
Interesting Weekend

Spent Friday night with my brother and Aidan. That was great. It’s always amazing to hang out with Rob. Took them to Max & Erma’s and then we went to Best Buy. I bought Popular The 2nd Season on DVD. Actually, Mommy did. I used the gift card she gave me. πŸ™‚ After that, I went to Craig’s where a bunch of people were hanging out and watching the basketball games. Brackets, brackets, brackets. Lord help me.

Joshua A: Cats gone wild!

Most of the day Saturday was spent with a home improvement guy. We *almost* got what he was offering, but Chris got 2nd thoughts so we decided against it. Saturday evening, Chris and I took Becky out to dinner at House of Japan. We ate sushi! (I am so excited that Becky is into sushi now!) I ate other stuff too; too much food. The chef was hilarious. I took pictures. Will have them up soon, I hope.

After dinner, Chris and Aidan went to Craig’s and I came home. I was tired and not feeling well, so I cleaned my room and did my hair. Then I turned in around 1030ish. Early night for me!

Church was cool. I was disappointed that we were not allowed to sit on the floor in the back anymore. I rather liked it there. Todd A was back in town for the weekend; it was great to see him. Saw Garth too, who I’d missed a LOT. We had lunch at Cheeseburger In Paradise which was quite yummy. I brought a lot home, though. Katie gave me a mini-massage which was incredible. She’s so good! Spent most of the day with Bizzy which was a ton of fun, especially since we spent most of the time in Best Buy speaking in British accents. That was awesome. πŸ™‚ Bible study did not happen–the leader Robbie was out sick, and the few of us that showed up kind of hung out for a bit before disbursing. It’s always good to see Monica, Megan S (megnita), and Katie M.

I got three books at Barnes & Noble. The next two in the Georgia Nicholson series, and a book by some lady whose last name is Sark. The title is too long for me to remember right now, but it looks like it’s going to be great. I can’t wait. And I found my yoga book, which I am totally stoked about. From Best Buy, I bought The Wiz. Only $5.99. And I didn’t actually buy it; I still had money on my gift card! I still do!

I love books.

So I definitely need a new car stereo. I was going to go tomorrow to buy it and get it installed (if the wait wasn’t too long), but I think I’ll just wait ’til the weekend. I’ll go early in the day so they can install it same day for sure. It will be sweet; I already know which one I’m getting. I’m getting the iPod mount too, so I can listen to my iPod in the car. It’ll charge it as I’m driving, so no more iPods dying on me like mine did on the way to church! And no more iTrip to deal with either. Woo.

About 5am Saturday morning, Aidan woke up crying. I can’t listen to my baby cry, so I brought him in here with me. He went back to sleep but was up at 8. This was BAD because I’d not been asleep very long. I had stayed up late downloading free MP3s from Lots of great stuff there! Lots of amazing trance. I can’t wait to try it all. My iPod is very happy. πŸ™‚ Saturday night, I was in bed when Chris got home from Craig’s, but Aidan was asking for me so he put him in here. Aidan cuddled up to me and said “MommEE MommEE” and kept patting my cheek. Let me tell you. That’s an amazing way to fall asleep. This precious little boy softly patting your cheek. Wow. So he and I cuddled and slept all night in here. He didn’t wake up til almost 10 and that’s because Chris’s alarm went off. He was a great little boy all day; well, what I saw of him anyway. Sundays tend to be pretty whirlwind for me because I’m so busy with church stuff. I don’t see Aidan a lot on Sundays. πŸ™


Off to bed with me. I grabbed a short nap, then Becky called (and it’s always a pleasure to talk to her). But I’m going back to sleep now. Byeeeee!

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A Potluck Entry

Lots of Randomness Ahead.

You are quite willing to apply all your energy toward making your life easier now, but it may seem as if there are no quick answers. Your unexpressed insecurities have more of a hold on you than you realize. There is, however, great potential in the current situation, but you’ll need to slow down and take the time to discover what is here for you. If you can avoid being such an optimist for a while and see things as they really are, you’ll learn an important lesson about creating intimacy.

I LOVE It’s like–they know everything. And I love how their horoscopes aren’t all “this is going to happen today.” It’s about how I’m feeling. I wonder if other people with my sign are dealing with similar issues?

