
Change of Plans! (Wedding)

So, OK. Adam and I were supposed to originally get married on November 1, at this gorgeous little Irish Bistro. Except neither of us were really into the planning. At all. I mean, I haven’t done a THING in months. The thought of doing stuff made me panic and I preferred to sweep it all under the rug.

We have scrapped the original plans. Instead, we’re going to do a fly-by-night ceremony on one of the beaches. Anyone who wants to just needs to be in a location [to be determined] to hitch a ride on the Weird Chicago bus on July 27, 2008. The time is to be determined, but rest assured that we will post real details before long.

So, wish us good weather and good luck. It should be a good time!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Just Me

Random happiness = Wordle

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Blasts From The Past (Pictures)

Adam’s in the suburbs for the day, so I am helping myself to his scanner. I’ve decided to embarrass myself by posting a few old photos of myself.

Here’s a photo of me when I was sixteen years old. I LOVE my Life Saver earrings. I was also very into The Party, as you can see by the pictures on my wall.

Here I am at my high school graduation.

In my sophomore year college dorm room. Can you guess what I was really into then? (And still am?)

This was July 4, 1996. Almost twelve years ago! Isn’t that crazy?

I challenge you to post old and possibly dorky pictures of yourself. 🙂

See ya!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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A Survey

1. First Name: Ronica
2. Age: Do I have to? Fine, I’m 33. :O I still get mistaken for much younger, though. Just the other day, a guy told me he thought I was 17.
3. Location: Chicago, IL as of March 2008
4. Occupation: I’m a free agent these days.
5. Partner: Adam.
6. Kids: Aidan
7. Brothers/Sisters: Yes
8. Pets: For now, I am sharing Crookshanks with Adam.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
a. Having Aidan for the summer
b. Looking for a decent job
c. Dealing with the brand new wedding plans (details soon)

10. Where and for what did you go to school? I went to Ohio State and got a BA in Psychology
11. Parents: They live in OH
12. Who are some of your closest friends? Adam, Andy, Ivy, Rosa, Jen, Kelle Belle, Chris

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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