


“One final word of encouragement to those of you who are cowardly, cry babies, and liars, as I was. These are extremely promising qualities for future writers. If you are a coward, you will probably spend more time at the library than you would ordinarily, and if you tell lies, it just shows that you have an imagination even if others don’t always appreciate it. Cry babies tend to be sensitive, which is also a plus for writers.”

The bolded ones are surely me. Two out of three ain’t bad, huh?

I still spend at hours at the library (I go at least once a week), and I was such a cry baby in fifth grade that I thought it was an accomplishment to go through one day without bursting into tears over something or another. I’m still pretty leaky, if you want to know the truth.

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Interview Me!

Well, swankivy did already. Here are the logistics:

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal. LOL.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Now, the questions:

1. Think of a memory from your teen years (13 to 19) and imagine that you are given the chance to re-do it. Tell me what really happened, then what you would re-do and how it would come out.
The weekend I met MMC comes to mind. It was an amazing weekend. Here I was, practically worshipping these kids and definitely living through them, and I got to meet them. I made a fool out of myself a few times. For example, I practically tackled Ricky Luna and told him I was in love with him. I made fun of Nita Booth within her earshot. I’d definitely go back and NOT do those things! In addition, I let Charla talk me out of not waiting for them after everything was over. I used to wish, years after, that I’d waited around for one last good-bye. Although Nita was probably really sick of seeing me by then. Ha. Oh, and I would have gotten my mother to sign the stupid release (even though I was already 18) so I could have been on TV. The rest of the weekend, I would not change, except maybe to watch my big mouth more often. For the record, Ricky and I talked a few years later and even though I’d been such a idiot that weekend, he told me not to worry about it. πŸ™‚ He’s such a sweet guy and he works so hard. I wish him great success.

2. Air, Earth, Fire, and Water: Would you rather have your own private plane, your own elaborate garden/courtyard, your own big dance club with DJ, or your own boat?
I’d want my own private plane. Then whenever I got the time and urge to travel, I could just take off without dealing with the hassle and cost of flying commercially. There’d be no “liquids/gels” restrictions, and I wouldn’t have to go through 3487895 pounds of security just to wait because of delays. I’d also use the plane to bring my friends to me whenever they wanted to get away.

3. You get to pick one food that has been magically transformed to have no calories whenever you eat it for the rest of your life. So . . . what is it?
Spaghetti, of course!

4. You’ve been offered a publishing contract, but the big catch is that before you’re allowed to publish stuff you’ve written, you have to write a book in a genre you know too little about to be comfortable. Would you look elsewhere, or would you just try to write the book?
I’d try to write the book. I enjoy researching, and why not broaden my horizons?

5. Check your sent mail folder (personal only). Who have you sent the most e-mail to in the last month?
Definitely wlotus, followed closely by adamselzer.

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It’s Time For A Change (Picture)

During the past several months, there has become what I will call “more of me.” Meaning, I’ve put on weight. I’m outgrowing my pants and shirts. I’m feeling increasingly gross.

I still get a lot of compliments on how tiny I am. Maybe I am extra hard on myself, or maybe they just can’t see what I see. The point is that I am not happy with how I look and feel, so I need to fix it.

I have a PLAN.

Tonight was the first step of the plan. I did the Paula Abdul Cardio Dance DVD, plus the fifteen minute tone-up which HURT like eight bitches on a bitch boat. Plies are no joke, and the funny thing is that the tone-up was harder than the cardio. HUH? Anyway, here is what I plan to do:

Sunday: Paula Abdul Cardio Dance
Tuesday: either Basic Yoga, Denise Austin’s Mat Workout Based On The Work of J.H. Pilates, or T’ai Chi
Thursday: same as Tuesday

In between, I plan to walk more as the weather gets nicer. Eating better always helps. I have a weakness for carbs, but you know, I am starting to like veggies a lot more than I used to. It’s to the point where I feel weird if I don’t have them at least twice a week. And I mean GREEN veggies, not corn or french fries. I do not like this extra Ronni sections that’s come about, and I plan to get rid of it by June. Woo!

