living in chicago

Whut Up! (Pictures, Long)

Spring has (sorta) sprung in Chicago!


It was AWESOME having Aidan here for his Spring Break! He is such an awesome, cute kid. I love cuddling him and playing with him and talking with him and making him giggle. Easter morning was adorable. He was up at SEVEN THIRTY in the morning! He walked past his Easter stuff three times before I finally heard him gasp and ask “He came??” Adam brought him to have lunch with me at work almost every day Aidan was in town, and Aidan was a hit with my co-workers. The ice cream was a hit with Aidan. :)

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day in Chicago, so he and I made a day of it downtown.

In the Neighborhood
Aidan in the neighborhood before we headed downtown.

We went to Macy’s on State Street, which used to be Marshall Fields. Lovely Karen at the Philosophy counter told us to head to FAO Schwartz. I was originally taking Aidan to see the giant stuffed animals, but instead, they were having all sorts of fun activities, including balloon animals, live insects to play with (I held a millipede. They are so cool!), and paper flowers.

Aidan, Me, and Smurfs I Got My Face Painted
Aidan Turns Into Batman Aidan as Batman

Aidan as Batman

After we hung out on State Street, Aidan and I hopped on the Red Line, got off at Chicago, had “linner” at McDonald’s, and then walked to the American Girl Place on Michigan Avenue. He actually had a lot of fun in the store! He pretended to share his Push Pop with all the dolls and he LOVED the Itty Bitty Babies. He’s going to be a great daddy someday. :)

Anyway, someone came home with us from AGP yesterday:


Aidan made a tiny heart for Molly’s locket, and now she wears it all the time. She and the other girls got along very well. Molly couldn’t wait to join Ruthie and Riley for a slumber party:

Slumber Party!

I adore Ruthie’s hairstyle.

Usually, when I buy something that’s expensive, I experience buyer’s remorse. But I haven’t felt it at all with my new girls. I guess wanting them for 15-20 years erases the remorse in advance. ;)

Speaking of things that are not cheap, telling Aidan about Disney was entertaining. There was a letter from Mickey addressed to Aidan that said:

Dear Aidan,
I have heard that you have been a very good boy. You’ve been cleaning your room, doing well in school, and sharing your toys with your friends.

Your mommy wants to do something very special for you because you are a very special little boy.

Guess where you’re going this summer!!!!!

See you real soon!
Mickey Mouse

Aidan read the letter aloud, stumbling over a few of the bigger words. Then, this conversation ensued:

Aidan: I’m going to Florida?
Me: Yup. And what’s in Florida? Where does Mickey Mouse live?
Me: Yes! I’m taking you to Disney World this summer!”
*cat wanders by*
Aidan (distractedly): Disney World….
*cat sits*
Aidan: Can I pet the cat?
Me: … well, that was anti-climactic.

However, the more we talk about it, the more excited he gets. He says a YES for It’s A Small World, the carousel and Dumbo for sure, a strong MAYBE for Big Thunder Mountain, and a resounding NO on Tower of Terror.

Hmm, what else did I have to report? I’ve been on the lookout for a new messenger bag. My favorite one–I left a thing of McDonald’s BBQ sauce in the side pocket and of course it exploded. I wonder if I could take it the cleaners? It was time to switch to a spring bag anyway, but I’m having a hard time finding the perfect messenger bag. Anyone have any suggestions? Maybe I’ll check eBags. I’d like a pink one (or one with a funky pattern) that’s not too big, but has many compartments.

I guess that’s all for now. Will try to update more often, but you’ll understand why blogging was the least of my concerns the past ten days. Aidan’s back in Columbus until May 8th, when he’ll spend Mother’s Day weekend with me. When an Unaccompanied Minor flies, the parent has to wait at the gate until the plane is in the air. After doing that, then dealing with the CTA on the way home, Aidan was in Columbus before Adam and I had made it back to our apartment. Tell me that’s not crazy! I got out of the train station (was underground so no signal until I re-emerged) and there was a bunch of texts from Chris and a voice mail from Aidan: “I wanded. Daddy has me. Bye-byeee!”

