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I Can’t Believe The Weekend Is Already Over

I was thinking too much in the car today. We were on our way to Target, where I was going to get some “do-rags” for my hair. Of course, I completely forgot, so I get to go back another time. See, my hair is out of control bad lately, so I need something to cover it up when those bad hair days hit. I noticed that Ivy wears them a lot and she looks so cute in them. So, I need to get some for me. They shouldn’t be too expensive, right?

Anyway, on the way to Target, I saw some women drive by in a Mercedes. They had that “rich” look. You know, perfect, slick shiny hair, evenly tanned skin, perfect makeup. And I thought to myself “I want to look rich.” Then I was confused. I’m also a wannabe hippie. Or candyraver. How can all of these MEs reconcile? There is the wannabe rich me. The one who wants to have that polished look. The one who wants to wear Tiffany jewelry, carry designer purses, and wear Uggs. The one who wants to drive a silver Audi TT roadster, eat in fancy restaurants, and travel all over. Then there is the hippie/alternative/whimsical me. The one who wants to wear do-rags and have 2 ponytails and glittery cheeks and wear long skirts and pink Chuck Taylors. Or no shoes at all. The one who wants to (legally) smoke weed (why don’t they just legalise the stuff, seriously?) after a long day of mommying and working. Then there is the tech geek me. The one who is OBSESSED with electronics–the newer and shinier the better. The one who feels empty without some contact with a computer at least once a day. There is the Christian me, the one who wants to love Jesus with all of her heart and soul. But then there is the potty-mouthed me, the one who longs to type out sh*tmotherf*ckerf*cksh*t WITHOUT the stars. Honestly, I know people are complex, but isn’t this going a bit far? I can’t be a rich-looking lady and a hippe-looking lady at the same time. It’s just not possible. At least, I don’t think it is. And I can’t be a good Christian with that kind of mouth, can I? I’m so torn. Sometimes, I want to let the cusswords FLY and I stop myself. Or I make up other silly words to replace it. Words like plip and stuff like that. So, now what? Do I have to choose? Is it possible that I can be all of those?

I am struggling to be myself. To FIND myself. I will be 30 (I can’t believe I’m admitting this) in a little over 2 months, and I’m having an identity crisis. Sad, isn’t it? I think it’s because where I am, I’m not sure if that is where I want to be. Right now, I’m a mom, a wife, a secretary. I’m not okay with one of those things. Can you figure out which? 😉

19 Questions

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More Pictures! & Other stuff.

Randomness II album updated with pictures from Steak N Shake and stuff.

Check it out!

And just because you needed to know this (not really):

From their site:
She Might Be a Indie Girl if:

1. She drives: a classic car, a VW beetle, a Mini Cooper, or a Vespa scooter.
2. She can talk for more than ten minutes about: obscure pop culture.
3. She begins her sentences with: “It’s like that Simpsons episode . . .”
4. She’d never: drive a mini-van.
5. She owns any of the following: TiVo, a mini-DV camera, an iPod, a pottery wheel, a serger, or a lava lamp.

1. I WANT a Mini Cooper
2. 🙂
3. Well, not so much…
4. AMEN!
5. I do have an iPod.

Good night.

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Trick or Treat! :)

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
lilrongal goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as wonder woman.
bumlets66 tricks you! You get a used tissue.
celinedion gives you 19 red mint-flavoured gummy bats.
dawnmalek gives you 2 dark blue cinnamon-flavoured nuggets.
goaliej54 tricks you! You get a wet rag.
hypnoticx gives you 3 purple mint-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
itskels tricks you! You lose 15 pieces of candy!
lamplamp tricks you! You get a clothespin.
live4himalways gives you 15 light blue lime-flavoured gummies.
otaku_witch tricks you! You get a wet rag.
yoimemily gives you 8 red-orange peach-flavoured nuggets.
lilrongal ends up with 32 pieces of candy, a used tissue, a wet rag, a clothespin, and a wet rag.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

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