Making: a mental list of things to pack for ohio and things to do before ohio. and another header for my blog. i just can’t get satisfied!
Cooking: nothing right now because as usual, i can’t decide what i want to eat for dinner.
Drinking: zevia ginger ale. ginger ale is the only pop i allow myself to drink.
Reading: harry potter and the deathly hallows. again.
Wanting: my pink combat boots to arrive already.
Looking: at my computer screen.
Playing: lego harry potter years 5-7 on the 3ds.
Wasting: time. always time.
Wishing: i could decide what to eat.
Enjoying: these relaxing days i’ve been having.
Waiting: to see my mommy and cousins next week.
Liking: new music on my playlist. and ios7. it’s so cute.
Wondering: when disney will put out its winter/spring 2014 promotions.
Loving: my family.
Hoping: that adam doesn’t make me drive the whole way to ohio. also that the leaves have started changing colors. i want to take some pictures!
Marveling: life in general.
Needing: to figure out what i should have for dinner. i actually want sushi but the hermit in me doesn’t want to go pick it up. i know, it’s bad.
Smelling: skin.
Wearing: pink leggings and a shirt with dancing bananas on it.
Following: too many blogs.
Noticing: anything plaid. boots and bags.
Knowing: it’s going to be getting cold soon and i don’t like that. but i have autumn to get through first, so that’s good. our leaves haven’t even started changing yet.
Thinking: about things to do next week.
Bookmarking: nothing.
Opening: nothing.
Giggling: some gifs on tumblr. people are crazy on that site.
Feeling: a little tired and hungry.
what can I say? illy has the best posts. she got it from here. 🙂