It’s scary and amazing how a certain incident can trigger all sorts of things within oneself–things this person thought were buried or resolved. Sometimes the response is more emotional than one had anticipated–often to the point of shock and then self-revulsion. I know exactly what this part is referring to: Your unexpressed insecurities have more of a hold on you than you realize. Now that I’m aware, I have to keep being patient with myself as I work through it.

Worried about a few things; people mainly. You know who you are. I’m here if you need to talk.

I NEED to get an oil change this weekend. NEED. I’m like 6,000 miles past the limit. Tire rotation is due too. Can you believe I put over 20,000 miles on my car in a year? I drive a LOT. Let’s not talk about how much I spend in gas. Yeah, about that. I spend probably $60 a week in gas, and that’s a little Hyundai Accent. Approx. 8.5 gallon tank. Costs me close to $20 to fill it up because gas is getting so expensive. So… I guess we are to expect the prices to hover around $2.00/gallon now?

I’m going to need to do some freelance work to make up for that!

Now if I could just not be a chicken-shit and actually submit some freelance stuff….

I am so glad it’s Friday. The weather is finally warming up! Spring is this Sunday WHEEE! It’ll be summer before I know it! YEA! Cute clothes, flipflops, cool sunglasses-here I come!

I think we’re going to finally get A/C put in our house this year too. No more fans! Ha!

I hope to spend a lot of time connecting and reconnecting with my friends this summer. I love the summertime. I’m looking forward warm temps, NO SNOW, sunshine, parties, cookouts, game nights, campouts (yes, Rob??) and then some. I can’t wait for the winter to be over.

I forgot to write that I had dinner with my friend Tony a couple of Sundays ago. It was really nice. We ate at Max & Erma’s. He had just come from work and he has to dress up so he looked really hot. He doesn’t believe me when I say he’s hot, but it’s true. I’ll have to post a picture of him.

The dinner went very well. We talked and talked and talked. It was very good and extremely enjoyable.

OOooo, how happy am I at the prospect of sunlight wafting through the house?? Now I just have to clean it. AGAIN. Son of a….

I miss Rob. A LOT.

I’m thinking of getting a new car stereo. My CD player is busted. When I put CDs in, it makes this nasty tapping noise and my CDs start to skip. Chris says it needs to be cleaned. So I’m going to try that. If that doesn’t work, then I’m going to look into a new stereo. I’d love a CD Player/Cassette Desk combo. I really want to be able to play my iPod in the car without using an FM Transmitter. I have an iTrip and it’s rather annoying. Can’t say I wasn’t warned, though. ‘Cause I was.

The song “Roses” by Outkast is stuck in my head.

And now for a bit of soul-baring:

I get scared when I find myself in friendships that are deepening. When I really hit it off with someone, I embrace them, then I immediately want to push them away. I know it comes from being hurt so much in the past. From letting people in and trusting them only for them to betray me. Or dismiss me.

I think back to the cycles in my life. The times when I was incredibly social to the times I locked myself in my apartment and made videos of myself singing “This Kiss.” *blush* I flip-flop so much between dying for alone time and longing to be with my friends! It’s so confusing and weird.

I know that I’m trying to protect myself and my heart. But how much is too much? I’m in my social period now but I feel myself winding down. Craving more time alone, just with me. In my house. But I refuse to shut out the people I know now–I’ve been having too much fun with them and they mean way too much to me. I’ve grown up (somewhat, not really) and I just can’t shut people out anymore because I’m scared they’re going to hurt me. And I KNOW it’s fear.

I have to break through it.

Dammit. I have so much work to do. And then after all the efforts, I’ll end up dying in the end anyway. Funny, that.

I want to do something with people tonight, I think. Maybe go and grab a bite to eat. Or maybe rent/watch a movie. Anyone up for it?

I’ve got my script memorized (almost) for The Grove on Tuesday. Excitement abounds–My HCC acting debut! πŸ™‚ I love acting. Did y’all know I was a theatre major my first year in college? I switched to psychology because I thought I’d have a better shot at landing a realistic job. I wish I’d switched to Communication. Trying to break into that field is HARD. πŸ™ And it’s what I’m good at and what I love to do. I don’t even get interviews–so I have to maybe rework my cover letter so they can see the passion I have for that and then call me for interviews so I can WOW them. *sigh*


I stole it from sylvehr! πŸ™‚

Name: Ronni
Birthday: December 20
Birth place: Cleveland, OH
Current Location: Columbus, OH
Hair Color: (naturally) Golden
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Your heritage: Good Lord, as if I know.
Shoes you wore today: My Chuck Taylor knock-offs. So frikkin comfy…
Your weakness: SHOPPING!!
Your perfect pizza: Ham. Mmmm.
Goal you’d like to achieve: I would like to be a successful, published author.

