I’ve spent the last week kinda slacking off. Here’s an instagramalicious summary:

![Self Portrait [01/31]](https://i0.wp.com/farm9.staticflickr.com/8151/7483290544_2f6b84c66b_n.jpg?resize=320%2C320)

![Yoga [03/31]](https://i0.wp.com/farm9.staticflickr.com/8424/7495391840_42ece72859_n.jpg?resize=320%2C320)

![Busy [02/31]](https://i0.wp.com/farm9.staticflickr.com/8003/7491775474_e702e7e51b_n.jpg?resize=320%2C320)

1. Aidan & Lena
2. Homemade chips and salsa
3. Oreo-topped molten cake (Sweet Jesus, it was delicious)
4. Me being a dork
5. Aidan sitting in a very interesting way
6. Moksha!
7. Free snow cones!
8. Planner
9. Fourth of July Jello poke cake
10. Little Lena
11. Sadie Nardini – who told us how much she will make this year and well…. holy crap.
12. Awesome bird that cost $550 ON SALE (we did not buy him)
It LOOKS like a lot more than it really was, I promise you. That’s because I thought I’d do the Photo a Day July thing but meh. I’ve lost interest already. I suck at those things. I spent quite a bit of time playing games on Facebook and rereading Harry Potter books and rewatching Harry Potter movies. I did manage to teach Aidan a little bit of yoga, though:

That was fun. Eventually, he said “Mom, you do your yoga, and I’ll play the Wii.” And I had a decent practice that night!
So I had an OK week, despite feeling pain in my side again, which I’m working on treating, and not eating nearly enough fruits and veggies. π And also feeling inexplicably cranky too often. Definitely moody. And getting tired of all the screens. The TV is constantly going. Adam’s constantly in the room on his iPad. Aidan’s constantly staring at YouTube, and I’m constantly staring at MY screen playing games, reading blogs, or obsessing over Tumblr. No bueno. Now that the weather has cooled down (no lie, I’ll take the searing heat over the dead of winter ANY TIME but it was even a bit warm for me at times), I really want to go outside (somewhere there is a lot of trees and grass), sit under a tree, and read and listen to my iPod and let nature recharge me.
I need to focus again. Teacher training and my apprenticeship did not take place last week due to the holiday but next week, we’ll be back, working on standing twists (oh joy–time for me to topple over in class!) and whatever else can be squeezed in. Wednesday I have to teach a sequence during my apprenticeship session. I’m only a little bit nervous now, but I know I’ll be SUPER nervous come Wednesday. I’ll be teaching to the public, y’all. *bites nails*
I have to do work for teacher training, work freelance clients, and I have library books I need to read before Saturday. I also need to start reading yoga books for my book review. BUT I get to spend Friday with my dear friend, which I am looking forward to more than anything. It’s also Adam’s birthday and I believe brunch at Bleeding Heart is going to happen (Lord knows what we can find for Aidan to eat there but I can see him going for the chicken) so that should be fun.
For now, I leave you with a video of the fireworks on my neighborhood from the Fourth: