Disney Survey! :)

01. Favorite Magic Kingdom Ride?
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

02. Favorite Disney Villain?
Maleficent. She is just SO FREAKIN’ cool looking. Coming up closely behind: Scar

03. Favorite Disney Classic Movie?
Beauty and the Beast

04. Favorite Mickey Mouse Movie?
Mickey’s Christmas Carol.

05. Favorite Princess?

06. Favorite Disney Sidekick?

07. Favorite Epcot Ride?
Test Track or Soarin’

08. Favorite Disney MGM Studios Ride?
Tower of Terror

09. Favorite Animal Kingdom Ride?
I’ve only ridden the safari. I don’t go to Animal Kingdom much.

10. Favorite Disney Food?
Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Bar

11. Favorite Disney Parade?

12. Favorite overall Walt Disney World Attraction?
Mickey’s Philharmagic

13. Favorite Non-Animated Disney Movie?
The Parent Trap (the original)

14. Favorite Disney Shop?
World of Disney or Emporium

15. Favorite Disney Character to take a pic with?
Mickey and the princesses, and also anyone who I rarely see.  OK, ALL of them.  :)

16. Favorite Walt Disney World Show?
Beauty and the Beast. It made me cry!

17. Favorite Disney Hotel?
Pop Century and the Grand Floridian. Guess which one I’ve stayed at. LOL.

18. Where do you want to work if you could have any job at Disney?
I’d dance in the parades.

19. What’s your favorite park?
Magic Kingdom

20. Which mountain is your favorite?
Big Thunder

21. Favorite fireworks/night show?

22. Favorite WDW restaurant?
Garden Grill. Yummmmm.

23. Ever been to the other Disney parks (Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong)?
I’ve been to Disneyland in California.

24. Ever been on a Disney Cruise?
Not yet.

25. How many trips to WDW or DL resort have you made?
One to DL, three to WDW.

26. How old were you on your first Disney trip?

27. Have you done a character meal?
Heck yes!

28. Would you rather have character pictures or autographs?
Pictures. Lots and LOTS of pictures.

29. Splash Mountain or Space Mountain?
There’s nothing like Space Mountain!

30. Favorite Disney Character?
Mickey Mouse

I tag Rosa for this one, and any other Disney freaks out there.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Brain Fried Bullet Points

This entry is likely to make very little sense. Just sayin’.

  • It’s been a long time since I’ve worked more than 40 hours in a week.  Last week, I put in almost 51 hours.  I was having dreams about Sears ads until last night when I talked myself into dreaming about something different.  I brought home some ads on Friday for genuine shopping planning (I want a new electric blanket and maybe some pillows) and immediately caught a mistake and started proofing.  I threw the papers at Adam (not meanly) and told him not to let me look at them anymore.
  • We’re getting a TON of work over the next few weeks, so I’m looking at probably 10-15 hours of overtime until the end of November. I am SO getting a massage sometime in December.
  • I still like the job, but it really gets into my head and my brain, so I am mentally exhausted by midday Wednesday. That’s not good, because I don’t want to get burned out. I still have about six weeks of this to go. After all these weeks of intense work, it’s going to be weird to going back to job hunting. But I hope I can save enough that I’ll be OK for a couple of months.
  • Sarah came to visit for a bit last week. She went home yesterday. I didn’t see much of her because I was working so much. Fortunately, she’s very independent and found ways to keep herself entertained in the city while Adam and I made that money.
  • I ate a LOT of spaghetti today. I actually went all day without eating meat–I can’t remember the last time I did that.
  • Tomorrow, Sleeping Beauty comes out on DVD. I have never seen it. Can you believe that? So, I’ve decided to go ahead and buy it. There is also really cute Disney jewelry on Jewelryland.com and I’d like to get a few pieces. Other than that, I want to stay very frugal with my money because if I get in the right wrong frame of mind, I know I can spend way too easily. I don’t want to be that person again.
  • I can’t believe it’s already October. I am usually such a stickler for changing calendars, and my Nene Thomas calendar is still on September. I guess I’d better go change it sometime.
  • The weather is nice in the mornings. People are wearing coats. Cute coats. Leaves aren’t changing colors on the trees much yet. Actually, they seem to skip that part and just fall. I’ll have to take a look, when I’m not at work. Ha.
  • I really want to go back to a Disney park soon. However, I’m trying to be wise with my money, and airfare is RIDICULOUS. Any allotted travel money for the rest of 2008 needs to go to seeing Aidan first and foremost. But wow, I’d LOVE to go in December and see the place all decorated for Christmas. One of these days.
  • Helena’s been peeing on the bed. She tends to do it just before bedtime, so we’ve had to keep our bedroom door closed when we’re not in there. One night, I’d laid out my nightclothes and went to take a bath or a shower. I got out and went to change, and she’d peed on my nightclothes. And on my side of the bed. Apparently, I somehow piss my girl cats off because Lucy used to do the same type of thing. :( We’re working on trying to break her of it, but once SHE stops peeing, Crookshanks starts. It’s very frustrating.
  • Aidan’s adorable. Just in case you forgot. I need to call him tomorrow. I saw a missed call on my phone that came at 5:34pm, when I was on the train and underground. No reception there. Aidan’s in bed now, so I’ll have to talk to him tomorrow
  • Today, UPS randomly brought us a blender. I found the packing slip and figured out why. Months ago, we’d gotten a wedding gift from Adam’s godparents: a pizza stone. The slip said “Shipment 1 of 2.” Shipment 2 never came and we forgot about it. Turns out that this is the 2nd half of the shipment. The blender had been back ordered like WHOA, and it finally came today. Adam is so excited and eager to blend something in it. :)
  • I’m thirsty. I want pop, but I think it’ll be a better idea for me to drink Tang. Yummy, Tang.
  • I’ve been sneezing a lot. At work, whenever someone sneezes more than once, I hear: Achoo! “Bless you.” ACHOO! “Bless you!” ACCCHOOOO! “Come on, one more!” I also hear weird pirate noises way more often than I probably should. It’s neat there. Lots of work, but neat. I will miss it.

I think that’s all for now. I’m tired and want to take a bath before bed. I got these bath bombs from a place in the Grand Floridian called Basin White, and one of them is Satsuma. I can’t wait to use that one, and I think I’ll use it tonight. Their bombs are cheaper than the ones at Lush, but just as nice and fun. I bought one with Mickeys in it–I don’t think I’ll use that one ever. I can’t exactly order one of those online; I have a feeling they make those special for the park.

OK, then. Enough randomness. Good night.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Honesty Meme

· bold the ones that are true.
· italicize the ones that are sort of true; please elaborate on them too. ;)

Get to know me a bit more! :)


– I am 5′4 or shorter
– I think I’m ugly.
– I have many scars.
– I tan easily.
– I wish my hair was a different color.
– I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
– I have a tattoo.
– I am self-conscious about my appearance.
– I have/had braces.
– I wear glasses.
– I’d get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free, scar-free.
– I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
– I have had more than two piercings.
– I have had piercings in places besides my ears.
– I have freckles.

Family/Home Life

– I’ve sworn at my parents.
– I’ve run away from home.
– I’ve been kicked out of the house.
– My biological parents are together.
– I have a sibling less than one year old.
– I want to have kids someday.
– I have children.
– I’ve lost a child.


– I’ve slipped out a “LOL” in a spoken conversation.
– Disney movies still make me cry.
– I’ve snorted while laughing.
– I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
– I’ve glued my hand to something.
– I’ve laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
– I’ve had my trousers rip in public.
– I’ve had stitches.
– I’ve broken a bone.
– I’ve had my tonsils removed.
– I’ve sat in a doctor’s office with a friend.
– I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
– I’ve had serious surgery.
– I’ve had chicken pox.


– I’ve driven over 200 miles (1000km) in one day.
– I’ve been on a plane.
– I’ve been to North America.
– I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
– I’ve been to Japan.
– I’ve been to Europe.
– I’ve been to Africa.


– I’ve been lost in my city.
– I’ve seen a shooting star.
– I’ve wished on a shooting star.
– I’ve seen a meteor shower.
– I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.
– I’ve pushed all the buttons in a lift.
– I’ve been to a casino.
– I’ve been skydiving.
– I’ve gone skinny dipping.
– I’ve played spin the bottle.
– I’ve crashed a car. (Not totaled or anything, but I’ve had my share of fender benders)
– I’ve been skiing.
– I’ve been in a play.
– I’ve met someone in person from the internet.
– I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.
– I’ve seen the Northern Lights.
– I’ve sat on a roof top at night.
– I’ve played chicken.
– I’ve seen the RHPS.
– I’ve eaten sushi.
– I’ve been snowboarding.


– I’m single.
– I’m in a relationship.
– I’m available.
– I’m engaged.
– I’m married.
– I’ve gone on a blind date.
– I’ve been the dumpee more than the dumper.
– I have a fear of abandonment.
– I’ve been divorced.
– I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back.
– I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
– I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
– I’ve kept something from a past relationship.


– I’ve had a crush on someone of the same gender.
– I’ve kissed a member of the same gender.
– I’ve had sex with someone of the opposite gender.
– I’ve had sex with someone of the same gender.
– I’ve had sex with more than one person at the same time.
– I am a cuddler.
– I’ve been kissed in the rain.
– I’ve had sex outdoors.
– I’ve hugged a stranger.
– I have kissed a stranger.
– I have had sex with a stranger.


– I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t.
– I have lied to my parents about where I am.
– I am keeping a secret from the world.
– I’ve cheated while playing a video game.
– I’ve cheated on a test.
– I’ve driven through a red light.
– I’ve been suspended from school.
– I’ve witnessed a crime.
– I’ve been in a fist fight.
– I’ve been arrested.
– I’ve shoplifted.


