
Sigh of Relief!!

Seriously. It’s so strange how things work out. But I’ll be okay, financially. And I was able to get gifts for people.

I am very fortunate.


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Aidan is taking a bath. He likes to keep the water running for some reason. When I asked him if he wanted a shower instead, he said “No.”

I went to Easton today and guess what! I didn’t buy one thing! I was with megnita who set a boundary. No buying anything unless it was under $5. Wouldn’t you know, it’s the time of year when very little is on sale. I saw a couple of remotely cute things for under $5, and of course, the outfits in Forever 21 and Aeropostale were calling my name, BUT I RESISTED! My heart is on bigger and better things now (like ยบOยบ!!) and I have to keep my focus. ๐Ÿ˜€

I feel proud.

Although, I had to break my “no credit” rule. I was doing a purge of my wallet this morning, and I accidently cut up my debit card instead of the joint account debit card. Luckily I have a new one already, but it wasn’t activated yet. I’d forgotten about this til I went to pay for my and Aidan’s dinner. Out came the Target Visa for that and for gas–but I’m paying those parts off right away so it’s just like I paid cash for it anyway. YAY. Thank goodness for online billpay.

Aidan was good for the most part while I was out, but there were parts when he was a right brat. ARGH. Then, as we were leaving, he got his hand caught in the elevator and screamed. Poor baby. Everyone around us was freaking out. He calmed down after about eight minutes, though and was wanting to push buttons and play. He’s totally back to normal now. There was some minor swelling in his hand, but it’s gone now and he’s drawing so I think he’s gonna be okay. ๐Ÿ™‚

He surprised me by eating one of those Cinnabon sticks. The boy normally won’t touch anything “breadlike” (in front of me, anyway), but he ate one and a half of those! They were yummy, so I can see why.

Dinner was yummy. Max & Erma’s. Mmmm. Megan and I shared that fruit and whipped cream thingy. Truthfully, $4.29 or whatever is a little much for such a simple dessert, but it was good just the same.

And last but CERTAINLY not least, I got a package from dwagonfry today!!!! ยบOยบ It’s awesome! I love it all, Rosa!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ll definitely hug Aidan for you.

Um, I gotta go. Aidan’s disappeared and I thought I heard the sound of things ripping. Later!

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Just Rambling

Busy week!! I haven’t had time to sit and properly finish Order of the Phoenix so I can move on to Half Blood Prince. Some of my friends are getting antsy–they want to talk to me about it and I refuse to let them.

Christy totally fooled Chris and told him that Harry dies in the 2nd chapter of HBP. Chris believed her! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I declare, I am booked every night this week. Monday night was boating, last night was drama rehearsals, and tonight is life group. Tomorrow is hanging out with Megan (). Oooh, shiny! I’m keeping Friday open because Rob usually cooks something up for me/the gang to do. Saturday, we’re dropping Aidan off at my mom’s and he’s going to stay with her for a week. I should be back that evening, though. Maybe I can see a movie with some folks? And Sunday–well, who knows?

I’d like to thank God for a few things:
– Granting me that one last chance;
– Finally showing me the truth in a way that it sunk in;
– Letting me squeak by the pass two weeks;
– Exciting opportunites and learning experiences;
– Libraries;
– True friends;

I’d like to ask God for:
– Patience in every area of my life;
– Perserverance;
– Faith;
– Guidance.

Um… my reading list is HUGE! I need to stay out of the library for a while–I have so many books and more coming in on reserve! Melissa De La Cruz, Francesca Lia Block (Ivy, I decided to try one out! I’m excited!), and two for my YA Chicklit writing course which will be starting in about a week and a half. Then there is the Tightwad Gazette I and II (so I can learn to be thrifty and get out of debt!), and all of my writing books. Not to mention Harry Potter which moved itself to the top of my reading list for the time being. Mmmyeah. With Aidan out of town next week, I’ll be able to get caught up and even do a bit of cleaning on the side. I’m hoping the weather is nice–sitting on the porch and reading or going to a park and reading under a tree sounds divine. Books, journal & pens, iPod, rotisserrie chicken sandwhich and pringles, and my camera. That’ll be nice.

