


I had a bumbley week, emotion-wise. For some reason over the weekend, I started feeling really down on myself in regards to the teacher training, in regards to my diet, in regards to everything! I tried to keep it on the down low, but it kept coming out in the form of random irritability and crankiness. I haven’t been to a yoga class in well over a week, and well, some days it was just not good. πŸ™ I felt resentful of yoga, and the yoga lifestyle, and the…things required in my life to be a good yogi. Which you know, is just as messed up as when I was really into the evangelical church and always worried about being a good Christian. I just need to be ME, and “me” is a girl who does yoga but also likes to scarf down candy bars and eat bacon.

But I’m better now, sort of. Tonight we had a homework review and the leader, who is also our counselor, said that my feelings are normal and will come and go. It’s a roller coaster; she said to enjoy the ride!

I think part of my problem is that it’s mid-July, and that it feels like summer is practically over already, even though the Solstice happened less than a month ago. It’s been super hot outside, even uncomfortable for ME at some points (and y’all know I like the heat!), and it’s totally been feeling like summer. I’ve been craving a scoop of chocolate ice cream in a sugar cone, and I haven’t had enough cookout food. I’ve had TONS of pizza though….and I am covered in mosquito bites from hanging out outside with the neighbors from the next block Sunday night. Worth it.

I’ve been MISSING Disney World like a missing thing that misses stuff (not that I really fancy going in the middle of July, however). I want to eat loads of Iowa sweet corn. I want to visit my mommy in her new apartment. I want need a pedicure. I want to go to Half-Price Books and lose my freaking mind. I am LONGING too much and that is no good!

I’m sure I’ll snap out of this soon. In the meantime, here are some photos:

Aidan and Mommy
Aidan and Mommy!

I Love Summer!! #nofilter
I love summer!

I Has a s00j!! :D
I briefly got to have a s00j last week!!!!!

Drying Off
Best Curls Ever

The Birthday Boy
Adam, the birthday boy on July 13

We’re having a thundershower right now. The breeze feels nice. I was going to take a shower (just got a big ass bottle of Dr. Bronner’s baby mild soap. I don’t care too much for the way it smells WHILE I’m washing with it but love the way I smell afterwards. Weird, I know), but because of the storming, I will wait until tomorrow. Now it’s time to play around on some websites before taking a book and heading to bed. Possibly a snack first. I’m still hungry.

Till next time!


OK, Then.

Perfect in my Imperfection

I almost put “Happy Monday” as my subject, then I looked at my menu bar and saw that it is indeed, Tuesday. Of COURSE it’s Tuesday; I had my teacher training today. We worked on seated twists. It was good. One of the twists–I went into a bind (with some help) and I DEFINITELY felt it where I get my side pains. I’m hoping the twist wrang out whatever causes that pain. Cause that’s what twists do, you know. They wring out your organs and detoxify them.

I kinda got my wish Sunday. I didn’t get to be in a TON of nature but I did get to sit under a tree and read. πŸ™‚ I had to do some yoga poses. Here’s my favorite:

Rock 'n Roll Ustrasana
Rock ‘n Roll Ustrasana

I had a good time at the park. The weather was perfect, I had my tree, and it was peaceful. Definitely needed that recharge. πŸ™‚



Getting Back On Track

I’ve spent the last week kinda slacking off. Here’s an instagramalicious summary:

Aidan and Lena Mmmmmmm
Oreo Topped Molten Cake. Sweet Lord. Self Portrait [01/31]
What Kinda Way of Watching TV is This? Yoga [03/31]
Free sno cones!!! Busy [02/31]
July 4th Jello Poke Cake - Inside On The Floor
Sadie Nardini Awesome Bird at PetSmart

1. Aidan & Lena
2. Homemade chips and salsa
3. Oreo-topped molten cake (Sweet Jesus, it was delicious)
4. Me being a dork
5. Aidan sitting in a very interesting way
6. Moksha!
7. Free snow cones!
8. Planner
9. Fourth of July Jello poke cake
10. Little Lena
11. Sadie Nardini – who told us how much she will make this year and well…. holy crap.
12. Awesome bird that cost $550 ON SALE (we did not buy him)

It LOOKS like a lot more than it really was, I promise you. That’s because I thought I’d do the Photo a Day July thing but meh. I’ve lost interest already. I suck at those things. I spent quite a bit of time playing games on Facebook and rereading Harry Potter books and rewatching Harry Potter movies. I did manage to teach Aidan a little bit of yoga, though:

Tree Pose (Vriksasana)

That was fun. Eventually, he said “Mom, you do your yoga, and I’ll play the Wii.” And I had a decent practice that night!

