
Much On My Mind (Video)

I’m sitting here FREEZING. My hands are like ice blocks, but I am hesitant to turn on the heater because my last gas bill was over $75, and that was with my thermostat being set at 64ยบ or 65ยบ for most of December. I’m thinking of investing in a space heater, because my electric bill is just over $30. Much more affordable.

Now I just need $20 for a space heater. OR I need to remember to bring the one I use at work home with me on cold evenings. Then I have to remember to take it back to work!

I had a really good weekend. Someone awesome spoiled me rotten, and got to eat at Morone’s, where I haven’t been in years!!! It was as delicious as I remember. Mmm, I love that place. They’re always hiring too, I wonder if I got a job hostessing there a couple nights a week would I get discounts on food? Meh, I’ve heard too many horror stories recently about how restaurant workers are treated; so it’s not likely.

Now I’m craving Morone’s again. Mmmmm.

My Web site host emailed me and told me they changed my password. I’d had the same password for anywhere-is for over six years now, so this new password thing is kind of annoying. It’s longer and more crazy than before. But that’s the thing now, strong passwords. And I’m cool with it. I’m down. Word.

Ivy (swankivy) showed me a Web site that allows one to look up his or her old sites on the internet. I did some searching and came across tons of old layouts I’d done for anywhere-is. And pixels! Clique graphics. Anyone remember the wormie clique? I had a blue one! And anyone remember The Cutie Factory? That site had the best pixels ever. There are still pixel-making sites out there, and I still LOVE collecting them. ๐Ÿ™‚

A while ago, I’d posted the Aidan Mega Mix for people to download. I wasn’t sure if people with Macs or whatever could watch it. But I uploaded it to YouTube over the weekend, so behind the cut is a video that I made in late 2005 of Aidan being cute.

I plan to make a new video soon. You guys have to see this kid in action.

He’s been with my mom since the 6th of January, and I miss the little bugger.

Popped into a comic book store over the weekend. The Laughing Ogre. Had to see which Peach Girls I’d missed. I need 5-10, plus the Sae ones. Someday. Someday, perhaps. I also found myself drawn to the Baby-Sitters Club graphic novels. *looks around innocently* Didn’t buy anything, of course, but the place is a block and a half from me. I can walk there any time. If it would ever stop raining.

Actually, it did stop raining. Just in time for the weather to drop to “freeze your nutsack off” temperatures. Still not happy weather for me to walk in. I can’t wait until the late Spring, when the trees have pink blossoms all over them and it’ll be warm enough to walk without a jacket on. But it’s only January.

I have to do dishes. Eventually.

I did drop $8 I really can’t afford on jenlyn_b‘s new book Tattoo. I wanted to get robbiewriter‘s book Better Than Yesterday as well (I’ve heard awesome reviews about it), but I didn’t see it. Not that I had the money for it anyway–I think I’ll try to reserve it at the library, though. ๐Ÿ˜€ If it’s not there, then WAH. I’ll figure something out.

Who plans to watch American Idol tonight? I MIGHT. We’ll see. It depends on how well Fox will come in on my TV. I do it old school, see. I have rabbit ears. And sometimes the channels aren’t so clear. But that’s all right. Ha.


I’m experiencing a letdown right now. After such an awesome weekend, I’m readjusting and having kind of a hard time with it. I’m feeling depressed about my writing (or lack thereof) again. Big things coming up in the next few days that are on my mind. I’m cold. I’m also very tired. Early bedtime is on the agenda for tonight, I think. We’ll see how that goes, though.

I guess I’ll turn the heat on now. I’m freezing THROUGH MY SHOES. That’s bad.

‘Til next time.

P.S. I’m doing one of my favorite things right now. Reserving books at the library. Wooo!

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Happy Mail Day!! :) (Pictures)

My buzzer rang at 3:59pm, bringing happiness for a certain little boy in my life.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Then I got Christmas cards, and a letter. No bills. Yes, good mail day. Good day in general, because I didn’t have to work. But it’s back to the old grind tomorrow. Bah. Only three days this week, though, then another holiday, YAY!

Gonna take a bath with Aidan now. Later! ๐Ÿ™‚

(Thank you, Uncle A, for making the Clubhouse happen!!!! Aidan loves it!)

