
Big Surprise!

You scored as Christian.













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I’m not surprised at all that I tied for Buddhist, Catholic, and Christian. Lots of reasons why, don’t feel like getting into it right now, though.

Crap. How can it be after 10pm already? Why is there so little time for me to have fun? πŸ™ It’s times like this that I kind of envy those who are supported by others and therefore don’t have to work. Man.


Edited to add: WHY oh WHY are these girls on TV thinking their skanky, slutty dresses are appropiate for prom or teenagers for that matter? Actually, for anyone? Ewww. I’m all for flaunting it if you’ve got it, but PLEASE have some class about it.

AND…I am not looking forward to work. I really am not. I’m supposed to go with a better ‘attitude.’ Mmmhmm. Right. Remember how I hate being fake? Yeah, it’s like that. You know, it pises me off that certain other people can come in pissy and take it out on me, but I have to be perfect Mary Sunshine. Screw them. Oh, how I want to use more colorful language here right now. See? Here I go being fake again. Ugh, it makes me itchy.

(Yeah, not feeling very ‘Christian’ right now, if you couldn’t tell. *sigh*)

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Just Writing.

Just felt like writing. I slept on the couch last night because I was coughing so much I didn’t want to wake up Aidan. Tonight, I’m sleeping in the guest room so I can cough to my heart’s content. Except, I’m not really content when I’m coughing so much….

Aidan is so precious. It’s kind of weird to me how Chris can leave him alone and crying before he goes to sleep. I’m sure I derail whatever Chris is trying to teach him by doing that because if I hear Chris leave Aidan’s room and Aidan is screaming, I drop everything and go in there with him. I did that a bit ago. Aidan just wanted a soft cheek to touch as he fell off to sleep. It’s so amazing how this little hand is so gentle and special. So full of non-judgement and unconditional love. I don’t like for people to touch my face, but Aidan has full reign. πŸ™‚

I’m slowly starting to feel better. The coughing fits seem to be getting milder, thank goodness. I can sit up for longer than an hour at a time. I don’t feel nearly as exhausted and stuffy as I did before. The first part of this week was pretty much a blur, especially Tuesday and Wednesday. A congested, stuffy-nosed, coughing-filled blur. I hate being sick so much. I lose out and I get so behind and I have no energy for anything. Finally am I starting to feel a bit more like myself.

It must be “Thursday.” I remember back in early 2000, I had a horrible case of the flu. I was throwing up, I could not sit up for more than ten minutes at a time. I had absolutely no appetite. I was sleeping all day. I was miserable and crying because I was so weak and tired and sick. Then Thursday came and I felt better. Chris gave me orange juice and I am convinced the o.j. helped me somewhat. I remember watching Ever After and feeling so happy that I could walk to the bathroom without feeling like I was going to collapse.

One of my books that I put on reserve is in at the library–Speak. Becky recommended it to me, so I’ll go and pick that up soon; they’re holding it ’til the 23rd. I’ll turn in Wicked while I’m at it. I put that third book in the Traveling Pants series on reserve, but last I checked, I was number 115! It’s going to be a while before I get to read that book, huh? Of course, I could just buy all three of them from amazon the next time I get paid. Actually, I may have gotten paid today…? I’m not exactly sure. Hmmm.

There is a cat in here purring. I think it may be Fi. πŸ™‚ Yup, it’s Fi. Yay.

<3 Rob & Bizzy <3!!!
(and ho hos and macaroni and cheese!)

I am having a fit. A Megan (megnita) fit. (ya know, like a nicotene fit?) I haven’t seen her in ages. I must hang out with her soon.


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What am I getting into here?

“Post anything that you want, and post it anonymously. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love – anything. Just be sure to post anonymously…”

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You think?

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.


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1. What year was it?
– 1993

2. What were your three favorite bands?
– I didn’t really have any favorites, I just listened to whatever was popular. I bought a LOT of singles…

3. What was your favorite outfit?
– Jeans and a sweatshirt.

4. What was up with your hair?
– My hair was in the same general style it is now, just a different variation. Haha.

5. Who were your best friends?
– Charla was my best friend.

6. What did you do after school?
– I used to sneak my friends over to my house after drama club. If I wasn’t working, that is.

7. Where did you work?
– I worked in the deli at Russo’s Stop N Shop.

8. Did you take the bus?
– No, I walked to school or got a ride. I definitely got a ride to work.

9. Who did you have a crush on?
– OH MAN. Who didn’t I have a crush on? Hmm, thinking of all the boys I made out with in breakrooms at work (only two)… There was Mike B, Dan P, John (aka Aladdin), Dylan, Alfer T, Aaron M to name a few. Oh and of course, Ricky Luna.

10. Did you fight with your parents?
– Yes. I wanted to grow up, they didn’t want me to. :[ Gr.

11. Did you smoke cigarettes?
– No, not in high school ever.

12. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?
– No. I lugged them around because I never had TIME to go to my locker. I also developed an iron bladder because I never had time to use the bathroom, and I learned to scarf down a meal in ten minutes because lunch was only twenty minutes, ten of that was always spent standing in line.

13. Did you have a ‘clique’?
– Not really.

14. Who was your prom date?
– I didn’t have a date. I went alone.

15. Admit it, were you popular?
– Not at all.

16. Who did you want to be just like?
– I wanted to be like Mylin Brooks, but she didn’t go to my school. She was on the Mickey Mouse Club.

17. What did you want to be when you grew up?
– A writer. Imagine that.

18. Where did you think you’d be at the age you are now?
– I had no idea, to be honest.

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