Your most overused phrase: “What the banana…?” or “So…”
Your thoughts first waking up: “Already?”
Your best physical feature: Eyes and smile.
Your bedtime: I don’t really have one…
Your most missed memory: Huh?

Pepsi or Coke: Ick. Neither.
McDonald’s or Burger King: I love them both.
Adidas or Nike: neither. CONVERSE baby!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: *shrug* I’m not a huge tea drinker.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Neither.

Smoke: No.
Cuss: Sometimes.
Single: No.
Have a crush: No.
Think you’ve been in love: Yes.
Believe in yourself: I’m learning to.
Get motion sickness: If I read or something for too long while in the car, yes.
Think you’re attractive: 90% of the time.
Think you’re a health freak: NO WAY.
Get along with your parents: Sure.
Like thunderstorms: I HATE THEM.

Drank alcohol: Yes.
Gone on a date: No.
Gone to the mall: Heck yes!
Been on stage: No.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No. Hahaha.
Eaten sushi: I WISH! Dang it, I want some sushi.
Been dumped: No.
Gone skating: No.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
Stolen anything: No.

Played a game that required removal of clothing: No.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Mmm yeah. About that…
Been called a tease: Not to my face.
Gotten beaten up: No.

Age you hope to be married: Already am.
Number of Children: I have one and that’s quite enough, thankyouverymuch.
How do you want to die: I don’t know!
What do you want to be when you grow up: A writer.
What country would you most like to visit: UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland just to name a few.

Best eye color?: Blue!
Best hair color?: Dark brown.
Short or long hair: However it looks nice.
Height: Tall.
Best first date location: Somewhere involving food.
First kiss location: *shrug*

Number of people you could trust with your life: Very few.
Number of CDs you own: not sure. Um… LOTS!
Number of piercings: Two.
Number of tattoos: Zero.
Number of times your name has appeared in the Newspaper?: At least three.
Number of scars on your body: A few.

Weird survey.


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YES! The Weekend is Here! :)

I’ve been pleasantly busy. Working on stuff for The Grove, dabbling a bit in my writing, hanging out with my friends. All wonderful things that I absolutely enjoy doing.

Chris is on his way to get Aidan right now. I was going to go, but I REALLY want to go and visit Lauren in the hospital. She had her daughter at 8:21 this morning! She’s probably exhausted. I’m going to go and see her later today after I stop at the store and pick up a lil somethin’-somethin’.

I feel like SLEEPING but there is so much I need to do before Aidan gets back home. I miss my little bugger!!

Had a busy week! Monday I slept all afternoon. Tuesday I had a meeting for The Bark. Wednesday I had a drama club meeting. That was fun. To have two people tell me “Don’t ever stop writing” was wonderful and made me blush. I think God has let me known plenty of times the talents He has given me. It’s time to use them. *Summons Braverism and Non-procrastinationism.* Thursday, I grabbed a nap, shopped for a little bit, then ate Penn Station subs. Mmyeah, won’t do that again. It made me sick and Rob too, who had finished my sandwich.

I have 25 emails that need attention in my inbox. A collage to put together, so much to do! And laundry. Oh crap, I still have to buy hangers. Darn it, I will have to get out of bed like NOW NOW NOW.

So, the Disneyworld trip in May has been finalized. I’m getting lanyards and pins! They come with our package! How excited am I about that? WoO-HoO, Disney pins! πŸ™‚ This package is amazing, we’re getting so many things. Character meals, dude, the shuttle to the hotels from the airport will have a character on it!!!! I am taking film and digital cameras for sure! I am so excited, I totally cannot wait.

I watched Goonies for the FIRST TIME on Thursday night! It was such a cute movie. I remember wanting to see it when I was little and asking my parents if they’d rent it for me, but they never did. But we own it and I can watch it anytime I want. I’m so glad Rob insisted I watch it.

