
Hanging On By A Thread

This week has been trying, to say the least. Seems that no matter what I do to try to stay happy and optimistic, something happens to try to push me back down. And Lord knows I’m trying to keep smiling. I just don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to hold on.

I applied for another Communications Specialist position, only to be told I’m “talented” but not talented enough. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. To hear the “people that matter” talk, I’m a crappy secretary. Because “doing your job” is not good enough at Nationwide. The decision-makers don’t believe I’m good enough to do what I LONG to do, so where does that leave me? I feel worthless, stupid, and like my life (in the career sense) is a waste. Will I ever be good for anything?

My car. Of course, the guy glanced at it and said “I can’t repair this. I have to replace it. It’s going to cost you $324.00.” So much for debt reduction. Seems I can’t ever get ahead.

I had a coupon for 5 free pieces of cardstock at Archivers last night. I’d picked out cool colors. Then I lost the coupon. Someone got MY free cardstock. Such a little thing, and it’s not like I don’t have 3489572985789 pieces of cardstock already, AND it wasn’t Bazzil, so I shouldn’t be this down about it. But I am.

There are lots of little things adding up and really starting to weigh on me. Being stuck behind drivers who smoke in traffic. Freezing because if I turn on the heater, all of their smoke will get sucked into my car and I have to smell the stench. Freezing at work. Sitting across a guy I knew from college who thinks it’s fun to laugh at me because he’s still pissed at me for something that happened over 10 years ago. I tell myself I don’t care about this stuff, but apparently I do.

I worry about everything. I want to think that I don’t care what people think of me, but that’s such bull. I do care. I walk away from every encounter wondering if I did something to piss someone off. I always wonder if I’m behaving in a way to evoke suspicion as to the real parts of me that I keep hidden from the majority of the world. I read cryptic messages and wonder if they are about me, and I analyse every action, every syllable to see if *I* did something to make someone write those kinds of things. Yes, just a little bit egocentric. I beat myself up for having done hurtful and stupid things to people years and years ago. What good does the self-beration do now? Logically, I know this! Yet, my heart won’t follow my brain.

My coworker Susan is going through this body detox program. She is on a strict diet and takes lots of vitamins and minerals and drink lots of water. She’s only been on it a few days and she says she feels great already. I wonder if there are similar programs for our brains. A detoxifier to clear out all the guilt and the pain and the shame and the hurt and the evil and the thoughts and all the immorality. I try to give it all to God…but I’m not so talented at letting go.

Today, my boss is out of the office. His sister-in-law is seriously ill. She’s only 30 and has a 10 month old. She may die, and she’s only 30. That’s how old I’m going to be in December. If I died at 30, would I even be missed? Did I even do anything worthy? Did my life glorify God? They’d wonder why was I so hesistant to take risks and follow my dreams?. People would read my journals and hate me. They’d hate what I hide from them. They’d hate my secrets. My memory would not be revered by some.

Perhaps I should burn the journals.

I’m trying to focus on the good things. I have a job. I can still drive my car. Kelly S (itskels) and I have been emailing and that’s been going great. (I know a lot of Kellys) I’m going to Las Vegas next week. I have friends out the wazoo. And how can I forget how amazing Tuesday night was for me?

I have so many dreams. So many. Sometimes, I feel like I am more special than the life I’m living. Does that make sense? Like, I can’t just accept that I’m meant to be a normal, typical, suburban person. I want more. I need more. I did my personality inventory the other night, and I got “Artisan Performer.” I can’t remember the intitials. But it’s true. I long to be more than I am. And there are times I feel I can make it. That I WILL be a bestselling author. But then reality hits. And I get overwhelmed at the whole process, and I’m think to myself “there is no way I can do this.” Oh, but I want it to badly!

I don’t like feeling like this. I’m trying to cheer myself up. I’m listening to “empowering” music. But none of it is speaking to me. How will I get out of this funk?

I know that I’m better off not having that job. It’s in Nationwide Financial, and I hated working for them. But it would have been writing. WRITING. I need to find writing jobs. Ones that pay. I get the emails with the markets and what they pay, and I file them away, thinking “someday.” Someday needs to be soon. As in before the end of 2004 soon.

I’m really trying to believe there is something else, something better for me. Something more suited to my skills and passions. Something that will continuously WOW my bosses. Or perhaps, I can be my own boss someday. I just think writing is my only way out, and so I have to crank it out.

Alright. I have stuff to do, and I might do some mindless surveys. Later….

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Overwhelmed, and not in a good way this time. :(

*WARNING – whiny, complaining rant ahead*

Folks, I’m just plain weary. Of what, you may ask? I have the perfect life, right? A husband, beautiful son, two computers, my own car. I have a full time job, lots of clothing, tons of friends, a great church. So what do I have to be complaining about?

Well, right now, Aidan is crying because he wants me to lie with him until he falls asleep. It’s already nearly 10pm. I lay with him for 40 minutes already. I have to go back to work tomorrow. Work. Crappity crappity CRAP. Work where I will get chewed out for taking too much time off. Well SORRY that I had a kidney stone and there was no sitter to watch Aidan on Friday. Boo hiss. Work where I have to do the most stupid tasks over and over and then get chastised for not being more “proactive.” You know the reason I’m not “proactive?” Because I DON’T WANT MORE meetings to set up, conference rooms to find, meetings to take minutes in. I just don’t. I know there are crappy parts to every job and that I need to just shut up and do it like a big girl, but I’m so weary. I want something that will challenge me in a FUN way. Something that will cause me to be creative.

