There is always drama at O’Hare, I swear. This time, the flight had a weight restriction put on it, and they were asking people to give up their seats for a $250 travel voucher, a free overnight hotel stay, free breakfast, and the first flight out tomorrow. I thought about it and figured, why not? I’d get another night in Chicago and some poor soul wouldn’t have to be bumped off the flight. I could get into Columbus about 9am, go straight to work from there (my car was there anyway), and then drive home that evening. So I volunteered. I ended up getting on anyway, so I guess it all worked out. I sure would have liked that travel voucher, though.

I was worried about my car. The weather has been crazy lately, from what I understand. I was worried it’d be buried in caked-on snow and ice, and once I got that out, that it wouldn’t start. But when the cab pulled over to the car, it was pretty much cleaned off. Not sure if my co-workers were nice enough to do it for me, or if the wind just blew that way, but my car was fine. It also started right up! 🙂 I was so happy and relieved!

So now I’m home, trying to figure out where the mysterious poop smell is coming from (I have a feeling it involves the letters L-U-C-Y) and getting ready to go to bed. Lucy is currently cussing me out and I am starting to get a bugger of a head cold. Blech.

More pictures and trip recap soon. 🙂

Night, er… morning. Eep.