
I Think I’ll Have Some Pudding Now

Last night I did what no sane person who has to work every day, reading no less, from 7:30am-4pm would do:

I went to a midnight showing of the new Harry Potter movie.

Actually, it was a 12:04am showing. The midnight show was sold out. As was the 12:01am, the 12:03am, the 12:05am, the 12:06am. The 12:07am still had openings as of 6pm yesterday.

When 12:04am came and went with the screen still showing fuzzy ads, the teenagers in the theatre started getting loud. One guy yelled out “THIS IS PREPOSTERUS!” which I found hilarious. I was in my element, though, being surrounded by teens. Most adults hate them, but I’ve always gotten along well with teens. They fascinate me.

The movie started almost ten minutes late, and then we had to sit through all the previews. Blah. (Although, now I have Get Smart and The Golden Compass on my radar).

Anyway….this is cut for spoilerish info.

The Movie!

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Today is only Monday, isn’t it?


But Monday is almost over for me, at any rate. Then it’ll be Tuesday. Then it’ll be time to watch the new Harry Potter movie. Whee.

I got interesting mail today.

I had to clean everything out of one of the bookcases in Aidan’s room so the plumber could have access to the wall panel. Something huge got stuck in the drain and they have to bring out the big guns to get it, I suppose. Not only that, but I’m tired of the neighbor’s crap draining into my tub. Ew.

I am frustrated beecause my place is a mess. And to mess something up that had been someone organized is annoying. But at least they’ll fix the drains, I hope.

I hate fruit flies. I also hate looking pregnant.

I love spaghetti, and lavender, though. In fact, my mouth wants spaghetti now. But seeing the way I look right now—yeah, I’m gonna resist.

I wish I could afford organic and natural products. Foods, lotions, soaps, all that.

I want to read Small Town Girl again but I’m not sure where I put the book. It might be buried in the trunk of my car. That is a scary thought.

Bath, then bed time.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Me Again.

Hi. I’m back again.

So, okay. I just got a POWNCE account (http://pownce.com/LilRonGal) and I have six invites. First come, first serve. Comment here if you want one! 🙂

And whoa? Nichole Richie is pregnant? As well as Christina Aguilera? People.com is letting me down, so I am like “is this stuff really true?” But Rosa says it is, so I’m going to go with her word.

Big Brother 8 starts in about 35 minutes. CBS works, but it’s snowy. Still, I’m not getting cable just for one show.

And Avril is releasing Hot, which is awesome because I LOVE that song.

I found a used video game store as I was walking to the post office. It has lots of cheap DVDs. That makes me happy.

When I was walking home, I came to a crosswalk. I had the right of way, but I was going to let the lady in the car go. She waved me across and smiled, so I waved a thank you and started to walk. This JERK in an SUV (surprise surprise) honked at her and started yelling and just…UGH! UGH!!!

Stupid bullies.

Okay, help me out here. There are tons of LJ anagrams out there that I just don’t know. Like:


What does that mean?????


See ya.

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Big Brother 8

Man. I swear, I’ve had the hardest time trying to figure out when the new Big Brother starts. Looks like it starts tomorrow evening. I hope my TV gets CBS in decently….

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