I always forget how HUNGRY I get after a workout. Man, I am craving some beef like whoa right now. Anyway…

This is me, after today’s workout, determined to become a MILF again:

See ya!

ETA: You wanna know when the real moment of truth hit? When I realized that ALL of my spring jackets were too tight. THAT is a problem, my friends.

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I don’t like myself very much today.

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Lists & Such

It’s February 1, 2007, and I have a few resolutions for this month.

1. Write something, even if I ultimately deem it as crap.
2. Reduce fast food intake. I was “treating” myself twice a month or so, but I think I want to stop it all together.
3. Eat more vegetables.
4. Read four new books.

I also made a few decisions.

1. I am going to start using Mane N Tail products on my hair.
2. I am going to use my Barnes & Noble gift card to buy a copy of adamselzer‘s book for my mom, and I’ll have him autograph it for her.

Chores I did today:

1. Tidied up my room.
2. Washed (most of) the dishes.
3. Got a few groceries.
4. Did a load of laundry.

Interesting things I found out:

1. It’s VERY possible that it wasn’t the Ramen at all that made me so sick earlier this week. At least two other people were struck with it this week, and I remembered that I also threw up Saturday night. But I’d swallowed the wrong way and was coughing my head off, so I figured that was what had caused me to puke. As for the Ramen, I may wait a while before I actually test that theory…
2. The Columbus Metropolitan Libraries now have free wireless internet access!! Can I get a whut-whut??? As if I needed another reason to love the library. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
3. A .54 lb steak does not need five minutes to defrost in the microwave.
4. Aidan plays VERY nicely with Play-Doh! πŸ˜€

* * *

I got to see Aidan today, which was a treat! Chris had to come by and pick something up and he brought Aidan along. Aidan’s such a good little boy, so funny and cute. Tomorrow I pick him up and we get to spend the whole weekend together. I think he’s excited. Especially since he discovered the Play-Doh. I’d like to take him to the library at some point, and maybe teach him some handwriting.

Today at work, I was checking some confirms/googol (which means that I’m checking revised confirm pages, even though confirms are supposed to be the VERY LAST STEP before PDFs and F&Gs and then bound book), and I found a page that I’d put a comment on. I’d requested that they put in the new SE redux, but apparently no one knew what I was talking about, because there was a self-stick note with THREE questions marks. Different colors, which means three people had no clue what I was talking about. My confusion came when I asked myself “why didn’t anyone just come to me and say ‘what do you mean put in the new SE redux? This IS the new one!'” And I could have said “No, see, the apostrophes are different sizes, and in the SE, that was fixed, but here in the TE, this SE reduced page is showing the old page with the different sized apostrophes.” Oh well. It got fixed anyway, and I got told I have a “good eye.”

And THEN I was copyediting these mazes for… well, a surprise to be launched May 31, 2007, and the instructions said “Help the gorilla find the grapes.” But at the end of the maze, there was a carton of JUICE! No grapes to be found, unless it was supposed to be grape juice, but I don’t know. It’s going to be a blackline master, so no one would have any way of knowing that it was supposed to be grape juice because it’s not in color. I love catching stuff like that. It’s fun.

Or maybe I’m just sadistic. I do enjoy making red marks all over things.

Lucy is on the floor, waiting for me to stop fussing around with stuff so I can give her loads of attention. She’s lying that way I love for cats to lay, with her front paws tucked under her. I think cats are so cute when they lie like that! πŸ™‚

Lay/lie. God help me.

I think I’m ready to get off of the computer and read a bit. I got the sequel to Peeps out of the library yesterday, called The Last Days. I hope it’s as good as Peeps. I also just read the latest A-List novel. I swear, those books are like a train wreck. The name-dropping is sooo annoying, and the stuff that happens in them is way outlandish and over the top, but I can’t stop reading the damn things. It’s like Desperate Housewives for teenagers or something. I also read Anatomy of a Boyfriend, and that book is Judy Blume’s Forever for the 21st century.

Ta ta!

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