Month: October 2004

Stuff and stuff

Grove Leadership Advance pt 2 went amazingly well. I enjoyed the prayer and learning and fellowship and the food. Mike Borst and his wife are the best. WOOHOO.

This morning, I dropped my car off at the windshield place. Then Chris dropped me at Bob Evans, where I met Tami. We had breakfast. It was so awesome to connect with her again. It had been so long since we’d hung out. She took me to the Advance, and again, it was amazing. Afterwards, she and I talked some more and she took me to get my car. The glass is fixed, but there is no rearview mirror! It broke and now we have to wait for another one. In the meantime, I’m still able to drive the car. It’s weird not having a mirror, though.

Not sure of the point of this entry. Oh yeah. To reiterate how much I love my friends. So, I’m sending a special shoutout to the following people I saw this weekend:
Tami, Kelly P, Tyler, Garth, and Kim. A special thanks to The Craigerator for watching Aidan and making it possible for me to attend the entire Advance.

I’m sleepy. Yes, sleepy. Of course I am. You can see what time I was up posting. I was up at 7:30am.

I think we’re going to dinner with Chad and Christy later tonight, and then, who knows. If you want to hang out, gimme a call! I’m open for just about anything. YAY!


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I’m Still Up

I’m tired as all bananas, but I can’t sleep. Well, I’m sure I could if I lay down. I have a busy day tomorrow today and I should be getting some rest.

7am – get up
8am – drop off car at car place
830am – Bob Evans with Tami
10am-2pm – Grove Leadership Advance Pt 2
230pm-?? – NAP

I am supposed to hang with Chad and Christy sometime tomomorrow today as well, and I need to go shopping for some sunglasses and film for Vegas, and I STILL HAVE TO PACK. Oh, and call Mommy too. Busy, busy. And I’m still up.

Leadership Advance Pt 1 was great. Lots of ideas, lots of prayer. Lots of great things with the ministry. And of course, connecting with my friends. That’s one of my favorite parts. Oh yes, everyone send a huge shoutout to Tami. My girl got a new job at Nationwide. And she’s rejoining our small group. Good times will abound. Perhaps more cinnamon eating tricks. (NOOO yells swankivy)

Anyway… back to the Advance. It was really nice. We did some worship, some brainstorming, some praying and observing and learning. There was pizza for dinner and cookies and milk for dessert. Mmmm. 🙂

I’m looking forward to part 2.

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I decided I wanted something a bit different for my LJ. It’s still one of their layouts (cause I’m lazy like that), but I like it okay.

Got my 3rd job rejection today. I’m doing really well, aren’t I? No wonder people give up on job searches. It’s not worth it when I’m not even getting INTERVIEWS. Bah. I must face it. I’m stuck. And I suck. I’ll never be good enough to anyone to move on, so I’ll be here, doing this forever. What a depressing thought.

What is it with everyone wanting to be fulfilled by their jobs anyway? I’m sure those working the same job for 50 years fashioning rivets weren’t fulfilled. They didn’t make their careers/jobs their identity. They did what they had to do to get food on the table. I hate thinking that I have to resort to that. I spend SO MUCH TIME at work, is it fair that I have to feel worthless 95% of the time? I just have to try not to be jealous of those who love their jobs and who get paid at least twice as much as I do to do something they LOVE. Why is it this way? I have a college degree, and yet, I’m being told I’m not talented enough for jobs that require only high school diplomas. How does this make sense? I have years and years of experience, but there are these jerks who have better credentials than me jumping in and pushing me out, and it’s so competitive out there. I picked the wrong dang major in college and totally screwed myself. Now, I’m no one special. I don’t stand out. So, why should I even try anymore?

It smells like old pizza on our floor because people don’t believe in picking up after themselves. I mean, for goodness sake, the pizza was here on Wednesday. Get with it folks. Gross.

Oh yeah, I forgot one more crappy thing that happened. My favorite sunglasses broke. Luckily, not the sexy glasses. No, those I just can’t find. But my driving ones are broken. I’m fortunate it’s been overcast the past few days.

I’m looking forward to Vegas. Now that it’s really close, I’m getting excited. I need to get away. I’ve been a right bitch the past few days and I’ve been taking it all out on Chris. 🙁 I just need to… regroup or something.

Hopefully, the retreat advance tonight will get me focused on something other than my patheticness. Okay, I know those of you lovely people commented and told me that I’m NOT pathetic, and maybe I believe this deep down. But it’s those little things again. Those little fiery darts that are piercing me and burning away a little more at my confidence each day. And I’m going to say “little” a few more time to be really annoying.

little little little little little

Anyway. I think I’m going to eat McDonalds. Because I’m allowed to have it today. And it’s going to be good. Dang it.

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