Till next time! :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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What a Week! (Pictures, Long)

Lots have gone on since I’ve last updated. I’ll try to make it simple for simplicity’s sake. This post is long! :)

· Riley has a friend! I went online looking at AG dolls just to see what was out there, and to decide which one I would eventually purchase. Well, last Sunday, I was Googling QVC and American Girl and came up with a random lucky link. Ruthie, one of the dolls I was considering, was being sold with her accessories, a book, a hair brush, and an extra pair of pajamas for $76. Whoa? The doll and paperback book is $95 when purchased through regular channels. All that extra stuff with the doll? You’re looking at about $160 right there. Factoring in shipping and tax, she came to $86. I couldn’t pass her up. (I’m pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to stumble upon this link–it is not searchable at

She arrived yesterday (4 days before she was scheduled to!) and she and Riley took to each other right away!

Ruthie & Riley

· This morning, my friend Kari, who I’ve known online for years now, flew into Chicago to visit with some old college chums. This morning, we all met up for brunch at Le Peep. I had the Belgian Waffle Combo like I always do when I go. :)

Of course, Kari and I took some pix!

Brunch with Kari!

Brunch with Kari!

· Earlier this week, Joey and Rory were at my work singing for us and chatting with us. Joey’s voice is so amazing and unbelievably beautiful. She makes it sound easy and effortless. They’re both very nice and I wish them the best tomorrow at the ACM Awards!! :)

· Today, I got to see RENT!!! They’re in Chicago until April 12, and Adam and I popped into a matinee. We were in the orchestra seats, row W, which was pretty good. Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal were amazing as Mark and Roger, and Justin Johnson was absolutely STUNNING as Angel. Lexi Lawson was amazing as Mimi. Actually, they all did a wonderful job and this production was OFF THE HOOK. I was smiling and clapping while tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Afterward, Adam and I met up with one of the stage hands and we waited in line while a few of the cast members came out. I got my picture with John Watson, who plays Mr. Jefferson and other roles, and Adam Haplin, who plays Gordon other little roles.

RENT in ChicagoRENT in Chicago

After all of THAT excitement, I got to pretend I was Mimi when the theatre was almost empty:

Ouuttt Tonighttt!

What a rush, let me tell you! I’m no Lexi Lawson or Rosario Dawson or Daphne Rubin-Vega, but it was fun anyway.

· I booked another Disney trip!!! Disney is offering Free Dining starting in August, and it took me about 20 minutes to decide to think about SERIOUSLY taking Aidan. He’s at the perfect age and I really want to do this for him. I got a quote from Mouse Fan Travel instead of going directly through the Disney site this time. Why have I never done this before? My agent, Suzy, is awesome. This place allowed me to hold a spot for three days while I waited to hear back about getting the time off work. Then once I put down the deposit, she told me the day my ADR window will open, and said she’ll make them for me! If a special deal comes up, this agency will apply the savings proactively. No fees, so hidden little leprechauns to catch me by unpleasant surprise. So, Aidan, Adam and I are going in August for a few days. We’re staying at Pop Century. I like the theming at the place. So cool. It won’t be a terribly long trip, and it’ll be crowded and hot, but the food will be free and we’ll make the best of it. We’ll be at DISNEY WORLD! :D

Naturally I am very excited. Aidan doesn’t know yet. I’d been debating on how and when to tell him. Some people tell me to wait until just a few weeks or days before. Others tell me not to tell him until we get there–but Aidan is way too bright to fall for that one. Someone else asked me why not tell him when he’s here in a few days? That way he can help me plan! We’ll do some sort of countdown, some activities, and just get ourselves totally worked up. So, I think I’ll tell him when he is here… but I’m not sure how yet. He’s really into guessing games lately, so I think I’m going to go that route. Should be awesome.

OK, I think that’s all from this week. My first week of April has been crazy! But crazy in an amazing, I am very grateful and extremely blessed way. ♥ I am truly happy, and so excited for Thursday evening!!!!

Until next time!

Now playing: Perry Farrell – Going All the Way (Into the Twilight)
via FoxyTunes

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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A Potluck Entry (Pictures)

Saturday, I got the pleasure of meeting Meg Cabot, NYT Bestselling author of The Princess Diaries and 4935843954987 other books. It was lucky for me that during the author table chat, my table didn’t have an author so I ventured over to Meg’s table. I was shaking because I was so nervous! She was absolutely sweet and gracious and adorable, and she told me that I was gorgeous! Here we are!

Seventh Annual Children's Literature Breakfast
Meg and me! ♥

The breakfast was a lot of fun. The last time I went to one was in 2007. One of the best things was running into Laura Ruby (didn’t get a pic with her, unfortunately, although she is awesome!!) and Cynthea Liu!!!! Cynthea is just as energetic and adorable as she comes across on her Web site and on her Live Journal. ♥

Seventh Annual Children's Literature Breakfast
Cynthea & me!!!!