So I had an OK week, despite feeling pain in my side again, which I’m working on treating, and not eating nearly enough fruits and veggies. πŸ™ And also feeling inexplicably cranky too often. Definitely moody. And getting tired of all the screens. The TV is constantly going. Adam’s constantly in the room on his iPad. Aidan’s constantly staring at YouTube, and I’m constantly staring at MY screen playing games, reading blogs, or obsessing over Tumblr. No bueno. Now that the weather has cooled down (no lie, I’ll take the searing heat over the dead of winter ANY TIME but it was even a bit warm for me at times), I really want to go outside (somewhere there is a lot of trees and grass), sit under a tree, and read and listen to my iPod and let nature recharge me.

I need to focus again. Teacher training and my apprenticeship did not take place last week due to the holiday but next week, we’ll be back, working on standing twists (oh joy–time for me to topple over in class!) and whatever else can be squeezed in. Wednesday I have to teach a sequence during my apprenticeship session. I’m only a little bit nervous now, but I know I’ll be SUPER nervous come Wednesday. I’ll be teaching to the public, y’all. *bites nails*

I have to do work for teacher training, work freelance clients, and I have library books I need to read before Saturday. I also need to start reading yoga books for my book review. BUT I get to spend Friday with my dear friend, which I am looking forward to more than anything. It’s also Adam’s birthday and I believe brunch at Bleeding Heart is going to happen (Lord knows what we can find for Aidan to eat there but I can see him going for the chicken) so that should be fun.

For now, I leave you with a video of the fireworks on my neighborhood from the Fourth:



Red, White & You!

Well, HELLO THERE! If you’re popping by from the Follower Fest, Welcome! I shake you warmly by the hand. (50 points if you can tell me what movie that’s from.) If you’re a repeat visitor, thanks for coming back! (Also, if you’re a repeat visitor, you don’t have to read this. You probably know everything already.)

Happy July 4th!

I’m Ronni!

I’m a mom, wife, editor, dreamer, and daydreamer. I have awesome kinky curly hair that is most certainly not a trend. Sometimes people are confused as to my race. I let them be. I love my family, yoga, reading (especially contemporary YA romance), going to Disney World, spaghetti, playing sim games, music, dancing, and watching gymnastics. I don’t like winter, loud parties, bigots, mushrooms, onions, heavy traffic, and red lights. I’m married to Adam, a ghost hunter and author, and I’m the mom of Aidan, who is the most awesome kid in the whole darn universe.

Aidan Is excited for the new Ninjago that's coming on tonight.

I’m in training to get my 200-hour yoga teacher certification. It’s been a crazy but amazing ride. I’m learning so much, it’s crazy.

Half-Assed Dancer's Pose (Natarajasana)
I suck at balancing poses, ok.

I have a lot of dream jobs. One is to be a parade dancer at Disney World. I got to do the next best thing in February, by riding a float in the Disney Animal Kingdom’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade!

Jammin' Jungle Parade

Yeah, it was awesome!! We LOVE to go to Disney World. We try to go at least once a year. Adam goes for the food, I go for the atmosphere, some of the rides, the shows, the characters, the food, and the music. Aidan goes for the rides and the food.

It's Us!

I talk a lot about my day-to-day life because for some reason, there are people who find that interesting. (And I love them for it!) I talk about yoga, and I post lots of pictures. I posted lots of pictures before it became a *thing*! /hipstermoment. I’m goofy and honest and real. Still interested? Then please follow me or subscribe to my feed and come visit again. Make sure you let me know you stopped by. I love making new blog friends. πŸ™‚


Me in 30 Words

01. mom
02. wife
03. silly
04. loyal
05. procrastinator
06. daydreamer
07. yoga
08. Disney
09. cats
10. friendly
11. frivolous
12. impulsive
13. editor
14. proofreader
15. writer
16. blogger
17. photographer
18. dancer
19. sunshine
20. pink
21. American
22. learning
23. loving
24. living
25. grateful
26. dolls
27. peaches
28. spaghetti
29. curls
30. spiritual

Wow, I could have gone on and on with this one, I think. πŸ™‚ Cool.