
Oh, The Places I’ll Go…

Ten Things I Can Do While Chris and Aidan are Vacationing:

1. Play my guitar with no interruptions.
2. Sleep with no snoring beside me.
3. Shop all by myself.
4. Drive with my music blaring all the time.
5. Dance naked in my bathroom.
6. Journal.
7. Write.
8. Scrapbook.
9. Catch up on email.

This is going to be glorious. I am so looking forward to this weekend. I’ll have absolutely NO responsibilities. NONE. It’s going to be strange. But nice. πŸ™‚

Now watch me spend the whole four days crying because I’ll miss Aidan so much….

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Interview with a Ronni


1: Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2: I will respond (here); I’ll ask you five questions.
3: You’ll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4: You’ll include this explanation.
5: You’ll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

Answers to Helen’s (mindmirror) questions:

1. How do you deal with grief?
Not very healthily. I always feel like I need to be strong for at least one other person, so I tend to numb myself. Only to have some sort of meltdown later over something small and insignificant.

2. Do you think Bush will win the election?
Yes. :

3. What do you think of abortion?
I am very torn on this issue. On the one hand, I think it’s denying someone the chance to live. But on the other, what about the situations where a baby would not be warranted; as in the case of incest or rape? For ME, abortion is never an option. For me, I am pro-life. And I do believe that life begins at conception.

4. Is local or world news more important? (if you had to choose one)
Oh gosh! You’re asking the person who even rarely watches the news! Well, if I had to choose, I’d say local, only because it affects me so greatly in the here and now.

5. What is one of your buttons?
Hmm. One of my buttons. I think when people insult my faith. Funny; today in Sunday school, we were just taught that Christians are and always will be hated by the “world.” I find that to be true in a lot of cases. They think I’m a freak because I love Jesus, or they automatically assume I am a hypocrite, a fundamentalist, a legalist, uptight, prudish, all kinds of things. Without even getting to know me. So, being called those names–being thrown the trite anti-Christian insults is a button. Actually, any kind of uncalled for insult is a button for me….

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The 90s

I Heart The 90s
First of all, were you born in the mid/late 80s? No. I was born… never mind. πŸ™‚
If so, what year? n/a
Did you own any jelly shoes? Yes!
…do you still have them? No.
What was your favorite Power Ranger? I didn’t have one.
Could you name all of the Ninja Turtles? YES!
Name as many as you can. Michaelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and OH MY GOSH I CAN’T BELIEVE I DON’T REMEMBER. I was just oogling Tyler’s TMNT VHS collection Friday night. I am so ashamed. *bows head*
Who’s cooler… Alex Mac or Clarissa? Um… neither. I watched MMC only. So there.
Did you ever try to climb up a ladder to your best friend’s room? No. I just went in the frontdoor.
How many times did you watch ‘Scream’? NONE!
…did you think it was scary? n/a
Did you own a pair of Zubaz? huh?
…how many…what color? n/a
Weren’t Koosh Balls fun as hell? Yes, I loved them.
Eh… what were they for, anyway? To play with. Duh.
How many Beanie Babies did you own? Oh, let’s not even go there. WAY too many. I sitll have one on my computer.
Did your mother ever have to tackle somebody for one? No, LOL.
Did you/your parents cry when Kurt died? No.
…do you think Courtney did it? No comment.
Did your parents vote for Clinton? Probably.
How did they react to the whole “Monica” ordeal? I’m not sure–I wasn’t living at home then.
Did you watch Friends? Sometimes.
Who’s your favorite character? Joey.
What is your favorite ‘Friends’ expression? “How ya doin.”
What is your favorite ‘Seinfeld’ expression? I HATED that show!
Who’s worse… Barney or Tinkie-Winkie? Barney. What was Tinkie Winkie?
Did your family have a fallout shelter for ‘Y2K’? NO. I fell asleep on the couch with Fi beside me.
Where were you and what were you doing on New Year’s eve, 1999? See Above. There is a picture. It is not cute.
And finally… what is your favorite thing about the 90s? The music in the early 90s was the best. Um… buying singles that had remixes on them. All the one hit wonders. The early 90s was awesome for music. πŸ™‚


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Answer Me. Dang it.


start guilt trip

I mean, I went through all the trouble of stealing these questions from chinkysdownyo, the least you could do is try to answer them and put your replies in my comments. ::angelic smile::

/end guilt trip

Pleeeassssseeee? I’m very interested in your responses.

