
I Got Spongebob Squarepants!

Answer all the questions with what describes you best, add up all your points (which are next to the answer that you choose) at the end and look for your results. Do not cheat by clicking the LJ cut before you are done. Then post this in your Live Journal and/or in my comments and tell me which character you are!

1) Which one of the following describes the perfect date?
a) Candlelight dinner (4 pts.)
b) Fun/Theme Park (2 pts.)
c) Painting in the park (5 pts.)
d) Rock concert (1 pt.)
e) Going to the movies (3 pts.)

2) What is your favorite type of music?
a) Rock and Roll (2 pts.)
b) Alternative (1 pt.)
c) Soft Rock (4 pts.)
d) Country (5 pts.)
e) Pop (3 pts.)

3) What type of movies do you prefer?
a) Comedy (2 pts.)
b) Horror (1 pt.)
c) Musical (3 pts.)
d) Romance (4 pts.)
e) Documentary (5 pts.)

4) Which one of these occupations would you choose if you only could choose one of these?
a) Waiter (4 pts.)
b) Professional Sports Player (5 pts.)
c) Teacher (3 pts.)
d) Police (2 pts.)
e) Cashier (1 pt.)

5) What do you do with your spare time?
a) Exercise (5 pts.)
b) Read (4 pts.)
c) Watch television (2 pts.)
d) Listen to music (1 pt.)
e) Sleep (3 pts.)

6) Which one of the following colors do you like best?.
a) Yellow (1 pt.)
b) White (5 pts.)
c) Sky Blue (3 pts.)
d) Dark Blue (2 pts.)
e) Red (4 pts.)

7) What do you prefer to eat right now?
a) Snow (3 pts.)
b) Pizza (2 pts.)
c) Sushi (1 pt.)
d) Pasta (4 pts.)
e) Salad (5 pts.)

8) What is your favorite Holiday?
a) Halloween (1 pt.)
b) Christmas (3 pts.)
c) New Year (2 pts.)
d) Valentines Day (4 pts.)
e) Thanksgiving (5 pts.)

9) If you could go to one of these places which one would it be?
a) Paris (4 pts.)
b) Spain (5 pts.)
c) Las Vegas (1 pt.)
d) Hawaii (4 pts.)
e) Hollywood (3 pts.)

10) With which of the following would you prefer to spend time with?
a) Someone Smart (5 pts.)
b) Someone attractive (2 pts.)
c) Someone who likes to Party (1 pt.)
d) Someone who always has fun (3 pts..)
e) Someone very sentimental (4 pts.)

My Total: 29

My Results

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Interview with a Ronni


1: Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2: I will respond (here); I’ll ask you five questions.
3: You’ll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4: You’ll include this explanation.
5: You’ll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

Answers to Helen’s (mindmirror) questions:

1. How do you deal with grief?
Not very healthily. I always feel like I need to be strong for at least one other person, so I tend to numb myself. Only to have some sort of meltdown later over something small and insignificant.

2. Do you think Bush will win the election?
Yes. :

3. What do you think of abortion?
I am very torn on this issue. On the one hand, I think it’s denying someone the chance to live. But on the other, what about the situations where a baby would not be warranted; as in the case of incest or rape? For ME, abortion is never an option. For me, I am pro-life. And I do believe that life begins at conception.

4. Is local or world news more important? (if you had to choose one)
Oh gosh! You’re asking the person who even rarely watches the news! Well, if I had to choose, I’d say local, only because it affects me so greatly in the here and now.

5. What is one of your buttons?
Hmm. One of my buttons. I think when people insult my faith. Funny; today in Sunday school, we were just taught that Christians are and always will be hated by the “world.” I find that to be true in a lot of cases. They think I’m a freak because I love Jesus, or they automatically assume I am a hypocrite, a fundamentalist, a legalist, uptight, prudish, all kinds of things. Without even getting to know me. So, being called those names–being thrown the trite anti-Christian insults is a button. Actually, any kind of uncalled for insult is a button for me….

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Answer Me. Dang it.


start guilt trip

I mean, I went through all the trouble of stealing these questions from chinkysdownyo, the least you could do is try to answer them and put your replies in my comments. ::angelic smile::

/end guilt trip

Pleeeassssseeee? I’m very interested in your responses.

1) What’s my *real* name?
2) Where did we meet?
3) How long have you known me?
4) How well do you think you know me?
5) Do I smoke?
6) Do I use narcotics?
7) What was your first impression of me?
8) What’s my age?
9) What’s my (natural) hair & eye color?
10) Have you ever had a crush on me?
11) What’s one of my favorite things to do?
12) What was one of the first things I said to you?
13) What is one of my favorite bands?
14) What’s my best feature?
15) Am I shy or outgoing?
16) Would you say I’m funny?
17) Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?
18) Any special talents I have?
19) Would you consider me a friend?
20) Have you ever seen me cry?
21) What would a good nickname for me be?
22) Am I in love? If so, who with?
23) Now, ask me a question here:
24) Say anything to me here:

THANK YOU! πŸ™‚ You have made my weekend! πŸ˜€

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See how much you know!

Do you think you can read my mind? – From
About this Friend…. Guess who?
She makes me think!
Expecting a miracle named Rebecca. πŸ™‚
Shopaholic sister!
My good friend in MA. I am determined to meet her soon!!!
Owner of the best UBB ever.
My bright, shining star.
LJ Username:

Post your scores in the comments. I got a 6 out of 6. Gee, I wonder why. πŸ™‚

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