
What a Week!

Time really is flying. Is it really already March 18? How did this happen? Spring will OFFICIALLY be here in just a few days! But Chicago’s been having some wonderful Spring weather already. Seriously, every day has been gorgeous out! I love it.

Monday, I went to a yoga class, then I headed downtown to do some shopping (I needed some school supplies, a new yoga mat bag, and Old Navy is having their stock up sale. Buy one tee/tank, get one free.) and to get a mani/pedi! The mani was just OK but the pedi looks fantastic!

Sparkly Toenails
yay shiny!

Tuesday was my first day of yoga teacher training! An entire day of learning about downward facing dog. Everything you ever wanted to know about downward facing dog. And we didn’t even scratch the surface. There is so much. I was honestly a bit overwhelmed, not just at that, but at the amount of information I have to learn overall. I was also overwhelmed at how excited I was to be learning all of it and how eager I was to share what I learned to help my friends with their downward facing dogs. My friend Missy doesn’t believe for one second it will ever become a “resting pose” for her. I told her that takes time. It took me six months before I ever thought to myself (while in class) “Thank GOD down dog!!”

Wednesday, I took it easy. It was soooo super gorgeous out! We took a very exciting trip to The Home Depot, where Adam got a new grill, some charcoal, and other assorted grilling fun things. I took to the back porch to sit out in the warm air.

Enjoying The Lovely Day
I look like I have a football head here.

Thursday, I was back in the office at VSA.

Ready to do some Hardcore Proofreading
All right, misspellings and grammatical errors.
It’s ON.

I like it there. They give me the work and leave me alone to do that. When someone does that, it means they trust me to do the work they hired me for. And that makes me feel good. Plus, the person I work most closely with? She has bleached hair with BLUE TIPS, and she likes Doctor Who. She HAS A TARDIS ON HER DESK. HOW awesome is that? There was also free breakfast that day. ROCK. ON.

The Heroes The Eleventh Doctor The Doctor and His Tardis

Nine, K-9, and Captain Jack Nine and Child Slatheen
some of MY Doctor Who toys

I got of work out early enough that I was able to go to the yoga nidra class at Moksha. Very nice. Friday was another day at work, but I was done at 4:30!

Which takes me to Saturday. I was awakened at 5am by sirens and sirens and sirens. I’d heard sirens stop on my street before, but it was usually an ambulance or something. Not this time!


Yeah. That was happening. Across the street and down a few doors. I didn’t get that close; Adam found this picture on his instagram feed.

It scared me. Once I realized everything was under control, I couldn’t stop shaking for ten minutes. But the floors were unoccupied, and one of the businesses in the building was open at 8am! I didn’t get back to sleep until 7am, then I rolled out of bed at noon. Spent the day doing a few errands and cleaning the living room like a MOFO. See, part of teacher training is that we have to do a 15-20 minute home practice every day. That’s kind of difficult when the living room is so cluttered that one can barely walk across the floor. So, I handled that. Then I was cruising through practice when Crookshanks happened.

Cat Savasana

Crookshanks ALWAYS happens, and it’s going to be interesting as I progress through the training, to see if he’ll get in my way every single day.

I moved to Chicago on March 17, 2008. It was an overcast, cold day. Temps were in the 30s and there were flurries. I didn’t know what to expect. And I definitely didn’t see myself where I am today (except for the being married to Adam part). Life is funny, don’t you think? And also wonderful.


Only 4 DAYS, 22 HOURS ’til THE HUNGER GAMES! (I’ve already got my tickets.)
Only 6 DAYS ’til I get to see s00j again!!

OK, I’m hungry. See ya later!


Feeling Content on a Monday

Content on a Monday

There is a chicken roasting in the Crock-Pot. It smells really really good. I hope Adam’s planning on corn and mashed potatoes as sides. That’s a nice, comforting meal, don’t you think?

I’m wearing my new Juicy Couture warm up suit. Just so you know, I love Juicy and I never pay full price for it. (Well except once, back in 2006, but I didn’t know better then. I did learn that they make the best hoodies out there, though.) I always get my Juicy stuff from this site called Rue La La (one of those sites that emails you all the deals they have going on for the day) or Nordstrom Rack. They don’t have Juicy on sale all the time, but when they do, I like to take advantage. Some people might think it’s stupid that I pay so much for Juicy (even when it’s deeply discounted it’s still a bit more than a warm up suit from say, Old Navy or something), but for me, it’s worth it. I haven’t had warm ups that were as warm and cozy from anyone else.

Adam went to take the rent and he’s brought me back a cupcake from Molly’s Cupcakes. Molly’s is the best cupcake shop in Chicago. I’ve tried a bunch so I know what I’m talking about. ๐Ÿ™‚

Blueberry Cheesecake Cupcake
blueberry cheesecake cupcake goodness

I made it through all my library books and I’ve decided to reread Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince again. I definitely have a giant to read pile next to my bed and also on one of the bookcases I sit in front of every day, but sometimes I just want something familiar, you know?