We’ll see. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh who am I kidding? I’ll probably sleep. A lot.

I did get a few projects done:
– Surprise for certain someone has been completed and delivered;
– Online photo albums are current;
– House is at a manageable level of clutter.

But I still need to:
– Do laundry;
– Wash the car;
– Clean out the car;
– Get an oil change;
– Return laptop bag to Disney Direct;
– Give (or get Chris to give) Aidan a haircut;
– Mail surprises to a select few people;
– Go to Best Buy. I have $10 to spend there and one of the $5s expires Saturday;
– Update Writers’ Ink website;
– Send Ivy’s package. I am truly ashamed that I haven’t gotten that out yet.

Eventually, I’d like to:
– Start on my Disneyworld 2005 Scrapbook;
– Make a new Aidan scrapbook;
– Finish my current novel;
– Freewrite more;
– Download the Gavin DeGraw CD;
– Make and hang the Disneyworld collage;
– Move the white shelf and cabinet from the kitchen to the guest room.

– buns;
– lunch meat (mm chicken!);
– Pringles (if they’re on sale).

Other Stuff:
– New sandals for Aidan.

I have been commanded by Chris to bring back a case of Chocodiles from Los Angeles. I’m scared he’s going to eat all of mine! :[

I’m still very excited about going to Disneyland with Aimzy!! I can’t believe it’ll be here before I know it! About 6 weeks! YAY!! ยบOยบ

As of today, I have to be committed to NEVER using credit cards again. This is going to be so weird–they have been such a crutch for me. I want to get to the point where I won’t ever need them–I’ll have the amount of money in cash to get what I need and want. There is nothing good about credit cards if you don’t have good spending habits or tend to be impulsive, both which are characteristics of myself. I’m finally FED UP and ready to take charge. I refuse to be in that bondage any longer.


That is all.

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We Want More, Always.

I’ve been sick the past few days. Monday, it had to be the result of something I ate on Sunday (Brunch with Becky!) I was weak and running to the bathroom and well, it was not fun. I took the day off. I’d originally planned to take 1/2 day and come in for the afternoon. I got up at 11, realized that I was weak and dizzy, decided to shower anyway (you know how you’re sometimes better after a shower?) and well, I only felt worse. Back to bed I went. I got Aidan and was glad when Chris got home.

Tuesday was okay. Busy but okay. I felt tired, but emotionally as well as physically. Just BAD. My hair looked like crap and I could not get it to behave. ๐Ÿ™ Copied the Bark but decided against going to The Grove. Lots of reasons for that.

Wednesday was a bad day. Until I got to Life Group. Funny that I’d been ready to skip out and go to Easton with Bizzy–but I had Aidan and no stroller. Sorry but shopping mall + 2.5 year old – a stroller = BAD NEWS. So I decided to nix the Easton idea and head to the Group. It was pretty fufiling, but I was tired and falling asleep. The emotional fatigue was wearing on me.

Yesterday was the worst. I could not keep my eyes open. I took a short nap during lunch. No help. I fell asleep as soon as Chris got home from work (645ish). I slept, then got up and had a quick dinner at 10. Went upstairs, played on the computer and read til 10:45. Then back to sleep for me. Until I woke up after hearing a large crash come from Aidan’s room. Then Aidan got up and came to our door. I opened the door and he was crying. I picked him up, he said his diaper had fallen down. Indeed, it had. When I went to change him, he asked to use the potty. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! That was awesome. I gave him lots of praise. Then he said “I go mommy bed.” So I put him in bed with me and he was asleep in no time. I played on the computer for just a little bit, decided it was too much, and tried to sleep. Only I had to use the bathroom. And again. And again. And I’m still going.

