Adam
  3. good friends and family
  4. good conversation
  5. reading
  6. writing
  7. spaghetti
  8. laughing
  9. autumn
  10. taking pictures
  11. gadgets
  12. words
  13. Nag Champa
  14. warmth
  15. pink
  16. Rent
  17. Little Lucy
  18. relaxing
  19. anticipation
  20. cuddling
  21. hugs
  22. Mickey Mouse
  23. Disney World
  24. sweets
  25. smiling


Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Happy Things

– Being in Chicago with my man. ♥
– Two boxes of Mrs. Fields chocolate chip cookies in front of me, and eating a cookie for brunch. Yum.
– Lots of episodes of America’s Next Top Model in the DVR for me, recorded by my awesome finacé. (I always want to say “tape” because I’m from the generation of VCRs)
– Portillos for dinner tonight. Yummmmmm. I cannot wait to get a big ole burger.
– Major plans in the works. Details soon. Lots to do in the meantime.

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Happy Mail Day!! :) (Pictures)

My buzzer rang at 3:59pm, bringing happiness for a certain little boy in my life.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Then I got Christmas cards, and a letter. No bills. Yes, good mail day. Good day in general, because I didn’t have to work. But it’s back to the old grind tomorrow. Bah. Only three days this week, though, then another holiday, YAY!

Gonna take a bath with Aidan now. Later! 🙂

(Thank you, Uncle A, for making the Clubhouse happen!!!! Aidan loves it!)

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My Pleasant Sunday…

– Waking up at 10:15am.
– Writing ’til my fingers fell off.
– Chatting all day with my one of my most favorite people ever.
– Downloading music like whoa.
– Writing some more.
– Burning that heavenly Nag Champa. Mmmmmm.
– Feeling more content and relaxed than I have in a long, long time.


If only life could always be like this. Maybe someday it will.

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