Ode to Summer In The City

my scramblings & ramblings
Time is flying. I can’t believe that next week it’ll be autumn. Seems like it was just summer, and I was wearing my tiny shorts and tank tops. Today, I was all bundled up, which made some people tease me. (Forgive me, I freeze easily!) Some people had on short sleeves and shorts. And every time I am freezing at work, at least one person is like “You’re cold? It’s hot in here to me!”
I have the space heater blowing on my feet now, while Adam basks in the air conditioning. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?
Sorry I haven’t been so active on the blog here. Besides that fact that I’ve spent some time on tumblr, I’ve been pretty busy. I did get the bathroom cleaned up, but now my room and my “nest” is a hot mess. I’ve been working onsite for two of my favorite clients, trying to squeeze in yoga classes, and attending workshops and extra courses. Spent all weekend at a Building Blocks of Alignment workshop, and started my Thursday night anatomy classes. First weekend of September was spent at WorldCon, where I got to spend time with friends I hadn’t seen since 2009, and some who I’d seen a little bit more recently. I also blew a nice chunk of change in the Dealer’s Room–there’s something about handmade jewelry that’s just super hard to resist. And hair falls! I got new hair falls!
I guess, if I were to use a few photos to sum up what I’ve been up to the past few weeks, it’d be this:
And that’s just a tiny sampling! But it’s a good kind of busy though. It’s tiring, but fulfilling. And I’m grateful for it.
Aidan is back in Ohio. He left early this afternoon. It was hard. It always is. The summer good-bye is always the hardest, though. Because he’s been with me for so long and I’ve gotten so used to him being here. It’s so quiet in the apartment now.
Yesterday, all three of us went to Naperville just to hang out–our last full day of hanging out in the summer of 2012.
We had a fun day. I miss that little booger. *sigh* But this year, I did something I’d never gotten the chance to do. I got to buy Aidan all his school supplies and some of his school clothes! Chris and Matt usually do that after Aidan’s in Ohio. Chris did buy most of Aidan’s school clothes, and Matt got him his backpack. But I got to buy all the supplies (I’ll take any excuse to buy office/school supplies) and his lunchbox and socks and stuff like that. Probably kinda silly to get excited over that, but I’m not going to apologize for it.
So, this evening I’ve been sort of relaxing but also trying to sort out all the stuff I need to start focusing on. It’s time for seasonal deep cleaning. The annoying thing about cleaning is that it doesn’t STAY that way after all that hard work. But a dear friend of mine pointed me toward the UFYH tumblr and it has some really great ideas about getting stuff done. Adam wants to reorganize our coat closet area in the front room, which I’m totally in agreement with. I have a LOT of coats and I’d love to see them all contained in a wardrobe that CLOSES. If we can find one big enough. I’d like it to have room to hold shoes and purses as well. I know.
I also need to go through all my clothes and get rid of stuff. Like for real. I have too many clothes and nowhere to put them. It’s time to go HAM on that stuff. The last time I did that was 2008. Basically, here is a rundown of all the work I want to do:
– Declutter my closets. All three of them. Getting rid of clothes, shoes, coats, anything I simply cannot fit or don’t/won’t wear anymore.
– Thorough cleaning of Aidan’s room. Boys are truly disgusting sometimes. I’m not sure WHAT Aidan did in there but man. Adam and I have our work cut out for us.
– Clean up the foyer. The motor oil stain on the carpet out there–we can’t do anything about (don’t even ask but it wasn’t our fault), but there are random boots and shovels and paint cans out there. I’d like to clean it up at least a little bit.
– Organize all my CDs. I have a buttload of CDs and I have to figure out how to get them somewhere easily accessible yet they need to be nicely organized.
-Redo the DVD shelves. They WERE organized, but Aidan and Adam have since ransacked the things looking for certain DVDs and/or video games.
– Unclutter my lotions, soaps, hair products, fragrances, makeup, etc. I have SO MUCH of that stuff and most of it just needs to GTFO.