Crookshanks has taken to sleeping under Adam’s desk. He’s all the way across the room and I can hear him snoring like he’s a grown man. Which in a way he is.

It’s sunny out but still cold. I mean, 35F isn’t bad actually but you know me. I am very ready for 80F and higher! I am not sure if the Disney trip made my craving for summer worse or what! But it’s OK. I don’t mind this craving if it means a mid-winter Disney trip is what caused it.

Aidan managed to talk me into paying 99ยข for the full version of Fruit Ninja for my phone. I’m sure he didn’t realize that I probably wouldn’t have done so if I didn’t enjoy the game so much myself. And I also have an iTunes credit balance, so there you go. A few years ago, I won a $50 iTunes gift card which I’ve been milking, and then Aidan got me a $15 iTunes gift card for my birthday. iTunes gift cards = fun apps for Ronni’s iPhone!

Oooh, and I just got word that I won the cutest set of earring from Miss Kait‘s blog. I love earrings and I love winning giveaways. So this is PERFECT. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh and now this is sitting beside me:


It IS a good Monday. ๐Ÿ™‚

That’s enough for now. Til next time!

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters


Wednesday Randomness

Random Wednesday Night

I’m freelancing in an office this week and I like it. One of the people I work with has a TARDIS on her desk, and the guy who sits next to me brings me Fritos and sounds like David Bromstad from Colorsplash. I love listening to him talk. I worked a couple of days for this place back in 2010, so it’s nice to be back. The place has nice vibes and the office is gorgeous. And of course, making extra $$ is always a good thing.

Working onsite means I have to be on a normal sleep schedule. Actually, I managed to regulate myself when I went to Disney World. Having only three hours of sleep or so that first day really made me sleepy that night, so I was able to get up at a decent hour the next morning. (We won’t talk about what happened during a few of the nights after I got back. The night owl lives long and hard in me.) I didn’t sleep well Sunday or Monday night, though, and I paid for it Tuesday. I was really tired all day. I crashed EARLY, but I felt OK when I woke up today. So I’m normal… for now at least!

I’ve discovered the Mad Men Volume 1 score and it is FANTASTIC. It’s only 36 minutes, though, so it goes by quickly. But it’s really good music. Listening to Torchwood now.

I am SO READY for summer to be here. I know the days are getting longer every day, but I really am tired of it being pitch black by 6pm. It was worse when it was pitch black by 4:15pm–thank God we won’t have to worry about that again for several months. Isn’t it funny? I’m such a night owl, but I love my long summer days.

Other Things I Love About Summer
1. It’s warm/hot.
2. Wearing dresses, tank tops, and shorts.
3. Walking places isn’t as big a hassle.
4. I can do a “wash and wear” for my hair in the mornings (if I’m actually UP at such a time!) without worrying about it freezing.
5. Cookouts.
6. Berries in season.
7. Aidan’s here!!!
8. No need to wear 45983758953075 layers of clothing and outerwear.
9. No snow, ice, sleet and other assorted horrible weather stuff.

There are some bad things, too. Things like thunderstorms, mosquitos, idiots who break into cars, and loud parties. But that doesn’t stop me from craving summer. Only 120 days.

Target had a sale last week: Buy one Sims game, get one free. This was me when I discovered the sale:

I got Generations and Pets, the two most expensive ones that I didn’t already have. I haven’t played much of them yet. Waiting ’til I get through this week of freelancing to really commit.

I really, really, really want to go back to Disney World. I haven’t even consumed all the snacks I brought home from my most recent trip. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to be there! I mean, we didn’t even get a chance to ride Spaceship Earth. What?

Oh well. We’ll be back there before long.

I’d better go do the responsible thing and get ready for bed. The word on the street is that tomorrow is going to be a long one. I’d better get a lot of rest. I need make sure I’m stocked on Red Thunder[1. Aldi’s brand of Red Bull] in case I get drowsy. And also snacks.

‘Til next time!


Thinky Thoughts


This winter’s been a weird one. Up until this point, the weather has been scarily mild (not complaining AT ALL), but I still haven’t had much desire to go outside. And right now, even though I am fully dressed, I’m really cold.

Which is good because I will be GOOD and ready for Disney World and warm Florida temperatures. We leave at (as Seanan would say) Oh God WHY o’clock in the morning for the airport, flight takes off at 6am, and I’m hoping to be in Magic Kingdom no later than noon! This means I’ll be consuming lots of energy shots once we land in Orlando so I can be good and awake.

I am so in need of warm sun on my skin. Warm sun PERIOD. I still have loads of stuff to do before the trip, but that’s cool. It’s stuff to keep me busy until we’re there.

In yoga, we talk a lot about seeing the light in people. And I start to think about the light in people who do really bad things. Like the father who blew himself and his two sons up in his house. Or the teenager who killed her nine year old neighbor. And I wonder about their lights. Do they have a light? Has it dimmed? Am I being judgemental by even wondering about it?

