
Books & Reading & Writing & Goals

I have a new favorite author. Lara M. Zeises (zeisgeist). Her books are phenomenal. I just read Bringing Up the Bones and I am in love with it. Now, the funny thing is that I read Contents Under Pressure first, and I think it should have been the other way around. I LOVE how Lara has certain characters pop in and out of different books. I do the same with mine. I pray that ONLY YOURS get published, and that the one I am working on now gets published (title has been changed yet again), because then you’ll get to meet some characters, then revisit them. Yay.

Another thing I love about Lara’s books is that they’re not sugar-coated. Now, don’t get me wrong. I do enjoy reading “sweet YAs” (how sad am I that the Smooch line went under?) but I definitely prefer … how shall I describe them?–risque?–books where teens do things like have sex and try drugs and *gasp* actually NOT die or have something else horrible happen to them.

I watched How to Deal yesterday, I mean Saturday (damned Springing Forward. I am wide awake right now). The actor who played Macon. Yum. It was really good. Interesting adaptation–taking two books. I enjoyed it. Of course, it was based on Sarah Dessen (writergrl) books, so how could I have not loved it?

Went to the library on Saturday. Checked out eleven items. Ten of them were books. I got ahold of the newest A-list novel. First borrower–the spine hasn’t even been broken on it yet! It smells so good, too. I don’t know if I was supposed to have it yet–the publication date is April 2006, and seeing as Saturday was April 1st… hmm. Anyway, I’m excited to read it. I got the latest Lara M. Zeises book out as well, and a Jax Abbot book. Yeah! Can’t wait to read and read and read. Or write and write and write. Argh, I am so torn!

In Writing news:

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
37,055 / 50,000

I’m moving right along, yes? I was on a roll this weekend, despite my best efforts at slacking. :D There really is something about those late, late nights/early mornings. I was up until 4am on Sunday, down in the family room, wrapped in a blanket, the fish tank on, and surrounded by books. I had grape Kool-Aid and chocolate chip cookie dough. Typing away. It was heaven.

I always talked about how much more productive I’d be if I could write all day. But I don’t think that’s true. I think I’d be better if I could stay up all night. It’s so quiet. No interruptions. No daylight or sunshine or open stores to distract me. Just silence and stillness. Night time has always been my time, and the only times I get to dwell on that is the ocassional Friday or Saturday night. I don’t even get to fully enjoy it then, because I know the next morning, I’ll have to be up to do this or that and you know, raise my child.

I’m really enjoying writing this. I love when I get to this point. :) I’d love to be able to knock out thousands of words a day, but if I focus, I usually get to squeeze out 1000 or so in the midst of constant interruptions and distractions. I hope I can have a 50,000 word first draft completed by June 1st. That would be amazing–to complete a third novel, and to have a bank for more.

March Goals check in:

– 32,000 words – CHECK. I surpassed that goal by more than 3000 words.
– read two new books – CHECK like whoa. I lost count of how many new books I read. :D

I’ll post the April ones over to the side once I figure them out.

I’m gonna run. We’re supposed to get hit with a thunderstorm in about seven minutes and I want my computer unplugged. We’ll probably lose power or internet or something. :( That’s the only bad thing about spring. The storms. Ugh. I hate them.

‘Til next time.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I just finished reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

HOLY COW. Blew me away. I am definitely going to buy it, along with the sequels when they come out.

What I LOVE is that she put up her dream cast of the people in her book here. She was right on with Alice–that’s exactly how I pictured her. And if they get that guy to play Edward–yes. Perfect. Yummm.

How fun, huh? WHEN (thinking positively here) ONLY YOURS sells, I’m going to do that!! :)

I’m not even really into vampire stories that much, but this book is so fascinating, gripping. RUN, don’t walk, to the nearest library/bookstore/whatever and get this book.

**eagerly awaiting the sequel**

Stephenie Meyer is my new hero.

In the meantime, I’m going to read The Order of the Poison Oak by brentsbrain. I LOVED Geography Club, so I’m looking forward to this.

Have a good day! :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I Went to the Library Yesterday


I’d originally gone to pick up Twilight which I’d had on reserve. Yesterday was the last day I could get it, and their is a list a mile long, so I knew I HAD to go yesterday or else I’d lose it for a long time.

I left with 14 items. Many of them CDs, but the rest were BOOKS. Seriously, it’s like a SICKNESS. One of the guys at the circulation desk saw me struggling with my goodies and asked me if I needed a bag. HA HA HA. I’m excited because I got Gingerbread and Shrimp by Rachel Cohn, two books I’d been wanting to read for a while. I hate taking books out of the library if I can’t have the entire series at once. So I grabbed them both when I saw them. Dude, they have like 20454857849578 copies of Pop Princess now. And another copy of Second Helpings. I know they have another because I have one of them at home.

