

I always know God won’t give me more than I can handle but there are times I wish He didn’t trust me quite so much.

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Meme Time!

Picture meme from jamz:
(I saw it on her site, looks like fun!)

Give me three things you want me to take a picture of. It can be almost ANYTHING at all, but please make it do-able and not gross or sexual or something like that.

I will take the first three people who comment! πŸ™‚

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Italian charm bracelets. I think I’ve got the hang of them. But I only have the patience to deal with one charm tonight. I think I’m going to remove a couple of the links to make it smaller, though. But some other time. Must sleep now. I can’t believe it’s already 12:40am. Gah. Freedom just disappears. Life will almost be back to normal tomorrow.

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Emily is awesome. I don’t know what else to say. Well, she’s amazing and incredible and she makes me get the munchies. πŸ™‚

Had a fun evening. She and I went to Easton, shopped for a bit. I finally got an Italian charm bracelet, and two charms. I’ll play with it a bit later tonight, after I do my hair. πŸ™‚ The One Spot at the Easton Target is awesome! Lots of cute and useful (kinda?) things! πŸ˜€

Sorry for the brevity–I HAVE to do my hair tonight and I’m tired and ready for bed too. Later, folks! πŸ™‚

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I hate cramps. Even moreso, I hate having no medicine to take for them. I’m in agony. I’m going to lie down for a while and try to feel better by the time Emily (yoimemily) calls….

Edited to add: I FOUND THE IBUPROFEN! I just took four, and I should be feeling better in about 30 minutes. Hallelujah! πŸ™‚

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