
Closer To Myself

Last week, I was in some sort of unshakeable funk that I really couldn’t explain. I just felt blah, angry, irritable, and all sorts of icky things. Even getting my new Enya CD couldn’t cheer me up, much. I felt like I did before, too tired to try to be happy. And I didn’t like it.

Saturday, I started feeling more normal, and today, I almost completely like myself. It’s nice to go to work smiling in the morning. It’s nice to be able to say “good morning” and mean it to the people around me. It’s nice to feel hopeful and optimistic again. I supposed I’d better enjoy it now, because once I’m back out in the job market, I know those two feelings will be very rare.

I think my change in attitude had to do with my getting LOTS and LOTS of sleep last night. Even Adam said “It’s to early to go to b- Zzzzzzz.”

Still working a lot. Stayed late today, and worked 6 days last week. I also had some project work for Loyola which I did yesterday, so I essentially worked 7 days. I don’t mind, though. I like the work and the money is nice.

Saturday, I did some Christmas shopping at Target and online. Today, I looked at stuff for Adam online and then figured that I could TOTALLY save on shipping costs because the same things were probably in the stores for the same deals. And I was right, they were. And I didn’t have to wait for them. So now I’m almost all done with Adam. I feel like I should get a few more things for little Aidan. Haven’t started for some people, but I have ideas already. And there are a couple of people who I’m just kinda confounded about. But it’ll come together, it always does.

I’m really excited about this Christmas because it’ll be my and Adam’s first Christmas as a married couple. :) Well, he’s Jewish, and I’m such a Christmas-head that it’s hard to remember that some of all the time. Fortunately, he’s very indulgent and he lets me be all Christmas-goofylike anyway. :)

Christmas time really is my favorite of the year. There is just something about seeing all the pretty decorations, the windows, hearing the music, and giving to people I love most, and seeing them and eating with them and spending time with them. YAY Christmastime.

And on that note OWE EMM GEEE CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE THAT THANKSGIVING IS FREAKING NEXT WEEK? Even though the temperatures are in the 30s here and I’m seeing flurries and even dustings of snow on my car, I still can’t believe it.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Up and Down

Today, I woke up with a headache and a general feeling of BLAH. Many factors contributed to the blahness and I was cranky and irritable at work. Some of the factors were:

– I woke up with a headache and felt like I hadn’t slept at all. I was tired and knew I had a long day ahead.
– I found out that Friday, someone was mugged at gunpoint right down the street from me at 5:45pm. If I hadn’t worked late Friday, I probably would have been that victim, as I am usually in the exact spot the mugging happened at 5:45pm. The person posted a community watch and described the car, and this morning, I saw a parked car matching the description as I walked to work. That shook me up, and now I’m scared to walk that way to and from the train for work. :(
– I was kind of expecting the trains to be fairly empty as today was a holiday, but the platform was more packed than ever. Two trains had to go by before there was room for me to get on.
– I got irritated at work because someone came over and pointed out one thing I’d missed Friday. On Friday, I’d worked late and I’d proofed about 30 pages total. That’s a LOT. And to get one mistake pointed out to me was annoying because it was a first read. I wanted to say “Well, duh, that’s why we have 2nd reads.” But I bit my tongue because I knew that I was extra cranky and possibly extra sensitive.
– Last night, Helena got on my laptop keyboard and popped off the question mark key. She’d popped off the 3 a while ago. Adam took the laptop to a computer store to find out that I’ll need to get the entire keyboard replaced. Blargh.
– The weather is poopy. Cold and rainy. Ick.

The good things were that:

– I tried a Quizno’s sub for the first time in years and it was very yummy. I got roast beef and cheddar, and I enjoyed it immensely.
– I got some freelance work for Loyola to do over the weekend; I haven’t done anything for them since the summer. I like the work a lot and the extra money will be good.
– Adam came to get me from work and I showed him around the office and introduced him to a few people. We sang the Hannah Montana theme song in the empty elevator. (Did I mention that I absolutely ♥ Hannah Montana?) Then he took me to dinner to Italian Village where I had a yummy dinner and an AMAZING dessert.
– I got to see Joan Baez in concert tonight. Her voice is like a bell and she’s awesome. I cracked up when she made fun of Bob Dylan during Love Is A Four-Letter Word. I loved when she sang Scarlet Tide (one of her new songs), and she sang Imagine which was amazing. Her rendition of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot nearly had me in tears, and everyone sang Amazing Grace which was incredible. If you ever have the chance to see her in concert, DO IT.
– We rode in a taxi home–no walking in the bitter cold.
– I hooked my laptop up to the monitor and keyboard and mouse, so it’s like I’m using a desktop again. It feels weird.
– Andy extended my warranty on my laptop, so I will be able to get the keyboard replaced with hopefully very little hassle.
– I just got my pay statement notification. YAY payday!
– I’m going to bed soon. Mmm, sleep.

The Al B. Sure single I mentioned a few days ago? I found it on a Web site called metromix, and I got it for $5. I’m so excited. I now just need a turntable to play it on, and a way to convert those songs to digital form. Still, how lucky is that? $5! :)

Anyway, I need to take my medicine so I can go back to feeling happy and come away from feeling poopy. I don’t like feeling poopy. It’s not fun.

