As usual, Sundays go way too quickly. It’s kind of annoying.
I decided to do the 101 in 1001. My list is here: 101 in 1001 || RonniStyle. My start date is tomorrow. I plan to keep most of my updates about it there, but I’ll probably talk about it here from time to time as well. I saw that lovely_lunai was doing it, and I think starlit12 is doing it as well. Good times.
Last weekend, Aidan and his dad went to Kentucky. Here are some pix from that trip:
I didn’t take a ton of pictures last night because I wasn’t exactly sure if we were allowed, but now I have the flyer, and this group ( is going to be at the theatre through Sunday and it says “Bring your camera and get pictures with your favorite characters from the film!” Those of you who have been reading this for some time know that I LOVE character greetings and getting my picture with characters. I am so tempted to go back there tomorrow evening and see if I can’t get some pix with some of the characters.
One or all of the above qualities. And all THREE happened today!
I got a package from Rosa (meimeigui) with two packages of stationery, pictures, and a new shirt.
Here I am modeling the shirt (picture one—uncombed hair and such, picture two—all nice and neat):
So, as you can see, Rosa has good taste. She can pick out my clothes any day. Er, actually, when clothes fly into her cart at Target, she can have me help her out with wearing them. And when MaiDo forces her to buy stationery that she can’t use because it’s pink, well, I’m VERY glad to help her out by using it myself.
Yeah, that’s it.
I have a feeling Aidan will approve of the shirt.
I’m totally wearing it to work tomorrow.
Thanks, Rosa!! ♥
Then, I got a letter from Wanda (wlotus). Wheeeee! I love good mail days. Now, the irony of all that is that I need to go to the post office. Eep. I mean, it’d be nice to be able to SEND the letters I’ll be writing, right?
Another weekend over, another month over. Well, not exactly. Now it’s July, so it’s a new month. Technically.
This is me in Springfield:
(get your own at the movie website!)
I’m watching Rent–the movie–right now. I’d never seen it before. I’m trying to watch as many of my movies in the Netflix queue as I can before July 15th, just in case I actually decide to cancel. I’m cutting out every extra thing that costs that I can, because I want to save as much as I can. But Netflix–it’s so relatively cheap and I get to watch lots of movies, and it’s so much cheaper than going to a movie, and driving to a movie. *sigh*
Spent the weekend with little Aidan. We had a few trying times. He can be stubborn and dramatic, and he also had a penchant for being very demanding in not a nice way, so I’m teaching him that he can’t speak to me the way he tries to. But most of the time he was perfectly sweet, and I think I did a good job of handling him and teaching him, plus enjoying him, this weekend.
As of today, No More Extra Spending. So I decided to treat us both yesterday. We went to a matinee showing of Ratatouille, which was very cute. I also found out something weird. When you go to order matinee tickets online, they charge $6.50 for adults, $5.50 for kids, plus a $1 convenience charge for each. At the theatre, the tickets cost $4 each. I’m so glad I waited until I was at the theatre to get the tickets! After the movie, we ate McDonalds (yeah, that’ll be my last time there for a while. Whatever made me think I’d be able to eat a quarter pounder with cheese?), and then came home, watched DVDs and crashed.
Today I took Aidan to Goodale Park and used the lens that Richard gave me. Good times.
I always fight the alarm when it goes off, because there is no freaking way that it’s already time to get up in the mornings, you know? I’m such a night owl, mornings are hard for me. I’ve been like that since high school, so I don’t think it’s going to change. Man, a freelance job would be so amazing, because then I could indulge in my night owl tendencies. As it is, the DAY goes by so slowly…. trudge trudge trudge
I checked my email and had a nice one from adamselzer that made me smile, an email from Southwest Airlines telling me they’d given me my free flight (with drink coupons!) award, and an email from Netflix saying they’d reduced my monthly rate. Wooot.
I got into a brand new dentist today. That was neat. I got my teeth cleaned for the first time in, well, let’s not say. Unfortunately, there is some other work to be done (including surgery) that I absolutely cannot afford, so I won’t get getting any of that done for at least a year. My insurance only covers 80% of stuff (even cleanings—most insurances do 100% but OH not mine!) and I simply do not make enough money to incur any debt (cause there’s that pesky little thing called “making payments”), not that they’d give me credit anyway, given recent events. I have to go out and find a 2nd job. HOW, I don’t know. But I have to. Which sucks, unless I can find something freelance and involving editing. I have a hard time finding retail because I can’t work weekends (I have Aidan on the weekends).
But right now, my goal is Chicago, summer of 2008. That means I need to give up some things to make it there. Number one thing I’m doing is cancelling Netflix on July 15th. Why the 15th? Why not now, you ask? Because they don’t give partial refunds for a month already charged, and they just charged me on June 22nd or something like that. I’m getting my month. Also, I want to give them time to cancel the pending charge for July. I don’t need to see new movies all the time, and if things get better, I can go back. Another thing? Look for a second job, and in the meantime, pray I can write something a publisher will buy.
I have so many goals now.
– Move to Chicago | Summer 2008
– Find a job in Chicago | (no later than) Autumn 2008
– Get teeth fixed | Autumn 2008
– Go to grad school for either 1. creative writing 2. library science 3. primary education| 2009 or 2010
– Sell a novel | by 2010
To get there, that means:
– VERY little eating out (unless someone else is paying!). I’m talking once every two or three months at most.
– No more buying clothes (can’t gain anymore weight!!)
– No Netflix.
– Rare road trips. My transportation expenses are already 4.9% over conventional wisdom per month. Gas prices and expensive mandatory insurance.
– No other unnecessary expenses.
Put plainly, to achieve any of my goals, I need more money. And as money tends to come in slowly for me, I have to figure out how to go out and get it… without getting arrested or something in the meantime.
Argh. Frustration.
But this cool. Look what I got in the mail (click to see bigger):
And randomly….
One of my favorite Bob Dylan songs:
Weird Al’s Parody:
PS – The quote in my subject can be attributed to: WH Auden
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