
Let’s Get It Started! (Pictures)

– Hanging out at Easton with itskels and adorable Ari for the evening. <3!
– Watching Shania Twain’s Live In Chicago DVD at top volume with my mother-in-law.
– Loving my “new” printer.
– Downloading “Let’s Get It Started” by Black Eyed Peas. Now I can hear it whenever I want!!
– Smelling like lavendar and camomile.

– Having weird feelings about certain people.
– Insecurity.
– Still needing to unpack.
– Clean clothes and dirty clothes being mixed up due to lack of unpacking and/or putting away clothing.
– Aidan STILL being up!!!

I spent the evening with Kelle Belle and her precious daughter Ari. That was fun. She said she’s never going shopping with me again because I am a bad influence. All because I told her to smell the Alfred Sung Shi perfume and she liked it so much she bought some for herself. I can’t wait to hang out with her again. 🙂

She’s gonna hate me. But she looks so cute, and I look like such a dork, so it’s great.

OH! As promised! Pictures of Aidan in his Halloween costume!

And for those of you asking what I got at Prada:

Yup, yup. And so on and so forth. Hey, all you local gals!! I have a Happy Hour thingy tomorrow at Origins at Easton at 2pm. PLEASE join me. It’s free and supposed to be totally cool. So please come if you’d like. Just say you’re with me. 🙂

Alrighty then. I’m going to go and answer some emails and other stuff. Maybe print out some stuff because ya know, I have this sweet printer now. Later!

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Trick or Treat!

Beggar’s Night is going on right now. So why am I inside, you ask? Because WE RAN OUT OF CANDY. I underestimated the children in the neighborhood.

Note to self: Telling children to take one doesn’t work. They still try to get as many as possible. Therefore, I have to NOT be lazy and actually hand out the candy next year, instead of holding out the bowl and asking them to take one.

My favorite costumes of the night were:
1. Harry Potter
2. Mickey Mouse
3. Giraffe
4. The Columbus Bluejacket player with a sign on his back that read “NHL Player Looking For Work”
5. The dog dressed as a bumblebee

And of course, Aidan as SUPERMAN!!! He and Chris are off to some church Halloween party and he has the camera, so I’ll upload the pics when he gets back. I am going to indulge in some spaghetti, I think, and perhaps a nice, long bath. Mmmmmm.

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