

I went to Barnes & Noble to pick up Golden by jenlyn_b, and the B&N Fairy may have been moving books around again to make sure her friends had maximum exposure.

*innocent whistle*

And now, time for a survey!!!


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“You Have a Sickness”

Honestly, is it fair to accuse me of being mentally unstable simply because I enjoy reading Earth Science books for fun?

Plate tectonics is fascinating. It really is!

Abbie just doesn’t understand. Sigh.

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Today, I decided to satisfy a Taco Bell craving I’d been having for a while now. I ordered three crunchy tacos–regular ones, not the supreme. I decided to eat it right there in the parking lot, as I was really hungry and thirsty. I’m glad I did. They put SOUR CREAM on my tacos. One thing I learned today–I really, really, really DON’T like sour cream. There’s just something about it that doesn’t quite gel well with my tastebuds. I went inside and had them replace the tacos.

It’s HOT outside! I was walking around Easton and felt like I was melting. I usually like the heat, but combined with the humidity, it’s too much, even for me.

I learned that when I am thirsty, I am pretty much useless. I get cranky and my mind slows to a crawl, and I lose all motivation. I even managed to talk myself out of going to Target and Best Buy (where I have a $25 gift card and a $5 Reward Zone certificate to spend!). Maybe I’ll go tomorrow, but it’s supposed to be even hotter. I’ll have to make sure to take some water with me or something. Because UGH. I’m one of those people who’s always cold, so I can’t imagine how the “normal” or “always hot” people must be feeling. It must be awful.

Went to Barnes & Noble in search of a certain book. They didn’t have it. But I might or might not have taken a certain laurenbarnholdt‘s books and moved two of them to the “new releases” table (on top of Rhymes with Witches because hey, that book’s been out for a long time and just because it’s paperback now doesn’t mean it needs its own special spot), and turned the other one face out on the shelf. **innocent whistle**

Hmm. Now I am remembering why I don’t indulge in the Taco Bell craving so much. Ewww.

Time to reboot the compy. ‘Til next time!

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A Glimpse Into My Life (Pictures)

thatgirlygirl listed what was in her bag. I’m going one step further and posting a picture!!!! πŸ˜€ Take that, girlygirl! πŸ™‚ (Just kidding, you know I love you!)

Oh my, there’s a really bad joke up there. I wonder if anyone’ll get it? LOL.

What's In My Bag? - July 9, 2006

notebook with CRUSH notes · journal · cell phone · extra camera battery · keys · lots of pens! · camera · work ID · paperback book (going to start Planet Janet, thanks to adamselzer who told me about it) · bookmark (to go into said book once I start reading it) · brush and comb · eye drops · wallet/purse thingy · lip balm · face powder · medicine · planner · hair ties

And here is my computer space. I’d posted a pic of this in November, but it’s updated a little bit. See? πŸ™‚


I think the desk would be more streamlined-looking if I had a black, flat panel monitor. However, that’s a $200 I don’t NEED to spend, especially just for aesthetic reasons. But man, wouldn’t it look sweet sitting here? πŸ˜€

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On the way home from my mom’s today, I got caught in the most horrific thunderstorm ever.

Traffic was stopped. Everyone could only sit there with their hazards on and wait it out. Hail POUNDED the SUV. It was so loud I had to cover my ears. The lightening was terrific. Debris was flying all over the place. Visibility was minimal. The sky was pitch black.

It was simply incredible.

I had to marvel, because years ago, I would have had a hysterical fit. I would have had to pull over, scream, curl into a ball, something. Today, the most I did was grip the seat and cringe at the sound of the hail, and at the sight of the trees blowing like mad. Hoping and praying everyone on the road would make it home safely.

It was quite an experience.

I’m proud to say I didn’t have a panic attack. Actually, I can’t remember the last time I had a panic attack. Over anything. I think it’s been years. YAY.

I wanted to take pictures, but my camera was in my suitcase.

Hours before that, I’m ashamed to say I threw a temper tantrum. Well, not an actual *on the floor kicking and screaming* tantrum, but I sulked a lot. I just really HATE going to Heinen’s, and I especially hate it now because they don’t sell the damned chocolate Rice Krispies Split Stix.

I had fun, though, helping my mom pick out a new car. Well, it’s used, but still new. A 2002 Ford Taurus. Red. So much better than the 2002 Dodge Intrepid she was considering. I really don’t like that car. But she fell in love with the Taurus, is getting a great deal on it–but she wants to wait ’til my step-dad is with her to actually commit to it. She’ll hopefully be driving it home tomorrow or Tuesday.

And I had the most yummy dinner today. BBQ chicken and baked beans, and a slice of bread. Mmmmmm.

The agenda for tomorrow includes:

– Library;
– Meijer;
– Lunch with itskels;
– Kicking the boys out of the house to watch fireworks and stealing some ME time. >:)

You know what I realized? As lazy as I can be, I have a hard time relaxing. I always feel like I should be doing something. So, even though I could be stealing a nap, (say, the boys are out of the house or something) I always feel a twinge of guilt–because there is laundry to do. Website work to complete. Novels to revise and edit and work on. Library books to finish reading before tomorrow (yeah, about that…), friends and family to call. I often have to physically WORK to keep from grinding my teeth because I start to think and concentrate so much that I don’t even realize I’m doing it!

I neglected to mention I spent all day yesterday at Andy’s. He’s so cool. He cooked a lot of good food that make my tummy very happy. Spaghetti and grilled chicken. Mmmm. He grilled the chicken on a CHARCOAL grill, too. Oh wow, yum. Then he made chocolate chip cookies–mostly to keep me from eating all the raw cookie dough, I think. We watched movies all day. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (with that great Moaning Myrtle scene, plus anything involving Diggory), Pirates of the Caribbean, and …. oh shoot. Why can’t I remember the other movie we watched? Oh man. What the heck?

And seriously, bacon cooked in the oven is a piece of Heaven on Earth. Firstly, it SMELLS heavenly. Thirty minutes of … BACON. Mmm. And it tastes better than bacon cooked any other way. Although, Foremanized bacon isn’t bad either. But OVEN-COOKED BACON cannot be beat. Ever.

Had a weird dream. I was in Chicago, but a strange part of town with strange random girls. Shopping in strange, random stores. I wanted a box of earrings, but in silver. They only had gold. I remember waiting a long time to see if they could put in a special order for silver. But in the dream, I knew that I was broke, so I was trying to figure out how I was going to pay for the earrings. Turned out they couldn’t order them, so I was off the hook. I also remember getting Aidan from where a bunch of “guys” were hanging out (Chris included), and trying to get him in the stroller. Aidan was too big for the stroller and there weren’t wheels on it. I said the F word a lot.

What a weird dream.

Anyway, Aidan woke me up at 8:35 this morning, and I got a ten minute catnap early this afternoon. So I’m tired. G’night.

ETA: BATMAN BEGINS! That was the other movie!!! πŸ˜€
I also got my desktop computer back, all nicely rebuilt by Andy. Once my Windows XP disk comes (yay for OEM software!), I’ll install it and YAY, I’ll have a desktop up and running again WOOHOO!

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