I know we’re not supposed to compare ourselves to others, but I get resentful when I think of people much younger than I am doing jobs they LOVE and making twice as much money as I do. Yes, I know, God has me in my current position for a good reason, but I’m human, not godly. So I’m going to be bitter and jealous sometimes. Besides, if I got a job I liked, I’d probably do something to %$#! it up anyway since I have it ingrained in me that I don’t deserve to ever be happy. So even if something good does happen, I find a way to screw it up.

Not only this, but again, it’s nearly 10pm (at the time of this sentence). I’ve basically been a single mom all weekend. Chris ran off to Chicago with Craig and Abe to watch a stupid Ohio State football game. Thank GOD for friends like Christy and Chad who had me over to their home yesterday and today to share the load of Aidan and also to keep me from being lonely. Loneliness. I don’t even want to get into that. πŸ™ I’m worn out, even with all of their help. The condition of the family room leaves something to be desired. Cheeze-Its and poop is all over the floor, not to mention the other stains from various leaky sippy cups and whatnot. Yes, my son dumped a whole box of Cheeze-Its on the floor, and when I was upstairs getting the vaccuum, he decided to take off his diaper and poop. On the carpet. I cleaned it up best I could and sprayed carpet stuff all over it, but I think I’m going to have to rent a steam cleaner or something to take care of that carpet. The house had a bad smell all weekend, I have to feed the cats, and my back hurts. I ate Chinese food for dinner (huge thank you to Chad and Christy for treating me to dinner TWO nights in a row), and now I am on my way to having heartburn or something. Chris neglected to tell me that there was wet laundry in the washer. Bad smell #1. The trash. Bad smell #2. The dishes. Bad smell #3. I think they all have been taken care of now, but there is still so much to do (preferably BEFORE I go to Vegas):

– My laundry.
– Clean family room.
– Call Mommy.
– Spend time with KT_P (live4himalways).
– Catch up on 27 emails.
– Get ministry application to Joshua.
– Research agents and editors.
– Final readthrough/nitpicking session of novel.
– Figure out finances because Chris’s mom is getting tired of watching Aidan all the time and we need another sitter; one who we’ll have to pay.
– Refine/prune Tuesday night life group member list.
– Upload up to 3 new photo albums.
– Balance checkbook.

I’m also sad about The Grove on Tuesday. I don’t think I’m going to go. I was all excited because Chris had said he was going to work early that day. Well, turns out we have no sitter again. He will work his normal 12-9pm shift. So I will have Aidan. That means that I will get N-O-T-H-I-N-G out of the service, so there is absolutely no point in me going. Grrr. πŸ™

My back is hurting again. I’ve missed 2 chiro adjustments, so I wonder if that’s why. I’m not looking forward to the long drive tomorrow morning, but oh well. Whatever. I do know that 8 minutes of traction is too much, so I’m dropping down to 6 for the next couple of times, I think.

Ivy is gone. The work week is starting. And I have so much to do and stupid me is being counterproductive by updating my live journal instead of tackling my list. I guess I just needed to write.

And now I feel guilty because I let Aidan cry himself to sleep. πŸ™ I feel like a horrible mommy right now. I truly hate myself sometimes often.

Crap, I have to plug in my laptop. I’m sure it’s died by now. Bugger.


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So yeah…

I’m pretty damned depressed right now. Beating myself up. Telling myself how worthless I am. Feeling hopeless. Trapped. Stuck. Stupid. Frustrated.

I’m tired of having hopes that do nothing but get dashed because EVERYONE ELSE has the authority to manage my life and my dreams. Not me. Never has been me, never will be.

What’s the point of even going on?

Telling myself the platitudes isn’t helping this time, folks. I’m tired.

Pray for me. πŸ™

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My Adventures of Today

Today was extremely, extremely weird. Firstly, I was going back to work after having been out for five days. That’s always strange. But before that, I had a chiropractor’s appointment in Powell. I am ashamed to say that I took a wrong turn first, but then a “detour” completely threw me off and I ended up 25 minutes late! πŸ™ But they were nice and patient and took me anyway. She examined my spine and neck and said that I have two vertebrae out of alignment in my neck. Then she took X-Rays. I go back Monday to discuss further action. I learned all about Subloxation. I think that’s how its spelled. πŸ™‚

Work was strange. Just being back was weird. I didn’t get there until almost 10 because that closed road screwed me up again. I don’t know my way around Powell so much, so I had to figure out how to get downtown from there without using the (non-contructionized) directions from Yahoo! Then I ate lunch and got sick promptly 90 minutes after. Small group didn’t happen, the smoke detector keeps beeping because it needs a new battery, Aidan was a cranky little bugger (he’s with his dad now, thank GOD), I feel like I’ve pissed people off and I can’t figure out why and I wish they’d tell me if I have (or if I’m just being insecure again), and my back hurts. Wait, that part is not so strange.

I went to Meijer to get drinks and stuff, and as I was heading to the U-Scan, the store went completely black! People gasped, and I said “That’s not cute!” A guy agreed. The generartors kicked on with just enough juice to keep the registers running. It was uncharacteristically quiet without the refrigerators and Muzac and things going.

Anyway, I’m going to play Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 now. Another reason why today is so weird. I haven’t gamed on the PC since October–at least, not seriously. (When I mean seriously, I mean Roller Coaster Tycoon or The Sims).

But first, I think I might take a shower and get ready for bed, then game, then eat a pizza burger (yummm), then go to bed and probably have bad dreams about a terrible stomachache, only to wake up and find out the tummy ache is real.

I’m pathetic.

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