– Clean out the refrigerator. It’s back to being a hot mess.
– Clean out carb city. Cause there are things there that have been there since 2008 or 2009 (unopened, of course), and y’all, that ain’t kosher.
– Get rid of old magazines and catalogs. I don’t know WHY I am holding on to some of my magazines… I get so many free subscriptions and honestly, the ONLY ONES I ever really read are Reader’s Digest and Yoga Journal (which are not free, go figure), so I need to let all the other subscriptions run out and just keep those two, right? I mean, I LIKE having my bathroom filled with Popular Science (come on, it’s SCIENCE!) and W and the Rachael Ray magazine (they were all free!), but Newsweek is usually outdated by the time I get around to reading it. I don’t even know what else I subscribe to. Oh wait, Fitness or Self or Shape something like that. I don’t need to renew those subscriptions. And catalogs. I keep Free People around for writing inspiration, but I need to just cut out the pictures I like and trash the rest. I don’t want to get rid of my American Girl catalogs but seeing as I have them come to two different addresses, I don’t need to have doubles of all of them, now do I?
– Do something about the HUGE number of books I have. Which will be painful, but is so necessary. We’re completely out of shelf space.
– Clean up my doll display. I still haven’t unboxed my Designer Jasmine and Tiana, and one of my Ellowyne Wilde dolls is hidden behind a baby Tiana doll. Poor Katniss is sitting here like “WTF. You bought me as soon as you could and now I’m just sitting here in the box.” I need to change my Julie out of her summer clothes and into an autumn outfit and maybe I should think about displaying another American Girl doll because I have 12 of them and most of them are in a bin in Aidan’s room.
Some of these need to be done immediately, others (like the CDs and DVDs) are pipe dream projects that will happen when I’m inspired, have time, and really just want to get it DONE. I also feel like some trips to Garden Ridge and/or The Container Store and/or Ikea need to happen for everything to take place like I want it. AND I need to have a plan when I go into those stores. We went to Ikea last week and my mind just goes like this about EVERYTHING whenever I’m there:
And then I get all overwhelmed and I’m just like:
So I really need to have some sort of plan before I hit those stores. It’s cute that Ikea sent me a huge catalog the other day, isn’t it, tho?
Basically, though, for my sanity and just because it’s better, I need to seriously tackle some projects around the house. Get some music on, bust it out, room by room, and be like:
Maybe I can post before/after pictures? Make it kind of a series here? What do you think? I wonder if I could even stick to it, but it would be great accountability….
In other words, I got my yoga teacher training midterm today. Twelve pages, 225 questions, 4.5 credit hours. I have until September 20 to get it done. Trying to coordinate meetings with my other classmates so we can work on it together. I’ve already filled out a few answers that I knew off the top of my head. We’ll see how it goes.
My 2013 Life Planner arrived on Saturday. I think it’s super pretty! π
My 2012 Life Planner has been amazing. I take the thing just about everywhere and I love showing it off to people. It’s worth every dime I paid for it, and I’ve already started filling in my 2013 Life Planner. Lots of yoga teacher training things to populate.
And this guy finally got to come home with me:
Love Beast! π
One thing I really want to do is cut back on my Internet time. I waste away many, many hours on tumblr and Facebook games when I have toys to be played with, books to read, hell, books to WRITE, yoga poses to practice, journals to write in, pictures to take, an exercise bike to use, and of course, there is that list^^ of all the cleaning I need to tackle. But it’s hard because as a freelancer, I am essentially ON CALL and need to be available, at least from 9am-5pm M-F. (Who am I kidding? Like I actually get up at 9am!) And I’m actually really happy with the amount of work I’ve been getting. It’s just the right balance. Enough to keep me quite busy, but it’s not taking over my entire life and stressing me out to the point of tears and wishing I would get sick so I could call off work.
But in the evenings? I really need to unplug. One thing I loved about the movie Juno was that the parents were never on their computers. They were always doing crafts or projects–engaging in hobbies that were not computer/tablet/smartphone related. And even though I suspect that Juno was set in a time when life wasn’t so computer-centered, it’s still nice to see.
