
Linky Party Reveal!


I was paired up with Lesley from My Lively Mind.

my lively mind

This was such a great idea! I had fun shopping for Lesley, and I’m REALLY hoping she gets her package today. If you remember, the first day I went to mail it, I had to leave the post office due to an emergency there. I mailed it early Friday, though. Let’s hope Chicago mail DOESN’T live up to its reputation and actually gets something to someone on time for once.


I got my package from Lesley last week. Here’s what was in it:

Linky Party Swag

shower cap, notecards, lavender sachets, tea, pens, and jelly beans! πŸ™‚

The lavender smells so good, you guys, and you all know about my obsession with pens and stationery, right? If not, then now you do. It’s perfect.

Thanks so much Casey, Danielle, and Alycia for hosting this! πŸ™‚ It was a lot of fun.


My Blog Is Cute! :)

I have a cute blog. At least, Shahorah thinks so, and I trust her taste completely. I mean, she gave me an award for it, and that’s a pretty big deal. πŸ™‚

So accept to this award, I have to jump through the following hoops:

1. Link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Answer award questions.
3. Award as many blogs you think deserve this award.
4. Make sure you let those you give this award know that you awarded them.
5. Tell something you have never told before in your blog.

So, here goes:

1. What is your go to make up product?
Cover Girl CG Smoothers pressed powder in translucent medium.
2. What’s your favourite fashion trend of 2011?
So, I’m not a real fashionable person, but I did love all the boots. Oh and the long maxi dresses.
3. What is your favorite dessert?
Don’t think I can go wrong with cupcakes from Molly’s Cupcakes.
4. Favorite color?
I like purple and I like pink.
5. What is your middle name?
6. What was the last song you listened to?
Theme song to the West Wing.
7. Cats or Dogs?

And finally, one thing I have never mentioned in my blog.
And this I have no idea. Have I mentioned that my fingernails grow REALLY fast? I mean, I have to cut them every other week. And I don’t like long nails, ’cause they feel awkward when I’m typing.

Passing It On!
I’m going to give this award to Jamie from I Am Not The Babysitter and Courtney from Baxtron Life. ‘Cause their blogs are cute, and I know for sure that Courtney spent several weeks making her blog look awesome. And they both have adorable kiddos who they post tons of pictures of! So YAY.


Happy Birthday, Aidan!

Happy Birthday, Aidan!
Happy Birthday, Aidan!

He’s 9 years old today!

And the BEST 9 year old in the world.
If I do say so myself.

We took him to Toys R Us
and where he picked out
loads of LEGOs.

He asked that we take him to
Burger King for lunch,
so we did that.

Now he’s happily playing
with his new toys, and eating his
birthday treats from
Dunkin’ Donuts.

Birthdays are my favorite.
Buying presents for Aidan is my favorite.
Watching him get so much joy out of his gifts is my favorite.
Even listening to him sing “Happy Birthday” to himself over and over….
That’s my favorite, too.

Linking up with:
friday favorite things | finding joy


I’m Featured!

I found Courtney’s blog over the weekend and have really enjoyed learning about her family and seeing all her beautiful photos. She’s posts a lot of pretty pictures of her gorgeous little daughter. You should visit just for that. Plus, her husband’s family lives in Columbus, Ohio, where I lived for 13 years before moving to Chicago. Go Buckeyes!

Courtney is lovely enough to have me as one of her featured blogs! Go visit her and say “hi!”

Life With the Baxtrons

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Fall Follower Fest!

WhooHooo! Fall Follower Fest!

I mean, what’s the point of blogging if no one reads it, right? So, I’m looking for new followers and new friends. Thank you for visiting. Grab a warm drink and a blanket and get comfortable. I’d love for you to stick around a bit.

The hosts (Casey, Much Love-illy, Jess, and Danielle) of this massive blog hop asked that we post something about autumn. I thought I’d post a combo autumn/intro post by listing some of my favorite things about fall.

The brilliant colors, especially the reds.
First Signs of Autumn

Pumpkins are so adorable and bright.

Sunsets are the most gorgeous in the fall.
Twilight Sky

Yummy Turkey

Cool nights and fire pits.

If you visit and deem my blog worthy to follow, let me know in the comments. πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to meet you!