Get It Now! and Mobile Web finally work on my cell phone. I only downloaded two things, though. The Mickey Mouse Club March ringtone and Bejeweled. Ordering too much will cost me a fortune, so I’m going to really keep myself in check. There isn’t much that I want anyway. I’d wanted a fun game and a cute ringtone. I am soo into Mickey Mouse all of a sudden. Well, it’s not actually sudden. It’s just… revived. πŸ™‚ So he’d better watch out ’cause I’ll be looking for him in May!

On Tuesday, it snowed like crazy while I was in Panera. I had to scrape my windshield. With a CD case. Those work well in a pinch. I couldn’t find my scraper and it was cold! So I did that and then remembered I had de-icer fluid in my car. So I turned it on. One swipe, two swipes, then the driver’s side wiper refused to work. Grr. I figured out the problem the next morning–somehow the nut had come loose. I’m not strong enough to tighten it, so I made it home that evening with a fuzzy windshield. I used pliers and tightened that bolt and now my wiper works fine! πŸ™‚ I did my own car repair–sort of.

Went shopping last night. Got three pairs of pants ($15 each, L.E.I. size 5, my favorite ever), some makeup, a book (Angus, thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging – bloody hell, there are so many sequels!!), hair serum, and Girl Scout cookies!

Okay. So everyone is always going on about how great Sephora is. I went in there for the first time yesterday and frankly, it was a bit much. I mean, all the self-testers were bothering me. People weren’t using the Q-tips and such, they were using the actual product implements which kind of disturbed me. I tried on this “Too Faced Lip Injection” stuff. HOLY COW. NEVER do that. That stuff hurts. I am not sure what they put in it but OUCH. The box says ‘a slightly intense sensation.’ There is nothing slight about that. It was downright painful.

Holy crap. I swear I can still feel it. Ugh, that can’t be healthy. I had a dream Ivy tried it. I’d like to tell her not to, because I think they use cinnamon to enhance that, and it would be VERY BAD for her. So Ivy, if you’re reading this, NEVER TRY that Lip Injection stuff. Not that you would anyway, but just in case. πŸ˜‰

Now, back to the store. I was overwhelmed. There was so much makeup and so many people running around and it was so loud. I was looking for a very specific look and had NO idea where to start. I did pick up a box of Hard Candy glittery pink eyeshadow, though. Then I went down to Saks, the Bobbi Brown counter. I was browsing the lipsticks when a saleslady named Lane asked me if she could help me find anything. She was wearing the exact look I was going for; that dewey pinkish fresh look. But without a lot of stuff other than the basics. I don’t want to spend a lot of time doing makeup everyday and having stuff flake off and whatnot. She tried her look on me, I loved it, and bought it all. Got some free gifts too. Won’t tell you how much it cost, although Chris was totally okay with it. πŸ™‚

(You guys can guess if you want).

I guess what I wanted was someone to show me what looked good on me, someone to put the makeup on me, and no chaos. Sephora was total chaos! And the cost of makeup brushes! I mean, some of them were close to $100! Do they really work that well, are they that worth it? Can I get some from Target for a lot cheaper that will be just as effective (and not shed?) You make up queens, please shed some light on the situation.

Hung out with my crew last night! πŸ™‚ Met Rob at Polaris mall where I ate dinner, then we met Bizzy and Becky (and her gorgeous friend Autumn) at Starbucks. I had some kind of Herbal Iced Tea blend. It was interesting. It smelled amazing! I’ll probably get it again. Then we went to Craig’s and watched Bend It Like Beckham and SNL. Good times, man. Good times. πŸ™‚

Rob: (takes out a package of wintergreen gum and helps himself to a piece.)
Becky (to Rob): since when do you chew gum?
Rob: Recently I’ve been making out with myself. I’ve found that I’m a decent kisser.

Loud, screaming laughter from Ronni, Autumn, and Becky.

In Starbucks, we found some carving in the table. We tried all sorts of ways to decipher it, but it just didn’t work. Now that I think about it–I wonder if it was of someone writing on paper and pressing hard, thus creating the (not so deep) impressions? Hmmmm. *strokes chin*

I had weird dreams about Tyler all morning. One was of him checking out this girl and then finally getting the nerve to ask her out. I think I might have teased him about it in the dream. Meep. I’ll have to remember not to tease him about girls, I think it irritates him. But then, the other dream was of him kissing someone else! It was one of those unexpected “whoa how is this happening why is this happening” kisses. I was sitting there watching them like “that is SO WEIRD!” Especially since I know her and he knows her and based on some prior knowledge I don’t think that would have a chance in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks of happening. VERY STRANGE.

