credit: spinfinite
my scramblings & ramblings
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100 truths
1. real name → Ronica
2. nickname → Ronni
3. single or taken → taken
4. zodiac sign → sagittarius
5. male or female → female
6. elementary → Corlette, Benjamin Franklin
7. middle → Whitney Young
8. high → John Adams
9. eye color → hazel
10. hair color → golden-brown with grey sneaking in (eek!)
11. hair: long or short → long
12. do you think of yourself as attractive → sometimes, when I get dressed up and put on makeup
13. do others find you attractive → *I’ve been told yes.
14. are you athletic → no
15. are you a health freak → no
16. height → 5’1″
17. do you have a crush on someone → not seriously
18. do you like yourself → on occasion
19. piercings you’ve had → belly button. it’s long gone.
20. tattoos → never
21. righty or lefty → righty
22. first surgery → c-section
23. first piercing → ears
missing 24
25. first award → some school thing, I’m sure
26. first disappointment → :/
27. first pet → random goldfish
28. first vacation → Ocean City, MD
29. first concert → Jackson Victory Tour
30. first crush → Matthew
31. first love → [redacted]
32. first CD → Al B. Sure – In Effect Mode
33. first car → 2002 Hyundai Accent
34. first kiss → Adam
35. first home → Cleveland OH
36. first friend → Shannon
37. first school → Corlette
38. first sport → n/a
39. first time → :/
40. first thought in the morning → I have to pee
41. first job → Gale’s
42. first hate → injustice
43. first memory → stacking shoes and getting pissed that they kept falling over
44. first bf/gf → Mike
45. sleepy → I could sleep
46. hungry → for a snack, I think
47. have to potty → I could pee
48. thirsty → yes
49. eating → nothing
50. drinking → nothing
51. breathing → air
52. i’m about to → write, or sleep or read or netflix
53. listening to → peacock tail by boards of canada
54. seeing → survey
55. waiting for → sleep to descend
missing 56
57. wearing → leggings, tank top
58. want kids? → I have one, that’s enough
59. want to get married? → welp
60. want a big house? → YES
61. in pain → a little
62. want someone with you → I’m missing people, but I’m OK being by myself right now
63. wishing for something → yes, an agent and an awesome book deal
64. in the kitchen → food, dishes, cats probably
65. outside → 72 and sunny
66. time → 7:10pm (so I’m thinking the sunny part isn’t quite right, it’s already dark out)
67. reason for taking this survey → just felt like it.
68. lips or eyes? → lips
69. hugs or kisses? → hugs
70. shorter or taller? → no preference
71. intelligence or attraction? → intelligence is attraction
72. romantic or spontaneous? → spontaneous
73. nice stomach or nice arms? → don’t care
74. career or homebody? → career
75. hook-up or relationship? → relationship
76. cute or hot? → cute
77. face or body → face
78. kissed a stranger → yes
missing 79
80. lost glasses/contacts → yes
81. ran away from home → maybe
82. broken any bones → no
missing 83
84. broken someone’s heart → yes
85. been arrested → no
86. turned someone down → yes
87. cried when someone died → what the fuck? of course.
88. liked a friend → yes
89. yourself → sometimes
90. miracles → not sure
91. love at first sight → not sure
92. aliens → dunno
93. Santa Clause → maybe
94. sex on the first date → don’t care
95. kissing on the first date → also don’t care
96. angels → not sure
97. is there one or more people you want to be with right now?
Right now, I’m by myself in the bedroom, cuddling with my teddy bear, and I’m OK with that.
98. Isn’t that dude Spencer off The Hills on MTV a total hottie?
LOL how old is this survey (I found it on an old friend’s Live Journal)
Missing #99
100. Do you believe in God? sometimes
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