I really enjoyed 2012. It was a busy year full of amazing experiences, lots of learning, incredible people, and awesome opportunities!!
In January, I got to spend a significant amount of time with a friend who I’d admired for years. She and her beau came and stayed with us for just under a week and we had the greatest time. They’re the kind of people who energize rather than drain, and I know I’ve said it before, but having them around is a blessing.

adam, ryan, me, and s00j
In February, Adam and I went to Disney World. Which is always awesome!! Still, that trip was memorable because it was the first time I’d ever lost my luggage. It was MORE memorable because Adam and I were selected to be in the Jammin’ Jungle Parade at Animal Kingdom! Now that was an awesome experience!!!
In March, I started yoga teacher training at Moksha Yoga. In training, I am making new friends, I’m learning so much not only from teachers at Moksha, but from master teachers from all over the world, and I’m getting more and more involved with the Moksha community, which is something I’ve wanted to do from almost the first day I walked into the studio and took my first yoga class back in April of 2010.
April brought a sneak peek into an early Spring, and in May, I got to see one of my favorite authors, Laurie Halse Anderson, again! Now, this is a woman who takes her writing so very seriously. She really gets in there and lives her characters’ lives. I’ve never seen a writer so dedicated and inspiring.

I heart her!
AND I got to hang out with Ricky Luna, who I had the BIGGEST crush on for about three years while I was a teenager. He used to be on the Mickey Mouse Club in the 1990s, but now he’s a successful and amazing producer. You may have seen his name on some big time soundtracks lately.
June brought Summer and AIDAN! π
I was pretty busy this summer with teacher training stuff and freelance work, but we managed to make time to go out to the ‘burbs every Sunday to have dinner and shop or just spend time together. I think we hit every Half-Price Books in the Chicagoland area!
I thought my first “public” yoga class at Musecon, a creative convention in the Chicagoland area. They focus on things like music and writing and photography. Very relaxing and a lot of fun. I was really nervous about teaching there, but I got good feedback and they asked me to teach again in 2013! π
Eventually, Aidan went back to Ohio to start fourth grade. He was accepted into his schools’ gifted program, and he’s thriving in it.
We did manage to make it to Worldcon/Chicon in September, and we were also able to visit my mom and some cousins in Ohio. October was pretty much a blur for both Adam and me as we were swamped with school and work. I did take time out to see the Kellogg’s Tour of Gymnastics Champions, and when I realized I had an opportunity to meet John Barrowman on Halloween, I dropped EVERYTHING and made it happen!
We threw an election party in November, where Adam served the most delicious stew and cornbread and even flew Aidan out for the occasion, and then Aidan flew out just a few days later to spend Thanksgiving with us. π I also got the best purse ever.
And this brings us to December, when I finished up my second apprenticeship and teaching my karma/community classes for teacher training. We had a lovely Christmas in Ohio, then drove back to Chicago so Aidan could see what Santa left for him here. (It was a lot.) We celebrated Aidan’s TENTH birthday with a trip to the LEGO store downtown, and dinner from Harold’s Chicken Shack.
Those are just a few highlights–I could go on and on. But I want to do the end of year survey too, so I’ll refrain. You can always look through my 2012 tag on Flickr to see what else I got up to this year, if you want! π
So, on to the survey!
Was 2012 a good year for you?
For the most part, yes!
What did you do in 2012 that youβd never done before?
– yoga teacher training
– certain yoga poses (sundial/compass, forearm balance, mermaid…)
– been in a Disney parade
– King Spa
– got a body scrub
Did anyone close to you give birth?
I know people who had babies, but no one particularly close to me.
Did anyone close to you die?
No, thank goodness
What countries did you visit?
What date(s) from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
– February 15, 2013: the day I was in a Disney parade!
– March 5, 2012: the day I decided to do teacher training
– October 31, 2012: the day I met John Barrowman
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Surviving yoga teacher training!
What was your biggest failure?
Didnβt complete writing a novel. Boo.
Struggling with my weight and body image. Sigh.
Did you suffer illness or injury?
A few colds, and one really bad cold sore outbreak. Ick.
Where did most of your money go?
Disney trip, yoga teacher training, books, clothes, gifts
What song(s) will always remind you of 2012?
Sail by Awolnation
Lights by Ellie Goulding
What do you wish youβd done more of?
– writing
– yoga
– traveling
What do you wish youβd done less of?
– sleeping
– shopping
What was your greatest musical discovery?
I honestly cannot narrow this down. I got to discover lots of cool new music! π
What did you want and get?
– Disney trip
– books
– a raise
– asked to be a workshop manager at Moksha
What did you want and not get?
– MORE AIDAN TIME (there is never enough)
– a flat stomach
– a trip out of the country
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 38. I taught a yoga class, had brunch with Adam and my friend Graham, opened presents, watched Queer as Folk (my present), wrapped gifts, and watched Christmas programs.
What kept you sane?
– Reading. Lots of reading.
– My family. My kitty cats.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
John Barrowman π
What political issue stirred you the most?
Well, there was an election this year right?
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012:
Listening to my body is more important than following a bunch of arbitrary rules.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
– Yoga clothes. Leggings, capris, tanks, legwarmers. The brighter the better.
– Jeans and t-shirts.
– Jeans and sweaters.
– Pop color jeans and boots.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I really need to quit screwing around and REALLY FOCUS on writing again. I want to, but apparently not enough because I can’t bring myself to do it. Other than that, not much. 2012 was pretty awesome.
In 2013, I am looking forward to Disney World, getting my 200-hour yoga teaching certification, traveling (I have been explicitly invited to visit the O.C., Los Angeles, Arkansas, and Atlanta) attending a billion workshops as a workshop manager at Moksha, discovering new music, seeing friends and family, and many other wonderful things. IT’S GONE BE GOOD!!!