We’re just a hair over two weeks into 2015, and I must say that I have no complaints. We had some super cold days, but seeing as I work from home, I haven’t had to deal with them much. And the day I needed to go out? The temps jumped up to 30F.

So far, January for me has been reading reading reading. Lots of reading. Some for pleasure, and some for work, work, and more work, for which I am grateful.
I’m doing work for Pivot Point Academy, which is a beauty school. My project is very interesting. I am proofreading Dutch books, and learning a lot of Dutch cosmetology terms in the meantime. For example:
kleur = color
haar = hair
dik = thick
I like this work, I like the team, and I really hope I get the chance to continue working for them once this project is over.
I am also working for Berlitz again, a huge and fast project that is kind of high maintenance. It’s all right, though, because it’s money, and again, I really like the person I’m working with.
Those are my paying jobs for now. I’m also still doing the work-trade thing for Moksha, and I’m not sure if I mentioned that I’m doing work-trade for The Dailey Method as well. I work in their kids room. It’s very early every other Sunday, so I wake up grumbling about it. But then, when I’m in there, and a little kiddo comes in, I melt. Especially when they start off shy, but then halfway through the hour, they are climbing on me. Last Sunday, one of the little ones, Noah, came. Now, my first day doing this, in October of last year, Noah showed up, took one look at me and freaked out so much his mom had to leave! It kind of hurt my feelings! I mean, it may not have been me. Children are so unpredictable, any factor could have played into the fit he threw. But this time, he waved and smiled shyly at me, and then halfway through, he was on my lap. And he pretended to make me breakfast!
So, it’s rewarding as well as exhausting to work in the kid’s room. But it’s worth it because the kids are typically very sweet and friendly, and I get so many credits to use at The Dailey Method. I love working out there.
I haven’t done any working out this year yet. How horrible is that? Either it’s been too cold for my tastes, or I’ve been buried under deadlines, and let’s face it, maybe I’ve been too lazy. But my body is craving movement, so once I clear some of these deadlines (!), it’s back to Moksha (for real!) and The Dailey Method for me.
I’ve become obsessed with the song Elastic Heart by Sia. I heard about it while browsing tumblr, apparently there is controversy around the whole little girl dancing with a grown man or whatever. People are so dumb sometimes. The video is beautiful and sad and the song is amazing.
Also, the little girl? Maddie Ziegler from Dance Moms. Her dancing is mind-blowing. The girl is so good. So, so, so good. Her dancing tells stories. Watch the video, and see for yourself.
I watched a few episodes of Dance Moms a few years ago and actually enjoyed it, once I get past the drama. Abby picks awesome music, and I always enjoy watching dance. Maybe I should start watching it again.
I watched Maleficent and REALLY enjoyed it. It was simple, and predictable, but sometimes I like that in a story. I don’t always need for a story to be complicated with 90,000 plot twists for it to be enjoyable.
I finished season 2 of Gilmore Girls over the weekend. I’ll start the third season when work settles down.
I’ve been reading recap blogs and would LOVE to do my own. I have one in reserve, but I’m not sure if I want to go in that direction. There are a billion VC Andrews recap blogs so not that. And all these recaps seem to require a level of critical thinking that I’m not sure I’m capable of or interest in doing a whole lot of. And of course, I am notorious for never following through on such things, so there’s that.
Anyway, this entry was pretty pointless, yeah? I just felt like checking in. Till next time….
One of my top priorities this spring is to actually watch Gilmore Girls sequentially. I’ve only ever seen random episodes. I’ll start Season 1 soon. So excited because I don’t remember it and have no idea what to expect!
I think you’ll enjoy it. I’m on season 3 now. 🙂
Wow. Dutch? That sounds very interesting. Are you going to be fluent by the summertime?
Ha ha, I do know some hair-related terms now! But not by sound, only by sight. It would be cool if I ended up fluent, though.