OK, this entry is really long. Sorry about that. I guess I had a lot to say.
‘Til next time!
So, I’ve been in kind of a funk for a while. I have’t had anything really good to write about, I’ve been tired, and I’ve been busy as well. If I start posting memes or really short entries, then you know that I’m either super busy or just uninspired. This time I was uninspired. And busy too, I suppose. But mostly lazy. π
I don’t take my medication like I’m supposed to. Part of the reason is that it’s expensive and I’m trying to stretch it out as long as I can. I cut the pills in half, and I take it when I feel like I need it, and I felt like it last night, even though I knew I’d probably have a hard time sleeping. I was so tired, though, I figured I’d be OK.
So… I was up at 3am. Wide awake. I scooped the litter boxes, cleaned up the kitchen and bathroom somewhat, finished the first draft of the September Moksha newsletter, turned in my timesheet for last week, and did a yoga practice, in which I did ANOTHER breakthrough pose: Mermaid. MY HOLY GRAIL POSE. Guys, I DID MY HOLY GRAIL POSE THIS MORNING.
I went through a yoga funk for most of July. I was just NOT INTO IT. I didn’t go to classes regularly, I barely practiced at home… it just wasn’t the thing for me. I even skipped one of my Tuesday classes (arm balances because guys, I suck at most arm balances and I just didn’t want to be bothered), and yeah. It wasn’t good. I think it had something to do with Mercury being in retrograde, because now I’m back to loving yoga again. Or maybe I was just in a tamasic (lazy) period.
Anyway, I’m glad to be back. π
Here is me and Ariel at last week’s homework review. We were talking about Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose) and well, we had to demonstrate. π
And in the random….
I have loads of playlists on my iPod, but I think I finally got my Commute Mix sorted. At least for now:
See how everything has a genre, an artist, and an album? I am super anal about my playlist. I hate to see blank spaces or jacked up genres. I’m also not above making up genres to suit my needs (like “Marching Band” or “Patriotic”). What’s on your playlist these days?
And finally, It’s a chilly 64F outside right now with rain. Adam’s loving this weather; it’s his favorite. You all know what I like and fortunately, it’ll be back tomorrow. But I figured that since today is fall weather, I can wear fall clothes.
And finally, I’m featured over at Crazy, Beautiful, Unique today! Celeste is a super sweetheart with awesome hair. π Go visit!
‘Til next time! π
It’s August, you guys. How did it get to be August? So many things coming to an end this month. Today was the last day of my first yoga teacher training apprenticeship. Next Tuesday will be the last day of Foundations training. And next Wednesday evening is my last homework review.
Which means it’ll be time for me to settle down and play catch up for a bit. I’ve got loads of plates to color in my Anatomy Coloring Book, some reading to catch up on, and some things to prepare for in the fall. But I am definitely going to take a breather because it’s gonna be CRAZY once fall hits!
I didn’t talk much about my apprenticeship here. I did most of my venting regarding that over on my yoga blog. Not venting in a bad way at all. Amber was great. I learned so much from her. I got to teach poses in three different classes, and by my third class, people were complimenting me. π Complimenting me on my teaching, on my adjustments… it was pretty cool.
Honestly, I’ve spent a great deal of July slacking off. I mean, I’ve been going to training and workshops and things, but I didn’t go to a lot of yoga classes in July. I have been working like crazy–it’s busy time for my clients–and spending WAY TOO MUCH TIME playing SimCity Social (taking a break from FarmVille) and reading tumblr. So I’ve been doing what I’m supposed to do, but I’ve not been taking time to do more productive things in my free time. There is a saying out there that says any time doing something fun is not time wasted, but well, you know.
I need to get back focused, though. More exercising–back to yoga and back on my exercise bike–and getting my coloring and reading handled. So, there you go. A quick update. I’m tired now, so I’m heading to bed. ‘Til next time!
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