
This Career

I’m not going to lie, I always feel a tiny twinge of jealousy when I read the wonderful people in the El-Jay writing world realizing their dreams of landing an agent, getting a publishing contract, etc. (Don’t worry, the predominant emotion here is PURE EXCITEMENT so don’t worry, almarrone!!) But, it’s not a negative jealousy. It’s a VERY motivating kind–pushing me to hurry up and write something amazing so it can be out there as well.

I mean, ultimately, I want to be able to sit at a table with almarrone, laurenbarnholdt, and mandywriter promoting our books at a FAN CON. I wonder if they have YA Writer conventions? How neat would that be? OH MY GOD. What if Sarah Dessen (writergrl) were to be there? **hyperventilates on her daydream**

(Don’t worry, swankivy, I did not forget you. But since we write in totally different genres, I don’t know if we’d be at a FanCon together!)

I am so full of… I don’t even know how to describe it. Excitement? Fear? A bit of impatience? Worrying? Praying that it will be my time, and soon?

In the meantime, I am being as patient as I can regarding the OMG entry a few posts back (believe me, no one is more anxious than I am to see how it all pans out!), and also some other things. It’s exciting to see people I know getting what they want, what they’ve worked so hard for, what they’ve dreamed of, and reading/critiquing the work of others–so unbelievably amazing. And it simply inspires me to do more, to keep trying.

Once upon a time, someone very wise quoted her favorite movie Flashdance: When you give up your dream, you die.

There are days when I feel down and scared. I start to doubt, and I wonder if I should give up. Once upon a time, a post that I just read would have sent me into an envious depression. But now? It totally gets me ramped up for my own writing, my own possiblities.

Then I actually think about the possibilities, and I get SCARED. So much can happen, or not. So much can change. And I ask myself am I really ready?

Well you know what? I am. I love writing and books too much to let fear hold me back. That feeling in my gut will never go away and I know that I must keep striving and pushing myself. When I think of what has transpired over the past few months for me, I am gobsmacked. The people I’ve met, the things I’ve learned, the inspiration I’ve gotten. I can’t wait until the day I can share it all. But right now, I will wait. And I will write.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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SUSPENSE! – High-speed adventure is where youre at!
Girls! Guns! Intrigue! Conspiracy! You want to
write it gritty with sharp heroes and
devastating babes. Rich and powerful villains
rule your world and your hero is out to save
it! Ian Flemming and the Die Hard movies are
your inspirations!

What Kind of Novel Should I Write?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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So, okay. (Picture)

Just a few things:

  • I am not pregnant.
  • While it’s exciting that OSU beat Michigan, it really isn’t that big of a deal to me.
  • Burger King? Please! I’m a McDonalds girl! 😀

Most of you know that I write.
Something exciting is in the works with the novel I’ve been shopping around.
I’m seriously superstitious, however, so I don’t want to spill the beans until things are more official.

That’s all I can say right now. Stay tuned for more.

And moving on…

I hope those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving had a nice one. We did. I got to eat lots of good food, relax, and read! Reading is always good. 🙂 So is yummy homecooked food, like this:

Mmm, yummmm. 🙂

I got a random cold about 4:30am Tuesday. I woke up with a sore throat, but managed to go back to sleep. When I got up for work, I was pretty stuffed up. Now, I’m sneezing and coughing a lot. This truly did come out of no where. Right now, my track record is catching a cold every other week. Yay.

And… THE CHRISTMAS SEASON is officially here! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Anyone planning on fighting the crowds at Black Friday? This will be the first year I’m skipping out in a LONG time. But it’s okay. This is my favorite season–well, minus the snow, of course. But you know, I can deal with the snow for now. Can you believe that Christmas is in a little over a month? I have to get going on my shopping and Christmas card sending. And… now it’s okay to put up the Christmas tree–that should be happening soon because on December 10th, Aidan goes to stay with his grandmother for two weeks. I want the tree up before he leaves. But…when he’s gone, I plan to do all of HIS shopping. You see, Aidan is starting to remember and associate things, and if I take him along when I buy his presents, he’ll either want them right away, or he’ll ask for them.

Although… the Nativity set did come on Monday and *I* couldn’t resist opening it, along with the extra shepherds. Aidan is playing with them now–it is the most precious thing ever. 🙂 Now I want to get him the Santa and the Sleigh…or the Tree Lighting, but we’ll see about that. The free shipping promo ended, so unless they have another, it’s doubtful that I’ll buy anything else from Fisher-Price.com. Chris was thinking of getting him the farm, which would be totally neat for me him. Yes, HIM. Meaning Aidan. Um, yeah.

**innocent look**

I’m going to go. Chris just farted and now the loft stinks. : Good night!! 😀

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So, okay…

Just to let you know, I’m a bit really superstitious, so I’m not going to divulge a lot of detail yet. But it seems that most of you have figured things out, and I want to thank you for your congratulations and well wishes!

I will post officially soon, I promise. In the meantime, I have writing to do! :)

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