
I’ve Been Nudged (Lots of Pictures)

Rosa (meimeigui) nudged me, and people have been calling/emailing whatnot, so I guess I should update.

It’s just that I’ve been busy and/or very tired. It’s gonna be a stretch for me to get this entry out because I’d rather be sleeping. Dinner first, though, once I post this entry.

The craziness started last weekend. Not the one that just past, the one before that. The first weekend in August. Saturday, I cleaned like a fiend. Sunday, My old college roommate Sheryl was in town, so we had brunch. I got to nap a bit after she left, then my friend Angelo and I went out for Mexican. We had the best conversation ever, and the best Mexican food ever, which I am now craving like some kind of fiend. But I’m gonna wait until this weekend, after payday and after I’ve eaten all the leftovers in my fridge.

Monday afternoon, another old college friend Dave (who just happens to be an ex-boyfriend) called, as he was in town from Los Angeles. I got to hang out with him and meet his doll of a wife, Angie. Let me tell you what a crazy evening that was. My ex-boyfriend with his wife, my ex-husband, my son, and me, all hanging out. It was loads of fun. We walked around the Ohio State campus, took the ubiquitous trips down memory lane, had dinner at b-dubs, and took loads of pix.

Check it out

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Social Butterfly

I feel popular!

Tomorrow, I’m supposed to be having brunch with an old college roommate. And meeting up with my ex-boyfriend and his wife. Oh, and hitting the Fair with Angelo for a few hours. Monday, hitting the Fair again with Chris, Aidan, and Craig. Late Monday, Adam comes into town and I’ll be with him the next three days (not long enough!!). Thursday evening, I’m going to see Harry Potter (again) with a co-worker. Busy busy busy!

I have to take lots and lots of pictures. :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Nothing says, ‘I have no idea what to get you,’ quite like giant beige bath towels. – Missbhavens

As usual, Sundays go way too quickly. It’s kind of annoying.

I decided to do the 101 in 1001. My list is here: 101 in 1001 || RonniStyle. My start date is tomorrow. I plan to keep most of my updates about it there, but I’ll probably talk about it here from time to time as well. I saw that lovely_lunai was doing it, and I think starlit12 is doing it as well. Good times.

Last weekend, Aidan and his dad went to Kentucky. Here are some pix from that trip:

…check it out…

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An Early Publishing Credit

I was eighteen, and I’d graduated from high school earlier that summer. Some of the Mousketeers from the All New Mickey Mouse Club came to Cleveland to promote their new album MMC (I have two copies, one of them still sealed!). I’d wanted to originally interview one of the ‘teers for the teen section of The Plain Dealer (called Next), but someone beat me and my best friend Charla to it. So, I got the next best thing. I got to review the record.

Disney sent me a press kit with photos, a press release, and a copy of the MMC CD. But I’d already had the CD—I’d won it in a contest for Teen Beat a few months prior (along with a water bottle and a signed poster. Now, mind you, after meeting them, I had tons of signed MMC stuff, so that just added to my collection.) So I was ready to review it.

This wasn’t my first publishing credit, but it was the first article I actually got paid money for. You can click the picture for a larger, more readable size. :)

I even have the little slip of paper that says how much I got paid, and what for. I had a lot of confidence in my writing back then. I hope I can get it back soon.

(fyi – commenting is closed to anonymous and non-friends until Sunday. just a precaution…)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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