god stuff

I’m Ready To Fly

I’ve been here grounded far too long
I’m ready to see the open wide
Ready to sing a different song
I’ve seen my troubles ‘long the way
I want to sail towards the sun
I want to turn another page
I’m on my way

I’m ready to fly
I’m ready to soar
I’m ready to leave this world behind
I’m ready to open up the door
I’m ready to fly
I’m ready to spread my wings across the sky
I think it’s time
I’m ready to go
I’m ready to fly

You’ve told me I could rise above
Like an eagle on the wind
I can glide upon Your love
But I feel the pull of gravity
And it’s a weight upon my shoulders
I can’t stay here any longer
I’ve gotta be free

And it’s been so long
Since I’ve seen the bright morning sun
Through the early morning horizon
And it’s been so long
Since I’ve felt the air under my wings
And seen all of these things
From above

Jeromy Deibler (FFH)

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All Moved In

I’m finally moved into my new desk at work. It’s actually my old desk. See, what had happened was….

Seriously. I sat at this desk when I first became an admin. Then I was moved to another desk, then another. And now, I’ve come full circle. Still working for a director. Just a different face.

So far, the “new” digs are nice. Very private. I’m going to miss having a window. But I love that I cannot hear anyone’s typing, I can keep tabs on the boss (via a mirror-thingy), there is no copy machine behind me making all sorts of noise, and I have so much more storage space!

So, the core of my work is Lotus Notes, and it’s totally hung up. I think the server might be down or something. So, I’m sitting here and updating, because what else can I do? All of my work is in LNotes!

I can’t believe it’s November 1st already. All Saint’s Day. Will I be a “saint” when I die? Psalm 103 says this:

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

All I have to say is THANK GOD FOR THAT! I mean, how screwed would we be if He did repay us as we deserved?

See, this is the thing. What it is is…

Seriously. I find that I beat myself up so much over my sins that maybe God feels He doesn’t need to. Imagine if we did it to ourselves, then had to deal with His wrath too? No fun at all.

Speaking of fun, I just thought of something I can do. The bulletin boards need to be updated. So ciao.

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