Happy July 4th, you crazy cats! It’s been a while since I’ve last posted, but I hope to have time to post more often soon. Aidan is currently playing with a whoopee cushion. You can imagine how that’s going.
Since I last wrote, I’ve been sick (we think norovirus), I’ve been working a lot (I’m talking 12-14 hour days), meeting a lot of authors, and trying to maintain my sanity in the midst of all the craziness. My cat, Helena, has decided to hell with the litter box and has pooped in the following places: the bathroom (behind and in front of the toilet), a bag of potatoes, the rug in the living room, the kitchen floor, Adam’s hat, and Aidan’s clothes. I told Adam to get her to the vet ASAP while I am out of the house tomorrow because she could be seriously sick even though otherwise she’s acting totally normal. I think he wants ME to take her but I won’t have time for weeks and she may need help now. I don’t want to wait too long. We lost Lucy because I waited too long.
Honestly, this all started when Adam put in the cat door, which none of the cats seem keen on using without a massive amount of prompting. Our cats are divas.
Anyway, I’ve gotten to do some cool stuff even though I’ve been so busy. Like these:

I met Judy Blume!

And Weird Al
(I totally asked him what he used on his curls.
He said whatever’s in the hotel bathroom.)
I got to meet TONS of authors at the American Library Association (ALA 2013) conference, including….

Lois Lowry!!!
Along with Elizabeth Scott (!!!), Marie Lu, Ally Carter, Mike Mullin, and tons more. I saw Veronica Roth from a distance (Aidan: You wanted to go down here just to LOOK at her?), and I saw Tanya Lee Stone but didn’t want to interrupt her while she was chatting. I also chatted with Mari Mancusi a bit, and I got to see and hug Laurie Halse Anderson and Sarah Dessen. Guys, if anyone had told me that I’d be friends with Sarah Dessen and Laurie Halse Anderson, or get a hug from Elizabeth Scott, I’d have never believed it.
Being there, around all those authors and books and book lovers was so inspiring. 🙂
I’ve been bitten badly by the travel bug and I want to go ALL THE PLACES. I am more than halfway considering a solo trip to Disney World in September. I have until the end of July to decide to get the deal that’s being offered, but I’m like 65% there. I do worry I won’t have as much fun when I’m alone, but on the other hand, I want to experience the freedom of going alone at least once in my life. I also want to visit friends everywhere. All of that will probably have to wait until the fall or later, though. We’ll see.
Summer has been very cool here, to my disappointment. It makes me worry that winter will be hellishly cold. You all know how I hate the cold. I think I’m going to try to go to 2-3 warm places to get away. But on July 2, we had a high of 65F. What kinda crap is that? Today’s high is supposed to be 80F, which is way more reasonable, but I still need to sit in the sun to feel any bit of warmth. *sigh*
That’s all for now. Funny, when I write it out, it doesn’t SEEM like I’ve been all that busy, but believe me, I have. Happy to have today to do nothing!
Till next time….
Girl you are as busy as I have been. I am struggling here and cannot figure it out. HELLO you met Judy Blume…man her books take me back to a very “innocent” time……..
I just keep having faith that all the stuff that needs to get done will get done, but it’s hard when you’re the one doing it all, right? I hope things calm down for you soon. Is GG getting a lot of calls?
I know who Veronica Roth is! lol, I don’t read much. That’s cool though.
I don’t think a solo trip to Disney would ever happen for me. I know too may Disney fans and last time we were there, my parents wouldn’t let me go to the Magic Kingdom by myself o_O I can’t imagine it being as fun as when you’re with people though, unless you make some friends while you’re there. It’d be nice for a couple of days maybe, but I don’t think I could do it for longer than that.