

The neighbor’s skanky bath water keeps draining into MY bathtub. Most of the time, I don’t ever know it because it usually drains out without a trace. The first time I’d noticed it was months ago, and I hadn’t seen it since.

This morning, it drained out and left a disgusting black film all over my tub.

I was almost asleep just now when I heard water dripping and splashing. My tub has a small drip, but NOT a splash.

It woke me up.

More skanky bathwather.

And now it won’t drain out at all.

And stupid me forgot to mention it when I was in the rental office to drop off my rent check this afternoon.

This is disgusting.

Calling maintanance first thing in the morning.

On top of this, I feel sick and icky in general.



P.S. Those of you who wanted POWNCE invites, I need your email addresses.

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Can I just say that percocet (or the generic derivitive thereof) is the best thing ever?

I took one around 2pm today. Fell asleep shortly after. Woke up about four hours later feeling SO MUCH BETTER. Now, the horrible migraine I’d had earlier today (I probably looked like I had a tic because I couldn’t even keep my eye open) is just a tiny little annoying niggle. Aleve should be able to knock that right out.

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I am moving forward.

It’s scary. It’s exciting.

But it’s what I’m meant to do. 🙂

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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