Tyler, stay out of my dreams. I MEAN IT. Dang it.

The dreams were weird all around anyway. At one point, there were these three girls who were so mean to me and made fun of me and poked fun at all of my features. I got pissed at Chris because he was friends with them and wouldn’t defend me. Aidan was a baby and I remember grabbing him and deciding to pack and leave Chris because I thought to myself that I didn’t need a husband who was going to make fun of me too. But I had to get a shower first. Oh wow, it was such a strange dream. There were other parts too, like my car getting fixed and whew. Maybe eating a candy bar before bed wasn’t such a good idea….

(Those three mean girls can go jump in a lake. They’d better not come into my dreams again either).

Okay, off to work on The Bark for a bit, then a shower/bath, Meijer, then a visit to a new little baby!!

But first a nap. JUST KIDDING. Maybe.

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What A Day!

WHY did I just realize that Jimi Hendrix was left handed and therefore played the guitar “backwards?”

I’m at Garth’s after a very cool small group. And when I say small, I mean SMALL. Garth, Tyler, me, Mr. Matt, Christy, and Tami (who breezed in when it was almost over) discussed the first two chapters of “Searching for God Knows What” by Donald Miller. A random conversation for a random kind of book.

So yeah. Let’s backtrack a bit. Like, to the beginning of my day. I woke up to a stomach that was still PIST (haha, yoimemily), so I took 1/2 day off of work.

(HOLY CRAP Jimi Hendrix is awesome. I’ve only discovered it 487589572 years after everyone else but that’s okay).

Anyway, I took 1/2 day off of work and slept until 10am. That felt good. Then I went to my counseling and then to work. My boss had sent me an urgent thingamabobber to send to some distribution lists that I needed to create. I took the liberty to edit the document before sending it. He said he appreciated that, although he barely glanced at it before I sent it. I know it was awesome, though. I need to be an editor or something.

So… work ended and I was looking forward to putting air in that dang tire and heading to Discount Tires to get it fixed or something. Well, the air hose at the ONLY DANG BP downtown was taken by this guy who was taking forever, and I’d told the guys at the place I’d be there by 4:30. I knew it wasn’t that far to the tire place, so I decided to chance it.


I had a nice blowout on the highway. I freaked out, pulled over to the side of the road, and called a couple of people. Christy agreed to come and get me and we’d figure out what to do from there. In the meantime, I’d gotten myself together and called Hyundai Roadside Assistance. While on the phone with them, a lieutenant pulled up and checked on me. He went to his car and called the Highway People to come and help me out. Hyundai dispatched someone for me, and then another cop came along and complimented me on how nicely I handled the flat and pulled over and such. Heh.

The Highway people were there in like 10 or 15 minutes and then Christy pulled up right after. The guy changed my flat, then he stopped traffic so Christy and I could merge onto the freeway. FOR FREE. How sweet is that??

So, I went to the tire store, and I’d already planned on getting 4 tires. The ones I wanted; they only had one of. The guy gave me the next step up for the price of the ones I wanted to buy. πŸ™‚ How awesome is that! So now I have 4 brand new tires… NO MORE FILLING UP WITH AIR EVERY 2 DAYS.

So, that was my funnykindof story today.

Tami came to small group with good news–we have a new sister in Christ! YES! Awesome. Good good times. πŸ˜€

OH, but the bad thing is that I broke my McDonalds pact. πŸ™ I was starving and that was within walking distance of the tire place.


Holy crap it was good. I INHALED that stuff. I hope I don’t get sick from it later….

Good night (for now)!


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GRRRRRRRR! (Picture)

In the words of Erin (celinedion), sh*tmotherf*ckerf*cksh*t.

Take a look at this:

Yes, that is the result of the biggest rock ever crashing into the winshield of my poor, precious car. You know what this means? $$ down the drain to fix it. Even worse, I now get to deal with repair folk and phone calls and junk.



(and yes, those are my socks in the front seat. not a word out of you suckas….)

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