
Happy Pills

Recently, Adam went through the medicine cabinet and took inventory of all the vitamins he and I have. Some were really old, from two roommates ago! Others were more recent. We came across Nature Made Stress B-Complex vitamins. They also have vitamin C and Zinc. Everytime I take them, I notice a huge difference in my temperment and outlook. Can they really be helping to take the stress away? I feel relaxed right now and content, so I guess so. 🙂

Usually, when I go on vitamins, I forget to take them after a couple of days, or the taste turns me off. But I plan to keep taking these, and to go back on Biotin as well.

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Meez 2008

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OK, so not much has changed since my last Meez post, but the hair is different and I’m wearing jewelry now. 🙂 Good times, right? Heehee.

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Today I woke up with one of those “knock you on your tail + nausea + eye twitching + sensitivity to light + halo” migraines. I slept 80% of the day away because even sitting upright made me want to hurl.

(One good thing about not working full-time is that I didn’t have to worry about taking off from work to rest.)

I took two Darvocent and eight ibuprofen today, and now I’m hoping to knock the rest of this out tonight as I sleep. Now I have light sensitivity, a very mild ache, and nausea. Blah. But much better than most of today. I was even too sick to read Sarah Dessen’s new book. You KNOW that has to be rough, if I can’t even read!

Anyway, I’m off to bed again. Got a busy weekend ahead, must be healthy for it.

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Being a Girl Part II

This is a continuation of my previous entry.

Even though I’m not all that hungry (because I just ate a cookie), I am craving the following things:

– McDonalds (a double cheeseburger and fries and a Hi-C)
– Kentucy Fried Chicken (two drumsticks and a side of mashed potatoes)
– Dunkin’ Donuts (a lemon donut)

Yeah, my mouth is wanting food. The rest of me… not so much. At least I’m awake now, though.

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