My guess is that we’ll be heading to this breakfast every year from now on. :) And 2009 makes the fourth year in a row that I got the chance to meet a NYT best-selling author!

(I’m thinking that black was THE color for the breakfast. Adam wore black, too.)

I’ve been working some crazy hours. Last Tuesday, I popped in at 10am and ended up working until 2:30 the next morning. They bought me dinner and paid for me to take a cab home. I didn’t go in until 2pm the next day, I stayed until about 5:30pm, and I got paid for the whole day. Today I went in at 9am and stayed until 7pm. Tomorrow, I am going in at noon and I plan to be there until about 4 o’clock Thursday morning. But then I get Thursday off with pay. It’s going to be crazy, but I’m taking some comfortable clothes! On a “normal” day (’cause face it, there are no normal days at Ogilvy), I’d work from 10-6 or something like that. I love those hours.

Books! I’ve acquired many books. I bought Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (OMG amazing book!!), an autographed copy of The Giver by Lois Lowry, an autographed copy of Forever Princess by Meg Cabot, and a copy of Copper Sun by Sharon Draper, which she autographed for me on Saturday. (She has the best autograph ever, by the way). Mandy sent me the ARC of Along For The Ride by Sarah Dessen. I’ve been in BOOK HEAVEN.

I also did my yearly “What’s In My Bag” photo. I’m late this year–I usually do it in January. Anyway, here’s what was in my bag last night:

What's In My Bag - February 23, 2009

That’s about all for now. I’m pretty tired, so I’m going to play a few games of Word Twist on Facebook and then go read. I get to really sleep in tomorrow, but the night will be rough. I’m a trooper, though, so I’m mentally ready for it. ‘Til next time!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Work It!

It’s very nice to be called into the boss’s office and told that you’re doing a great job and they want to keep you around. :)

My trial period at Ogilvy was supposed to end tomorrow, and I was to learn the fate of my freelance status. On Tuesday, I was kind of a wreck because well, I need this job, you know? And even though I’d been getting kudos, I still sometimes self-doubt because as a new person, I wasn’t working up to my own standards. Of course, I am new, so I’m not going to be an expert right away on things, but still. I’m hard on myself that way. Anyway, I came in Wednesday morning to find a note from Gail (the lead proofreader and the person who is training me), and she told me I was doing fine. That made me smile. Later that day, the recruiter who initially found me called and asked if I’d be interested in staying on. “Absolutely,” I said. She then began to relay to me all the complimentary things that Gail and Sean (my boss) had said about me. Then, last evening, Sean pulled Gail and me into his office where they told me lots of nice things about my work and said they were happy to have me there!

I’m happy to *be* there. It’s such a great company. Last night, I worked kinda late, and they ordered dinner from this awesome Greek place. I got grilled chicken spanaka and IT WAS OUTSTANDING! I’d never had it before, and I certainly couldn’t finish it all (there was a ton!), but my Adam was able to polish off the rest for me when I brought him the leftovers.

I am learning so much and I love everything I’m learning. There is so much to absorb, so many different products and styles to learn. I’ve proofed presentations, coupons, displays, banners. I was the girl who wondered “who gets to proofread these things?” Now, I’m the girl doing it! I’m excited to come into work every morning.

The days can be long, but the 10am start time is perfect for me. There is the ice cream, the game tables (which I haven’t even played yet), the breakfast foods on Mondays. I love wearing jeans to work every day, listening to my music while I proofread all sorts of projects. I like the dark Studio, no bright glaring lights. Just desk lights and the glowing of computer monitors. Speaking of monitors, I love my HUGE monitor, and the Mac that is updated with new software. I like sharing iTunes libraries. I know that there are going to be some insanely busy times coming up (next week, for instance), and people have been known to sleep there overnight. But I am getting good money to do what I love, and I get to work in an atmosphere that makes me feel trusted and comfortable and pushes me to do better every single day.

I feel very lucky and grateful.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Working Girl

Tomorrow, I start freelance proofreading for Ogilvy, an ad agency. It was just one of those things–walking in for the interview, I felt like I belonged there. The commute is easy, the place is neat, they supply ICE CREAM, there are game tables and updated software and computers, and I can wear jeans and listen to headphones while I work.

But best of all, I get to do what I love!

I have never been so excited about starting a new position before.


(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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