Trying to make this quick before my hair dries!

I’d intended only on going to church today, then coming home and relaxing. God had other plans for me, though.

First off, today’s message really touched me. It was about leaving everything behind and following Christ. What’s been holding me back? Oh, wouldn’t you like to know? Heh. No, this is a secret only to be beheld by my nearest and dearest. I don’t care if this is what my horoscope says for today:

It’s high time for a secret to be revealed, and you’re game to do the revealing. Put that reputation for bluntness and honesty to work for you, and call a meeting.

Erm, no. I don’t think so. I gave it to God, and that’s that! πŸ™‚

Church was great though, epecially since Emily (yoimemily) and Bizzy (otaku_witch) sat with me. πŸ™‚ They’re so fun!

After church, I got to spend some time talking to Meagan G. She’s such a wonderful person. I see why Kelly P loves her so much. I wish I could spend more time with her.

Then I went to Best Buy, and let a laptop tempt me to the point of no return…almost. You see, I asked God if it were meant to be, then a Best Buy salesperson would come up and help me before 2:30. So one did. I didn’t count on God working in other ways though. The one I wanted was not in stock in any Best Buys closer than Dayton! Ha haa. And now that I think about it, I don’t NEED a laptop. I just want one for my writing. I know it would motivate me more to write, since I do better on computers than I do with pencil and paper. But I think I need to learn to use pencil and paper again–because getting a laptop now, and charging $900 is a stupid move right now and I know this. Just when I feel poopy, I try to pick myself up with purchases which is not healthy at all.

I left Best Buy and pulled into the Polaris Mall Parking lot. Then I thought “I don’t want to go to the mall.” So I went to the park for the picnic at 3. I helped a little bit, but mostly sat around and socialized. I hung out with Emily and Bizzy a lot, and then I met up with them at Crosstrainers.

Okay, let me just say a few words about teens. So many people complain, complain, complain about teenagers. All you haters–sit in on a church youth group service. Listen to these young people. There is a lot to be learned from them. I am amazed everytime I go to CT at what they teach me.

Plus, they’re fun. Of course, I may change my tune when Aidan’s a teen, but for now, I’m enjoying being their friend. I’ve been told by Jen*Jen that I should look into counseling for teens or something; she says I have a gift for “dealing” with them. We’ll see. That’s a God thing to handle!

I have so many emails to answer. I can’t think of when I will get to do them–I was supposed to answer them last night, but I felt so icky that I didn’t even try. And OH, I wanted to develop some digital prints, but I’ll wait til Wednesday to do that.

So, I have wet hair. I’m going to dry it and curl it and then bathe, then go to bed. I’m going to be tired as it is. Nighty night! πŸ™‚