I first did this survey/meme in 2006. You can see my original answers in this post.

me in 2006
Here are my answers now. Bolded ones are the ones that have changed.
1. What’s your name: Ronni
2. How tall are you: 5’1?
3. What color are your eyes: hazel
4. What color is your hair: golden something or other
5. Are you male or female: female
6. What is your best feature (physically): eyes, smile, boobs, skin
7. What’s your shoe size: 6.5 women’s, 4.5 kid’s
8. Glasses, yes or no: yes
9. Did you ever have braces: no
10. On a typical day you are wearing: yoga pants and a tank top
11. When you go to bed you’re wearing: a cool nightgown, or a very cool matching pajamas and tank top set
12. Work out/exercise about how often: not often enough
1. Name five of your favorite albums:
a. Jennifer Berezan – Returning
b. ODESZA – My Friends Never Die
c. Lana del Rey – Born to Die
d. Haim – The Wire
e. –
…I’m going to add a disclaimer here that I have a LOT of favorite albums and narrowing it down even more will overwhelm me.
2. Name five of your favorite singers:
a. Enya
b. Ginger Doss
c. Lana del Rey
d. SJ Tucker
e. Suzanne Sterling
3. Name three songs you are currently playing nonstop:
a. The Protagonist – Philter
b. Feel Flows – Slow Magic
c. Krsna Govinda (MAKHANA remix) – The Kirtanias f. Jai Uttai
….and many many more!
4. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life right now:
I guess that’s the problem with listening to mostly chill step. Most of the songs don’t really have lyrics….
5. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life one year ago:
^^ See above.
6. When you’re driving, what are the preset stations on your radio:
I listen to my iPod when I am driving.
7. What’s the last CD you bought:
ODESZA – In Return
8. Was the last CD you burned an actual CD or a mix:
Oh gosh, that was so long ago. I don’t think computers even do that anymore!
9. Name one song/band/singer you’re embarrassed to like but do:
I’m not embarrassed to like who I like! OK, that might not be true, but I do like Michael Bolton. *runs away*
10. If you could only attend one concert ever again, it would be:
NOOO don’t do this to me!
11. Name one band/singer you absolutely can’t stand:
I mean, I know it’s out there, but I am currently drawing a blank.
12. Name a group you use to like but feel you’ve grown out of:
I don’t really grow out of groups, I don’t think. I just decide to take a break. I usually come back and revisit.
1. Name your favorite actor: Theo James
2. Name your favorite actress: Don’t really have one….
3. Name your favorite television show right now: n/a
4. Name five really cool movies you’ve recently seen:
a. Divergent
b. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
c. The LEGO Movie
d. –
e. –
…OK I’m going to add a disclaimer and point out that I don’t go out and watch a lot of movies which is a shame because I do enjoy going to the theater. Also realize that my definition of “recent” may be different from most.
5. Your favorite canceled television show: Golden Boy
6. Name one movie you wish you hadn’t wasted time/money on recently: n/a
7. You would never watch a movie with: dunno
8. Favorite candy/food to watch movies with: Reese’s Pieces
9. Three favorite tv channels: n/a
10. Favorite reality show: n/a
11. Favorite character on a reality show: n/a
(Write the first word/thing/person that comes into your head when you read this word:)
1. coffee: mocha
2. dog: Darby
3. slut: sleep
4. candy: eat
5. pole: dance
6. ocean: water
7. brave: Merida
8. loving: teddy bear
9. cookie: chocolate chip
10. death: fire
11. life: water
12. child: baby
1. Ten guilty men go free OR One innocent man goes to jail for life: 🙁
2. Eaten by a lion OR Eaten by thousands of small insects: Lion
3. A life of contentment without love OR A life with love and heartache: Quite often, I think the first option sounds ideal. But I’m not that type of girl.
4. Skydiving from a plane OR Bungee jumping off a bridge: Skydiving
6. No television OR No music: No TV
7. No more pizza, ever OR no more chocolate, ever: No more pizza, ever
8. A trip to Europe OR a trip to Hawaii: Europe
9. An hour with your future soul mate OR An hour with a lost loved one: Lost loved one. The future soul mate would come along soon enough.
10. No longer being able to cry OR No longer being able to feel the need to cry: No longer needing to cry.
11. Sex without love OR love without sex: Either is fine.
12. Loving someone who doesn’t love you OR being loved by someone you don’t love: Done them both. Whatever.
1. Are you currently in a relationship: Yes
2. Are you currently looking/interested in someone: No
3. Are you a virgin: Negative
4. If yes, how long do you plan to be one: n/a
5. How many times have you been “in love”: At least four, I’m thinking more.
6. Looking back, how do you feel about that person(s) now: Some of them I just…I dunno. Try to forget about them. Others I am still friends with.
7. Name three things (physically) you look for in someone: lips, hair, voice
8. Name three things (mentally/emotionally) you look for in someone: silly, warm, intelligent
9. Biggest turn-offs include: cockiness, flakiness, dishonesty
10. Your ideal date would be: December 25th. Oh, you meant a different kind of date…
11. You want to get married, where, when, how: Been there done that.
12. Does anyone have feelings for you right now that you don’t return: Doubtful.
(of your friends, who would you say is:)
1. The one you immediately go to with a problem: Wanda
2. The most rational: Adam
3. The funniest: Chris
4. The one you spend the most time on the phone with: Adam (I actually never talk on the phone unless it’s to Aidan or my mom, or sometimes Adam but we usually text.)
5. The craziest (but in a good way): All of them. Every single one.
6. The most honest: Jen
7. The purest: Not a one of the lot.
8. The smartest: All my friends are pretty smart.
9. The most athletic: My yoga friends.
10. The most compassionate: Wanda.
11. The one most likely to get thrown in jail and why: Adam, for getting all riled up in some anti-corporate protest
12. The last one who said “I love you”: last FRIEND who said it? Charla
I can’t believe 2006 was eight years ago.

me now
Ronni, I used to LOVE doing quizzes like these! I’ll probably do this one. That guilty men/innocent man question is soooo sad! 🙁 I recently found a similar quiz I did in the early 2000s on my Xanga (remember Xanga!?)!
OMG I totally remember Xanga!!! I got curious when you mentioned it and had to go find it–realized that I can download my archives, so I did! Ha! I hope you do the quiz, I want to read your answers!