This is why I avoid the news. I know that if something super important goes down, I will find out about it. But I tend to stay away from watching CNN, local news, all that stuff.

I know that’s part of why I love Disney World so much. I go there, and I’m pretty much cut off. I’m in this happy fantasy world, and life is awesome. There’s music and rides and happy people and Mickey Mouse and desserts. Oh yes, desserts. And bright colors and flowers and princesses and sunshine. Did I mention that I’m ready for sunshine?

I had a lot of stuff on my mind, but it’s all escaping me right now. I’ve been dealing with random stomach pains and my appetite’s not been so good. Trying to turn my sleeping schedule into a normal one is a 1/2 step forward, 99 steps back operation. I’m just naturally a night owl, and playing the Sims 3 from 9pm until 4am just encourages it.

I worry all the time. I worry about Aidan. I worry about my mom. I worry about money. I worry that I’m wasting my life/time/talents. I worry about death and dying. I worry that I’ll never succeed at anything (especially in Chicago, where competition is fierce and I’m really starting to question if I am cut out for it).

Am I weird?

Wait, don’t answer that. I know I’m weird.

I love this cat more than any other cat alive.

I Love This Cat

Don’t get me wrong. I love Helena and Crookshanks, but Fi is my favorite. Shhh, don’t tell any of them I said that.

I wish my blog had more readers. I mean, I write stuff, I want people to read it! I have some envy for the blogs that have 1000+ followers. I know, it’s silly. It shouldn’t be a popularity contest. I tell myself I’d rather have a smaller following of quality people who comment and interact with me, but I’d honestly like a large following of quality people who comment and interact with me. Hmm, but then again, a larger following = a bigger chance for trolls. I’ve had that. Don’t want that again.

These are just the thoughts flipping around in my brain these days.


Linking up with:


February = AWESOME

I am determined that February will be awesome. For one thing, it’s a red and pink month. I don’t have synesthesia, but months have always had colors for me. January is blue and grey. March is green. And February is red and pink. Probably has more to do with the seasonal decorations than anything special my brain is doing.

But ANYWAY. February is going to be made of awesome because I SAID SO. I’m already one book ahead on my 2012 Reading Challenge, and today, I got back on my exercise bike after not using the poor thing for months. I just don’t want to be one of those people whose exercise equipment becomes a coat hanger.

Pre Workout
pre-workout myspace angle pic

I really do need to be committed to taking better care of myself. I got the bike because I know myself. Even if I paid $1,000/month for a gym membership, I’d never go. Part of the reason is that I had a bad experience with a gym. I am pretty sure the events are unrelated, but the last time I worked out really hard in a gym (January 2000), I caught a terrible round of the flu that night. I was sick for two weeks. IT SUCKED. Every time I think of a gym, I get scared that I’ll catch the flu if I go.

So, I figure it’s better for me to workout at home. For one thing, the bike is RIGHT THERE taunting me like “Dude. You’ve been on the couch for four hours. Get over here and get your workout on.”

Not only that, but I get FREE UNLIMITED YOGA at Moksha. It’s a seven minute walk from my apartment. I need to be going to a class at least three times every week. EVERY WEEK.

(I also have yoga DVDs here.)

There really is no excuse.

So today, February 1, 2012, I commit to being more physically active. No matter how much winter makes me want to hibernate. Otherwise, I’ll never be able to do this:

So, this has been the week of GETTING STUFF DONE. I used to rave about iProcrastinate, but Producteev is so much better. It has a reminder function. I can sync my tasks between the computer, the net, and my phone. It sends me emails when stuff is coming up due, and if I’ve forgotten something, it sends an email for that, too. And I can mark things as “done” in the email, send it on, and it’ll update everywhere. It really keeps me organized. Cloud software RULES.

Disney World in less than two weeks! That is AWESOME, y’all. I was going through a friend’s Disney pix and working myself all up. It’s a short trip–four days/three nights–but we’ll make the best of it. I guess I’m kind of in denial. I never pack or anything until very late the night before. I don’t know why I have to act like that. I *am* excited. Can’t wait to see Mickey and the gang and eat good food and just be cut off from the world.

I have a lot of prep to do for Disney. Like making a packing list. Checking in to our hotel. Asking Adam if he wants to pre-order the Photopass CD. Making arrangements for the kitty cats. A bunch of other stuff that escapes me right now. I can’t believe how chill I am. I used to freak out, making spreadsheets and all sorts of things for trips. Now I’m just like “Whatever. It’ll be good.”

When I get back from Disney, I need to work on Making More Money. I don’t like pinching pennies. And pennies don’t like to be pinched. It hurts them.

But I’m not going to worry about that now.

I’m sure I had some other stuff to write about, but I can’t remember any of it. So I’ll go for now.

‘Til next time.