I am writing this now, less than a out from the release of my debut novel, as a testimony and a promise. I want you to point me to this post if by some reason I become an asshole down the line.
When I’m a published author:
I will remain humble
I will remember how long it took me to get here
I will remember all the people who helped me along the way
I will do my best to pay it forward
I will welcome any and all fan art and fan fiction (oh please God let there be fan art and fan fiction)
I will avoid Goodreads the best I can
I will be ready for ANYTHING to happen, or nothing to happen at all
I will continue to be grateful that this dream of mine is finally coming true
I will not cull my Twitter or instagram to seem “cooler” or “more important”. If I do cull, it will be for my protection and to enforce safe boundaries
I will not tell people variations of “you can’t sit here” because they’re on a different part of their path from mine
I will not become a diva
I will not read reviews!!!!
I will never respond to reviews, especially if they’re negative!!!
I will protect my family
I will protect my mental and physical health
Most importantly….
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