
Sometimes, Irony is too Great.

From astrology.com:

Greetings Ronica –

Here is your horoscope for Monday, January 9:

If you’ve always felt like you had the right to write, now is the time to get started. Read great books for inspiration. Talk with other people who are in the same boat. Then get your butt in the chair and get started.

Um… mrph? Ha ha ha.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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So True…

You have big plans. You are ready for a mini-adventure, but responsibilities may prevent you from following your heart’s desire now. No matter what you must do, bring your own special sense of inspiration to it. Although you must fulfill your commitments, you still can be free to journey — even if only in your own mind.

All day long, I’ve been ITCHING to write. And now, I’m so worn out mentally that I don’t know if I can even start–especially since I have a drama club meeting in a few.


Note to self: GET TO WORK!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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You may not be feeling as positive as you’d wish, but you have a strong inner resolve that you can rely on — no matter what’s happening in your outer life. Things are changing for reasons that you might not yet understand. Let go of whatever is already slipping away. Don’t try to stop the process. Room is being made for new opportunities which will soon enter your life.

Let it all go…..
Embrace the new…..

And maybe do some Yoga in the meantime…

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Talking Stars

Hmm, this feels strangely familiar…..

“Greetings Ronica —

Here is your horoscope for Wednesday, August 11:

Your plans for the evening may need to be rescheduled, but don’t be mad. If all else fails, you can always spend an evening alone with you — and isn’t it about time you did that anyway?

Well, damned if this didn’t come true. 🙁

Except for the “alone with me” part. Instead, I get to try to refrain from losing it as a cranky toddler who didn’t get a nap today screams at me because apparently, I can do no right by him. 🙁 🙁 🙁

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