I seriously hope I don’t have IBS. That would suck so badly.

So much stuff is going on this weekend I don’t have time to do them all. There is a Memories (scrapbooking) Expo at Vet’s. Joyce Meyer is at Nationwide Arena. There is a huge birthday party tomorrow night. The Gahanna Creekside Festival. The Latino Festival. And guess what? I HAVE NO MONEY. I am completely broke. I have nothing. It’s pathetic, actually, how much debt I’m in now. I think the debt to income ratio–I’m not even going to mention it. I’m stopping the chiropractor as of today. I know they’re going to fight it, but I don’t have the money. I have to do something–I am thinking of calling CCC. I’m tired of this. I’ll never get ahead if this keeps up. I’m in a circle and I’m falling, falling, falling. Another reason I avoided Easton yesterday. No more temptation, then no more shopping, no more spending, right?

So, the all-emcompassing fatigue is gone, but I still feel icky. Had a bad dream. Lots of bad feelings about people that I was holding in all came out in my dream. The people I am harbouring something against–I confronted them about it in my dream. Well, basically one person. But in front of the other one involved in the issue. I remember being frustrated and angry and then going off. I remember parts of the dream where I did not feel welcome. It was a crappy dream. But it did feel good to get stuff off of my chest in the dream. As if I’d be able to do it in real life, though. And anyway, it won’t even matter soon. I hope. So yeah. Stupid dreams. Although the release of tension in the dream is probably what is making me not as tired today. It’s not weighing me down anymore.

I am so sick of automated phone systems. You know, the ones that make you listen to 84548578 menus and never give an option to speak to a darn person? Grar.

Sunday we’re supposed to be going to King’s Island. Now, before the lectures about money start rolling in, please realize that it’s free and the meal is included! Chris’s company picnic takes them every year, and he gets two free tickets. Good Times. So since it’s free, I don’t expect we’ll have to be there the entire day. It’ll be fun for Aidan, especially if we meet some characters (they have Yogi Bear and such there, I think).

I don’t like the way I feel now. ๐Ÿ™

I’ve started reading the “Color Me” series by Melody Carlson. I didn’t realize they were Christian until I looked up the website, and then the kids in the book started talking about God and Jesus and stuff. Not sure if I liked it or not, but it’s in MY novel (although mine is not a Christian novel, per se). I was delighted to see dancing. I thought the Christian publishers were anti-dancing?

I want to work on my writing. There are a couple of authors and agents who have Live Journals and when I read their journals, I get that scarycrazyomgexcited feeling in my stomach. Then I get all inspired and excited. I hate how the feelings dance all around, ranging from flat out confidence and hope to “there is no way I’ll make it. There is too much competition, it’s too hard, blah blah.”

In other words, I am so happy that it’s Friday! You have no idea how happy I am that it’s Friday. So so happy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Even though this weekend will be kind of busy. I have chiro tonight and I have to stand my ground and discontinue. Driving for an hour there in rushhour to be treated for 10 minutes is frustrating. Then there is the monthly fee. I simply cannot add anymore debt and I don’t have cash to pay for it–too busy paying off the other debt!

Tomorrow, I have Aidan duty all morning. Then off to a baby shower at three, then hanging with Jennifer. Depending on when I get done there, I might attend a party or see what Rob and the GANG is up to. Sunday is King’s Island. Then it’s back to the ole grind Monday.

If only I could find a job that is fufilling. At least Boss #2 is here, though.

Reason number 489574985798 why Boss #2 is so fun:

Ronni – I need money from you.
Boss #2 (reaches in pocket, digs around, pulls out a $20) – how much you need?

Isn’t that great? HAHAHA.

I actually did have a good reason for demanding money from him. Operation Feed stuff. Word.

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Oh Dear.

Aeropostale now has online shopping.

This could be very bad for my wallet.

I LOVE that darn store.

Off to do my hair now. Good times (not so much).


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