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Yesterday, I got to work in an unexplainable cranky mood. Probably due to my tiredness. I just wasn’t in the mood to copy edit, but most specifically, I didn’t want to copy edit those 2Rs that were in from Baseline. Talk about confusing and time consuming! But I’d forgotten that it was the company-wide monthly birthday party until Sandy reminded me, and then she gave me a card. There were only a few of us who got sang to, but that meant free fruit and chocolate cake for breakfast. And 30 minutes away from my desk.

I got back to my desk and E. Mae had sent out an invite, asking all the copy editors to lunch, her treat. We ended up at this Italian place in Grandview. Great food, slow service, but it was okay. The bread was amazing!!

There is so much food and good stuff all over the department. Cookies and candies and just… loads of free stuff for the taking. I ate way too much yesterday. I paid for it this morning! Ha. (Remind me to lay off the apple juice. Like, for real, yo.)

I was thinking of letting my hair grow another two to four inches without relaxing it, then cutting off all the relaxed hair and going natural. My hair is in such bad shape now, I don’t see how it could hurt. What do you guys think? It’d probably look like this little girl’s hair in my icon:

Think I could pull it off? I’m seriously thinking about it. I know my hair will be a HOT MESS the next few months if I do this, but it will be natural, all natural, if I decide to go for it. i am so tempted, you have NO idea. Give me your opinions. In the meantime, I will be looking for information on natural hair care, going natural, blah blah blah.


Last night was so much fun! Aidan and I went to my co-worker’s Heather’s place, where she was watching a little 3-year old named Katie. We watched The Polar Express and How The Grinch Stole Christmas (the Dr. Suess version), and baked cookies. The kids played with toy trains, and this really neat “Pizza Party” set by Melissa and Doug, the same people who made the See and Spell I got Aidan for Christmas. That pizza party was so cute, and I found out that they have all sorts of neat food toys. I wish I was rich. I’d buy them all for Aidan in a heartbeat, and buy extras to donate. Those toys are THAT GOOD.

Today, even though Aidan didn’t get to sleep until after 1am, he was up at 8:30. I was as well, though, so it worked out. We had a lazy morning, then we headed out for Saturday errands–Post Office, bank, and Target to get essentials and prescription refills. He got compliments left and right today about how cute he is. People smile when they see him. It’s adorable. When we got to the bank, I glanced up and saw three beautiful dogs looking at us. They were in the back of an SUV with the top-back window open. The owner had just happened to come out as I was commenting to Aidan on how pretty they were, and he let us pet them. They were very friendly, and I got “kissed” on the nose twice. One was a husky, one was pure white, and the other was golden–he looked like a retriever or so.

Aidan ate three bowls of oatmeal today, and drank two cups of apple juice, so he’s been running to the bathroom quite often. He and I had a picnic of macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets, followed with leftover cookies from last night at Heather’s. It was very good.

Now, he and I are both wrapped in towels, sitting at computers, and drying off after our Saturday night bath. Oh, correction, he’s stark naked, which is one of his favorite ways to be. Silly kid.

He is VERY excited about Christmas. He really gets it this year. He TRIED to open a gift already, but I wouldn’t let him. Not until next week! ๐Ÿ™‚ But he did help me wrap a gift for “Grandmommy” and one for “Grandpa Greg.” Oh, and little gifts for the cats. We gave Lucy hers already. I’m having a great time using “Santa Claus” to get him to be good. >:) The best part is making up explanations for every question he throws at me. I’m having a blast. Haven’t taken him to see Santa yet–the lines are crazy long, and I think he’ll be okay if he doesn’t get to see him. He really wants a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but that toy is INSANELY hard to find, and the people on eBay are making loads off of it. I’m hoping the TMX Tickle Me Elmo (should it be Tickle-Me Elmo, to be grammatically correct? Probably not. I’m going CRAZY over open and closed compounds, and hyphenated ones, too. At least, it’s not Tickle Me, Elmo) will take his mind off of the Clubhouse. OH GOD. Yesterday, he asked for a Wii. Um…no. LMAO. I think, with all the stuff my mom got him (and she’s still not done, she says) he’ll be so overwhelmed that he’ll forget the Clubhouse. I HOPE. Eeep.

‘Til next time!

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