Day: June 14, 2008

Blasts From The Past (Pictures)

Adam’s in the suburbs for the day, so I am helping myself to his scanner. I’ve decided to embarrass myself by posting a few old photos of myself.

Here’s a photo of me when I was sixteen years old. I LOVE my Life Saver earrings. I was also very into The Party, as you can see by the pictures on my wall.

Here I am at my high school graduation.

In my sophomore year college dorm room. Can you guess what I was really into then? (And still am?)

This was July 4, 1996. Almost twelve years ago! Isn’t that crazy?

I challenge you to post old and possibly dorky pictures of yourself. 🙂

See ya!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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A Survey

1. First Name: Ronica
2. Age: Do I have to? Fine, I’m 33. :O I still get mistaken for much younger, though. Just the other day, a guy told me he thought I was 17.
3. Location: Chicago, IL as of March 2008
4. Occupation: I’m a free agent these days.
5. Partner: Adam.
6. Kids: Aidan
7. Brothers/Sisters: Yes
8. Pets: For now, I am sharing Crookshanks with Adam.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
a. Having Aidan for the summer
b. Looking for a decent job
c. Dealing with the brand new wedding plans (details soon)

10. Where and for what did you go to school? I went to Ohio State and got a BA in Psychology
11. Parents: They live in OH
12. Who are some of your closest friends? Adam, Andy, Ivy, Rosa, Jen, Kelle Belle, Chris

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Ivy was kind enough to send us some of her YUMMY homemade lemon cookies. Those things are so good, and I’m glad I have people to share them with this time. Last time, I ate them all myself. 🙂

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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