
Reflections of 2004 and Looking Ahead to 2005

Notable Things of 2004:

In January, I glanced at the TV and immediately developed a crush on Adam Brody. Ha ha.

In February, I got my driver’s license, and I met Katie live4himalways, my bright shining star.

In March, I met new people who would impact my life tremendously: Tyler, Kelly, Rob, Monica, and Garth. I started working with Crosstrainers, the high school ministry at my church. It was quite the rewarding experience.

In April, I finished my novel!

In May, I met Bizzy otaku_witch, Emily yoimemily, Becky magecky413, more people who would tremondously impact my life.
I said goodbye to Tami, who went overseas to teach English for 3 months. I learned the value of true friendship, and realized that there were people who I’d barely knew who cared a great deal about me. That was incredible.

In June, I said goodbye to Garth, who went overseas for a few weeks, and in his place, took over the small group for a bit. I enjoyed the opportunity to get closer to the members of the group. I played volleyball in a pool for the first time ever and had a wonderful time doing it.

In July, I decided to learn to play guitar. I bought a Fender acoustic and enjoy strumming it when I’m agitated or just feel like showing off. πŸ˜‰ I met Chad and Christy and hit it off with them!

In September, Ivy came and stayed with me for about a week! That was such an awesome time, even though I had a kidney stone. THAT was not fun. I love Ivy and can’t wait to spend more time with her. I decided to stop Crosstrainers because the time commitment was incredible. I bought a notebook and fell in love with mobile computing.

In October, I went to Las Vegas for the first time and FELL IN LOVE with the city!!! I mean… it’s beautiful out there. I can’t wait to go back! I went through a corn maze also.

In November, I fell in love with my friends. I got to spend more time with Becky, Emily, and Bizzy and wow, those girls are all amazing. I am so blessed to know them. I got wireless internet!

In December, I had a blowout on the highway (tires, not poop). I had the best birthday ever. I had a wonderful party, go to have quality time with my friends, and did some brave things. πŸ™‚ I also enjoyed and hated the most amazing ice storm to ever hit. I scored over $500 in Best Buy gift cards and bought a new camera! πŸ™‚ I watched my son turn two years old and got to spend time with Charla!!

There were some trying times in 2004. Times when I didn’t want to endure another moment on this earth. Times that I argued like heck with God. Times that I came close to losing my faith. So many times. So many things.

What does 2005 have in store for me?

There are some definite things I want to do. Work on getting my writing out there. Hunt for a new job–one closer to my passion. Let go of some things. Reevaluate my priorities. Find my place in the world. Stop worrying so much, letting God have control.

We’ll see how much of that gets done.

Happy New Year.

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Bratty Me


I mean, oops. That wasn’t me. Not at all. *whistles innocently*

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Happy Birthday To Me!!

Well, with the exception of my laptop computer breaking and my windshield wiper fluid going on strike (YES I filled it and yes it’s in the right place), I can honestly say that this is the best birthday I’ve ever had. My party Saturday night was amazing. So many people came. So many!!! I’ve never felt so loved and popular! They drove all the way out to celebrate my birthday, and Charla came all the way from C-town. Some of them gave me presents, and I got 38927432899 hugs. Most of my favorite people in the world were there, and those who weren’t (you know who you are) had good reason. It was so much fun, I can’t wait to post pictures.

I cleaned up on presents too. I scored a total of $60 in Best Buy gift cards (plus I got $25 in the mail from the inlaws), adorable journals, the best card ever from Emily plus a cool book, Curious perfume, DDR and a dance pad (!!! Ivy swankivy !!!), Punky Brewster DVDs, candles, lotions, an iTunes gift card, a Michael’s gift card, the soundtrack to Wicked, and probably some other stuff I can’t remember at the moment! πŸ™‚ My friends know me all too well. And love me all too well!!

And I love them!

After the party wound down, Bizzy (otaku_witch) and I stayed up til 5am talking, with Emily (yoimemily) popping in and out of sleep to join in every once in a while. I got to talk to Dave online too. πŸ™‚

The next day, I had church and then Charla, her cousin Teressa and Christian (Charla’s son) and I had lunch at Steak and Shake. Good times, man. Good times.