1) What’s my *real* name?
2) Where did we meet?
3) How long have you known me?
4) How well do you think you know me?
5) Do I smoke?
6) Do I use narcotics?
7) What was your first impression of me?
8) What’s my age?
9) What’s my (natural) hair & eye color?
10) Have you ever had a crush on me?
11) What’s one of my favorite things to do?
12) What was one of the first things I said to you?
13) What is one of my favorite bands?
14) What’s my best feature?
15) Am I shy or outgoing?
16) Would you say I’m funny?
17) Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?
18) Any special talents I have?
19) Would you consider me a friend?
20) Have you ever seen me cry?
21) What would a good nickname for me be?
22) Am I in love? If so, who with?
23) Now, ask me a question here:
24) Say anything to me here:

THANK YOU! πŸ™‚ You have made my weekend! πŸ˜€

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Today has been a day of hesistation for me. Especially in my writing. In calling people. In wanting to do things. I feel like just lying around, watching TV, and just being a big lazy bums.

This happens when the weather starts to change. I know what’s going on. My “inner writer” in waking up. And when that happens, I want, more than anything, to lock myself up and scribble away. Or type, actually. But I’m scared of writing more than anything. It’s so very emotionally draining, so involved. And that kind of commitment scares me. But when I finish a story, I feel kind of let down. I’ve become attached to the characters. I find it hard to move on to a new story.

And I always wonder–WHY am I doing this? Will it ever make me money? It takes up so much time. Am I just wasting it? People (usually fellow writers) tell me it’s okay just to do it because I enjoy it. But I want to share my work. And I want to make money doing it. No, that isn’t my focus. I write because I HAVE to. I can’t not write.

My horoscope today was WAY too accurate:

You are in a rather defiant mood, but oddly enough, you really don’t want to make anyone angry. This funny mixture of energies is enough to make you quite restless. Try to honor both sides of your nature, both the compulsive joiner who wants to be a part of everything and the reclusive loner who’d rather stay home alone. Usually, you can work with both sides of this rather unique energy, but now it’s best to wait another day or two before jumping in to the fray.

Honestly, how do they know? I’m so conflicted. I miss my friends. But I don’t really have the energy (interest?) to call/IM/email anyone to make plans. Sometimes, I find myself tempted to go invisible on AIM again. THIS IS BAD! I cannot isolate myself again, I can’t. I won’t.

I always carry a lingering fear of rejection. I can tell myself a million times it doesn’t matter if I never hear from this person, or if that person already has plans, and I know darn well it’s not true. ‘Cause I have this stupid sensitive nature that takes things personally even when they might not be.

But whatever.

I’m very excited the weekend is nearing. This has been a long week. I’ve gotten used to taking 1 or 2 days off for one reason or another. It’s hard to get back into the swing of things. But I’ve been doing fine. Finishing my To Do lists before 10am every morning (this is with arriving late due to my chiro appts). Just knocking out the work. I love that. I love checking off lists and cleaning out my inbox. Gives me a major sense of accomplishment.

I don’t have any plans this Saturday. It’s kind of weird to think of a Saturday where I’m not going somewhere with someone or hanging out. It’s kind of bittersweet. I’m feeling that weird mixture of loneliness with desperation for ME time and it just doesn’t make much sense. Or maybe I just want to hang with a girlfriend and not have to worry about watching Aidan for once. That never happens anymore.

I’m ready for the (work) day to be over! Restless? Oh yes, I am restless. I don’t even know for what. It’s not as if I have something big going on tonight. Just a trip to Meijer and then home. Again. Alone. *sigh* See, here we go again.

Argh. I’m done!

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