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my scramblings & ramblings
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Man, I’m sleepy.
It seems that my days are speeding by. Is tomorrow really Friday? Do I really get a three day weekend? YES!
I love paid holidays. But after Monday, the next one won’t be until May 30th. I’m thankful that I have 3 personal days and 17 vacation days this year, though. 20 days off!! π Whatever will I do?
How tempted am I to take January 4th off? Or even tomorrow? Ooo, taking tomorrow off sounds sooo appealing–but I love driving in and not having to deal with heavy traffic and stuff. I’ve been getting to work so quickly lately! Usually, it’s about a 40 minute commute. This week, it’s been 25 minutes or so. Plus I have chiro in the morning. I’ll plan on working tomorrow. It should be nice. Very quiet. I can get caught up on a lot. π
So, think of this. It’s 8:51am right now. (The LJ time won’t reflect that, but whatever). Two years ago, I was probably totally sleeping, having just given birth to little Aidan a little over an hour prior. Can you believe he’s already TWO? I love watching him grow. He has such a personality. My son is a clown! He loves the camera, he loves to be the center of attention, and he has presence. He’s a charmer. I think he truly has the potential to be famous. He’s cute, he has a great personality, he’s a flirt, a charmer, and very active and smart.
He’s a true blessing. π I love Aidan.
I’m so tired! But I’ll be okay. Because I get to hang out with Becky tonight! I’m really looking forward to that. We’ve been craving some quality time together for a while now. It should be good.
And I think that’s it for now. I’m sure I’ll be back at some point. In the meantime, check out some random stuff about me. WooHoo and Yay for randomness!
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This is so appropiate because I do love this song:
Toxic by Britney Spears |
![]() “It’s getting late To give you up I took a sip From my devil cup Slowly It’s taking over me ” Ah, what’s a year without breaking a few hearts? Literally. |
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So okay. I’m digging the name (I love the name Adam), the black hair, blue eyes, skinny and pale. Not really digging the eyeliner, though. Even *I* don’t wear eyeliner. Not so much the lip ring either. The Converse is just fine. π LOL about the McDonalds!!
Not much to report. Wrapped some presents today. Cleaned a little bit. The dining room/playroom is straightened up, and the family room was nice and neat but I messed it up again with present stuff. Entertained the thought of answering my emails, but I don’t think so. I have ten and they all take about an hour or so to answer, and I don’t have that kind of time tonight. Well, I might answer one or two. π We’ll see.
Took a nice nap in the recliner. Skipped the chiropractor’s again. Had Arby’s for dinner. Christy came over and we watched A Christmas Story, Good Eats, Unwrapped, and part of Emeril. I <3 The Food Network. It’s always fun to have quality time with other girls. π Back to work tomorrow. *sigh* Let’s hope and pray it’s not hellish for me. π
OH GOD. I forgot how much amoxicillan stinks!! Ew. I open that bottle and it nearly blows me away. Cowabunga. But hey, if it’s going to make me keep feeling better, then I am okay with it.
I have 2 more CDs of pictures to add to my online album sometime soon. I’m not sure when I’ll get that taken care of, though. Tomorrow is cleaning night, Friday is the Christmas thingy for The Grove, Saturday is MY PARTY and Sunday, well, Aidan will be back. So my free time will be limited again. Back to normal, eh? Maybe the 23rd I can get away with playing on the computer, if Aidan will let me. We’ll see.
Alrighty then. Later!
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Hmm. Chris is brought me home McDs. This being sick crap is the pits. Especially when you think it’s over and you wake up one day feeling worse! Ugh. I have too many things to do to lie around sleeping all the time. π
I’m laying off the Nyquil for real, yo.
Wrapped a few presents tonight. Feeling much better than earlier today. No more shaking, coughing has calmed down. I feel close to normal, actually. π Going to the doctor in the morning. Working 1/2 day tomorrow, will probably piss off the boss. Oh well. It’s not like I get sick on purpose. π
So… I haven’t seen any really good Christmas programs yet this year. What happened to the days when they’d play How The Grinch Stole Christmas for days in a row? And what about all the cute cartoons and the awesome movies on Lifetime, like The Christmas List? And A Christmas Story! I haven’t seen that yet, this year! Oh, the horror! WAH. Perhaps I need to check local listings. I haven’t been watching a lot of TV lately. I get sucked in and I hate that. But I do want to watch some Christmas programs.
The Grove is tomorrow! I get to see Emily (yoimemily)!!! YEA! I love her. She’s so awesome. Busy day ahead, but at least I get to sleep in since my doctor’s appointment isn’t until 9. And a half a day at work is a good thing. I should get plenty of stuff done. OH CRAP, I have to sit in on a staff meeting tomorrow and take minutes. Grrrsnarly grumble grumble poop. There goes an hour’s worth of brain cells. Numb. Maybe I’ll cough so much they’ll kick me out. π
Alrighty then. I’m done, I think. Later, gators.
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