Good night!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Can’t Sleep

I can’t sleep because I’m lying in bed thinking about work. When I drift off to sleep, I dream about work. In just a few hours, I will be heading into Day Seven of straight working. My mini-spree at Target tonight (which incidentally, consisted mostly of snacks and a Hannah Montana–yeah, I’m rocking the Hannah Montana, yo!–water bottle to use at work) made me feel guilty because some of the stuff wasn’t bought at Sears, whose ads I’m proofing all day.

I quite possibly might be losing my mind.

(Of course, it might be the Sudafed–Target Brand, of course–that’s keeping me awake.)

But seriously, I know it’s because I’m working a LOT, but also because I care a lot about my work. I am always dreaming of ways to improve my methods, what I’m working on, and I have once again made a mental note of something that should probably be added to the style guide. I like having something to be passionate about again, but I like sleep, too. So I’m gonna play around a bit on here, then try to get some more before I have to be up at 9am.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Brain Fried Bullet Points

This entry is likely to make very little sense. Just sayin’.

  • It’s been a long time since I’ve worked more than 40 hours in a week.  Last week, I put in almost 51 hours.  I was having dreams about Sears ads until last night when I talked myself into dreaming about something different.  I brought home some ads on Friday for genuine shopping planning (I want a new electric blanket and maybe some pillows) and immediately caught a mistake and started proofing.  I threw the papers at Adam (not meanly) and told him not to let me look at them anymore.
  • We’re getting a TON of work over the next few weeks, so I’m looking at probably 10-15 hours of overtime until the end of November. I am SO getting a massage sometime in December.
  • I still like the job, but it really gets into my head and my brain, so I am mentally exhausted by midday Wednesday. That’s not good, because I don’t want to get burned out. I still have about six weeks of this to go. After all these weeks of intense work, it’s going to be weird to going back to job hunting. But I hope I can save enough that I’ll be OK for a couple of months.
  • Sarah came to visit for a bit last week. She went home yesterday. I didn’t see much of her because I was working so much. Fortunately, she’s very independent and found ways to keep herself entertained in the city while Adam and I made that money.
  • I ate a LOT of spaghetti today. I actually went all day without eating meat–I can’t remember the last time I did that.
  • Tomorrow, Sleeping Beauty comes out on DVD. I have never seen it. Can you believe that? So, I’ve decided to go ahead and buy it. There is also really cute Disney jewelry on and I’d like to get a few pieces. Other than that, I want to stay very frugal with my money because if I get in the right wrong frame of mind, I know I can spend way too easily. I don’t want to be that person again.
  • I can’t believe it’s already October. I am usually such a stickler for changing calendars, and my Nene Thomas calendar is still on September. I guess I’d better go change it sometime.
  • The weather is nice in the mornings. People are wearing coats. Cute coats. Leaves aren’t changing colors on the trees much yet. Actually, they seem to skip that part and just fall. I’ll have to take a look, when I’m not at work. Ha.
  • I really want to go back to a Disney park soon. However, I’m trying to be wise with my money, and airfare is RIDICULOUS. Any allotted travel money for the rest of 2008 needs to go to seeing Aidan first and foremost. But wow, I’d LOVE to go in December and see the place all decorated for Christmas. One of these days.
  • Helena’s been peeing on the bed. She tends to do it just before bedtime, so we’ve had to keep our bedroom door closed when we’re not in there. One night, I’d laid out my nightclothes and went to take a bath or a shower. I got out and went to change, and she’d peed on my nightclothes. And on my side of the bed. Apparently, I somehow piss my girl cats off because Lucy used to do the same type of thing. :( We’re working on trying to break her of it, but once SHE stops peeing, Crookshanks starts. It’s very frustrating.
  • Aidan’s adorable. Just in case you forgot. I need to call him tomorrow. I saw a missed call on my phone that came at 5:34pm, when I was on the train and underground. No reception there. Aidan’s in bed now, so I’ll have to talk to him tomorrow
  • Today, UPS randomly brought us a blender. I found the packing slip and figured out why. Months ago, we’d gotten a wedding gift from Adam’s godparents: a pizza stone. The slip said “Shipment 1 of 2.” Shipment 2 never came and we forgot about it. Turns out that this is the 2nd half of the shipment. The blender had been back ordered like WHOA, and it finally came today. Adam is so excited and eager to blend something in it. :)
  • I’m thirsty. I want pop, but I think it’ll be a better idea for me to drink Tang. Yummy, Tang.
  • I’ve been sneezing a lot. At work, whenever someone sneezes more than once, I hear: Achoo! “Bless you.” ACHOO! “Bless you!” ACCCHOOOO! “Come on, one more!” I also hear weird pirate noises way more often than I probably should. It’s neat there. Lots of work, but neat. I will miss it.

I think that’s all for now. I’m tired and want to take a bath before bed. I got these bath bombs from a place in the Grand Floridian called Basin White, and one of them is Satsuma. I can’t wait to use that one, and I think I’ll use it tonight. Their bombs are cheaper than the ones at Lush, but just as nice and fun. I bought one with Mickeys in it–I don’t think I’ll use that one ever. I can’t exactly order one of those online; I have a feeling they make those special for the park.

OK, then. Enough randomness. Good night.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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