Tonight, a bunch of us are going to see the Wildlights at the Columbus Zoo. I’m excited about that. I wanted to see it with my friends, and I’m excited to see Rob and Emily and Becky tonight!! I’m going to be so late, though, thanks to my dumb computer. Boo. BUT that’s showing me how awesome Tyler is, because he said he’d look at it even though his friends are in town and he doesn’t get to see them that often.

Anyway, today is my birthday. I’d completely forgotten. I woke up still kind of upset because of my computer, and very tired because I didn’t get to bed til nearly 3am. I got dressed and checked my email on the desktop, and it didn’t even register why I had an eCard in my inbox. I didn’t check it til later, though, because I was starting to run late. I went to work and still didn’t remember until I saw a Happy Birthday greeting in my inbox from Craig. I was happy he remembered, but a little bit sad as I reflected on no longer being in my 20s. Being the big 30. So weird.

I’d written a letter to myself earlier this year. It’s too private too post. It’s amazing how much I’ve grown since then, but also how much I’ve remained the same. I’ll have to read it again later, when I have time. If I have time. I miss my laptop so much. *sigh*

But it’s time to go. Later, gators!

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I Wasn’t Going To Update Yet, But….

Friday, I went back to work. As expected, the boss seemed to have a few issues but he kept quiet about most of them, and even said something nice about me in the staff meeting today. I think he was taken aback by the fact that even though I’d been out of the office for 4 days, I was still able to make all of my deliverables. Mostly because I’m pretty caught up there. So anything he’d asked for, I had for him first thing. BAM.

Seriously. Being out for 4 days, then coming in and being almost all caught up by the time lunchtime rolls around. Hmm. I really think I need to do something to challenge myself.

My boss #2 is the cutest thing ever. He’s so funny and has the nicest smile. I wonder if he’d let me take a picture of him to post on my LJ. Haha.

When I got to work, there were gifts galore! This team, who I’d been supporting only a few months, went all out for me! One lady got me a cute basket full of peppermints and an instant lottery ticket (I didn’t win), another got me a basket of Mary Kay stuff, and another got me a nicely scented candle from White Barn Candle Co. Can’t go wrong there! πŸ™‚ There were also cards all over my desk. What a pleasant surprise. It really does make me feel appreciated and like I DON’T do everything wrong.

After work, I went to the chiro. Then I treated myself to dinner at Panera. Ooo, I love that place and had been craving a cinnamon crunch bagel for days now. I had my usual– the You Pick Two deal: chicken noodle soup and asiago roast beef, hold the onions. Yummy!! Then I went to Heritage, where I was battling major cramps. πŸ™ I met up with two more LJ users <3!! and then we hung out, chatted, and some people watched parts of Muppets Christmas Carol.

I was sooo happy to see Rob there tonight! πŸ˜€ It had been nearly a month since I saw him last, so it was long overdue.

We played broomball at The Chiller and it was sooooo sweet. By now, the cramps had dissappated (thank God), so I was in much better spirits than earlier. I had so much fun, I didn’t think I’d enjoy it so much! I’d totally play again. πŸ™‚ I loved when Jenny E kept falling at random. Yes, I fell on my butt a couple of times, but nothing really serious. There’s nothing like chasing a ball around on ice (in tennis shoes; no skates!) with “brooms” trying to hit them into goals. Rob took tons of pictures and he said I can have them, so hopefully I’ll have some to post soon.

After broomball, Rob, Kelly, Tyler, and I ate at Steak and Shake where Bizzy and Mark joined us. πŸ™‚ Rob paid for all of us because he’s awesome like that. He left early, though, because he wasn’t feeling well. Poor Rob.

My favorite quote of the night is when “Everybody Dance Now” by C&C Music Factory was playing in Steak and Shake, said by Tyler:

This makes me want to take my clothes off.

I got home and Craig was here, and more cleaning was done. Chris was decorating my birthday cake. I’m excited for my party. I can’t believe the day is here. I hope it’s a success and fun and some of my dreams come true, at least. Heh.

So, Kelly Clarkson has this song on her album called “Addicted.” Yeah. It’s sweet. I can’t stop listening to it.

I should probably go to bed. It’s getting close to 5am. I’ve been up for almost 24 hours and it totally doesn’t feel like it.

Oh, before I go:


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