my mommy’s tree
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Wait, what am I talking about? It’s technically STILL Christmas until January 6, but I know not everyone celebrates it forever like I do so yeah.
Adam and I headed to Ohio early Sunday morning to visit friends and family. It was an easy enough drive, but I hadn’t slept at all the night before, and I was getting a cold, so I wanted to get there and crash as soon as possible. But that wasn’t to happen because there were loads of people to see!
I got to see people I hadn’t seen in years. It was such a blessing to get to hang out with my friends and with my family, eat good food, laugh, exchange gifts, and watch silly TV shows.

my mommy

aidan likes his gifts from uncle andy

peanut butter kiss cookies!

christmas dinner: hawaiian king roll, mustard/turnip greens,
cornbread dressing, macaroni and cheese, turkey, and honey baked ham
gravy over everything!
We were worried about getting home. The big news was this nasty winter storm that was supposed to go through, then the storm was upgraded to a blizzard! I was sad. We had to cut our visit short and get the hell out of Ohio before that storm hit. So Aidan, Adam, and I headed out at this morning at 530 EST. We didn’t see a flake of snow. But then, I slept through most of the drive back. I did see salt trucks stationed every few miles while I was falling asleep, though, and I was getting texts from the people in Ohio about the snow starting to come down and snarl up traffic. I was relieved to see the Chicago skyline and get in the apartment. We got here at 1030AM CST.
Aidan was very happy to see that Santa had indeed, stopped by while we were all in Ohio. [1. I think he knows that it’s not really Santa giving him the gifts. I’ve been quizzing him to gauge his level of belief and noticing that when I ask him who got him the gifts, he lists a bunch of people but not Santa, and we talked about why he won’t be getting the King Dedede plush he wants so badly (It’s just not available anywhere. ANYWHERE.). But he still has fun with it and that’s OK by me.]

Right now, he is happy building and playing with his new LEGO sets. He still has two huge sets that he needs to tackle, but he’s built all the others. I asked him if he thought my tree was pretty or if it looked like ass, and he said in between because he doesn’t like the angel’s eyes. He likes everything else on the tree. WhatEVER, Aidan.
I’m very happy with all my gifts, ranging from really cool incense burners, DVDs, car kits, yoga supplies, lots of Doctor Who stuff, and loads more. We also came home with plenty of leftovers! But the best part was seeing my cousins, my aunt, my mommy, my stepdad, my friends, and of course, AIDAN!!!
Tomorrow it’s back to the real world. I’ll be working in an office the next two days. Making a bit of extra money while covering for their fulltime proofreader. This weekend is Aidan’s birthday, and I’ve got some special things planned for him. But overall, I’m going to try to take it pretty easy and enjoy my time with my family.
Life is so good and I am so thankful.