Does anyone recommend the Mediator series by Meg Cabot? I see them a lot, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to picking one up because I’m not sure if I care for the suspenseful stuff so much. What do you think?


I went home, worked a bit on my writing, ate three pieces of chocolate chip cookie dough, and promptly fell asleep. I slept until 1am, when I got up, grabbed a shower, and then finished reading My Cup Runneth Over. Oh my goodness, what an adorable book. It’s full of doodles, and the MC’s voice is so cute!! The ending was nice too. Very sudden, but I didn’t mind it at all. Maybe because I have the sequel sitting right on my nightstand.

Then I went back to sleep. I am looking forward to going home again. It’s so nice when no one else is there except the cats, the fish, and myself. And LOTS and LOTS of books.

Tomorrow, I am taking the day off. I’m going to sleep in, take a shower, then get a 90 minute massage. Mmmmm. Then I’ll spend the rest of the day writing/reading/indulging/pretending that my life is always that way. I also get Monday off. Woo-Hoo. Four days of writing YES LORD. I can’t wait. My WIP is getting complicated and I know that I’m fighting the process on purpose because it’s going to get emotional and hard. But I have to push through and do it. I have to. And I will. I’ll come out battered and broken, but at least I’ll have a novel that’s even closer to being completed.

Gosh, could this entry have been anymore random??

Have a good day! :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Last Tuesday, Chris’s (and my) grandfather passed away. It was sudden and heartbreaking. He was such a great, vibrant person, and I seriously did NOT see this coming–not so soon.

Only today am I easing into “normalcy” again. As the pastor said at the funeral on Saturday, it’s time to write the next chapter in my life… just without him.

Aidan is with my mom until February 25th, so I’m expecting to get in some GOOD writing time the next two weeks. Wish me luck!!

I got the chance to finish five books:

Sixteen – edited by Megan McCafferty
Keep In Touch (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants marketing tool–so glad I got it from the library instead of buying it)
Unscripted – Amy Kaye
The Used To Be It Girl – Amy Kaye
A Bad Boy Can Be Good For A Girl – Tanya Lee Stone (tanyaleestone)

Dude, how sad am I that Smooch went under? They had such cute books. And Tanya’s book was amazing. I finished it in under and hour–I could not put it down.

I MUST go to the library before the 15th. My reserve for Twilight came in, and I want to read that book badly.

I’m tired. And I’m ready for my massage on Friday.

‘Til later!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Something Fun

As I cruise toward the 25,000 word mark in my WIP, I find myself:

  • Not being able to sleep due to the constant churning of ideas.
  • Becoming resentful of almost anything that takes me time and attention away from writing.

Okay, but this was supposed to be fun. :)

I like to put together soundtracks for my WIPs. They are fluid, always subject to change based on how the character grows, how the plot develops, or how sick I end up being of the song. HA.

So, for my current WIP, the songs I have on the playlist (for now) are:

Heartbeat – Annie
Why Can’t I – Liz Phair
Black Roses Red – Alana Grace
Be Be Your Love – Rachel Yamagata
Hoppilolla – Sigur Ros
Boum-Boum – Enigma
Ever The Same – Rob Thomas
Collide – Howie Day
And Then We Kiss – Britney Spears
Serious – Gwen Stefani
These Words – Natasha Bedingfield
Never Leave – Kendall Payne
Forever Love (Digame) – Anna Nalick
Deliver Me – Sarah Brightman

Other fun things I do:

I’ve recently subcribed to several “teen” oriented magazines, and I got two in the mail recently: CosmoGirl and Seventeen. I really like CosmoGirl a lot. But even though I’m sure there are nice articles I can use, I was more interested in the pictures, and I cut out pictures of what my MC’s room looks like. :) Cool, huh? Now I have something to visualize if I ever feel inclined to describe her bedroom.

I also like to nab those email surveys that come around way too often and fill them out from the POVs of my characters.

In Reading News, I finished Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty, and I am very emotionally satisfied. I’m looking forward to Charmed Thirds. Best thing? I emailed her and told her how awesome she is, and she wrote back. YAY for super cool authors. I’m going to be a super cool author. :)

I started reading TTYL, and then I put it down. Maybe I’m too old, but an ENTIRE BOOK written in IMs might be too much for me to handle. However, I bought and read Rhymes with Witches by the same author a long time ago and that book is freaky. I liked it, though. SO, I switched to Sixteen, which is a collaboration, and Sarah Dessen AND Megan McCafferty are in it, so yeah. I’ll probably finish that up before the weekend. I’m cruising right along to my 100 New Books in 2006 goal.

Alrighty then. It’s just about time for me to blow this pop stand, so ’til later! :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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