– I’ve consumed alcohol.
– I have/do smoke(d) cigarettes.
– I have/do smoke(d) pot.
– I regularly drink.
– I’ve taken painkillers when I didn’t need them.
– I take cough medication when I’m not sick.
– I’ve done hard drugs.
– I’ve been addicted to an illegal substance.
– I can’t swallow pills.
– I can swallow about five pills at a time no problem.


– I can sing well.
– I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
– I open up to others too easily.
– I watch the news.
– I don’t kill bugs.
– I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for sake of being able to rhyme.
– I fucking swear regularly.
– I sing in the shower.
– I am a morning person.
– I paid for my mobile phone ring tone.
– I’m a snob about grammar.
– I am a sports fanatic.
– I play with my hair.
– I have/had “x”s in my screen name.
– I love being neat.
– I love spam.
– I’ve copied more than 30 CDs in a day.
– I bake well.
– My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue.
– I don’t know how to shoot a gun.
– I am in love with love.
– I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
– I laugh at my own jokes.
– I eat fast food weekly.
– I believe in ghosts.
– I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
– I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room.
– I am really ticklish.
– I love white chocolate.
– I bite my nails.
– I play video games.
– I’m good at remembering faces.
– I’m good at remembering names.
– I’m good at remembering dates.
– I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
– My answers are totally honest.

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Conversations with Aidan

Today, Aidan and I were talking about Dora, school, stuff like that. I also like to talk to him to see what kinds of things he knows and is learning. Today, I asked him about things that begin with T. He said the usual. Toys, stuff like that. I told him that “tiny” begins with T, which he took and ran with.

Ronni: What are some tiny things?
Aidan: Jerry from Tom and Jerry is tiny.
Ronni: That’s right. What else is tiny?
Aidan: When I was in your tummy being a baby, I was a teeny tiny dot.

How adorable is that? :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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My Disney Trip! (Lots of Pictures, Very Long)

I’m going to try to make this as concise as possible, but so much happened and it was such a FUN time! :) Here are some highlights. At the end of this post, I will give you a link to all my posted pictures and video.

We arrived in Orlando at a bit after 12pm EST, checked in with the Magical Express guys, and then we were on our way. We were getting “congratulations” left and right because we were wearing our bride and groom Mickey ears:

On the Magical Express

We stayed at Pop Century, which is a cool hotel featuring many decades of pop culture. There are displays on the wall that feature so many things that I had or was into. We checked in, and they gave us “Just Married” buttons. Our room number was 1234, in the ’50s building (earmarked by a GIANT statue of Lady)! Easy or what?


There was a towel animal in the window:

Towel Animal

He stayed with us the whole trip.

Adam changed into shorts, we slathered on sunscreen, and we were on our way. I was in jeans because Magical Express hadn’t brought my luggage yet. First stop, MAGIC KINGDOM!

Pumpkins! Pumpkins!Jack O Lantern

It was all decorated for Halloween! :)

Disney characters, I noticed, seem to like running off with newly wedded spouses. Chip was the first one to try to steal me from Adam, and when Adam caught on to what he was doing, he quickly surrendered:


We’re all friends, though.

First Character at the World!

Here it is:


We’d arrived just in time for the Dreams Come True parade. The parade started with the grand marshal, then a commercial. YES, a commercial for the new Sleeping Beauty DVD coming out soon.

Parade Commercial Combo

After about 15 minutes, the actual parade began. Mickey pointed me out and told me that my dreams will “especially” come true. :)

Dreams Come True Dreams Come True

Adam and Me
Obligatory shot of Adam and me in front of the castle.

That day, we ate at Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe for dinner, went through Mickey’s and Minnie’s houses, rode Mickey’s Philharmagic twice, rode The Carousel of Progress, Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin, Cinderella’s Carousel (I rode on Cinderella’s horse!), Space Mountain (a couple of random girls came up and handed us their fast passes!), It’s A Small World, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Haunted Mansion, and Snow White’s Scary Adventures. Peter Pan, however, had a 40 minute wait which seriously confused me. We watched Wishes, the fireworks show.

Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!

As the day wound down and the Extra Magic Hours started, we were pretty much walking on rides.

We met Pooh, Tigger, Darby (who tried to run off with Adam–apparently she was feeling him up at one point), and Goofy (notice anything weird about that picture?).

Hunny Bear Pooh Darby, Adam, Tigger, and Me
First Encounter with Goofy

The next day, we ate breakfast at the Pop Century food court, then headed to Epcot.

Spaceship Earth

There, we rode Soarin’, Living with the Land, and Spaceship Earth. Adam enjoyed some hands-on activities at Innovations, and we watched Honey I Shrunk the Audience and the Circle of Life. We tried different pops at that Cool Club place. We had lunch at The Garden Grill, one of my favorite places to eat:

Garden Grill
Mmm, yum!

We also met a motherload of characters! Chip cried when he saw that I was married. All the guy characters were giving Adam thumbs up for picking me. :)

Tuxedo Mickey Good Times Showing off the Rings! Mary Poppins!
I Love This One! Superhero Pose! Dancing to the Beat

After we ate, it was RAINING like CRAZY. We hung out a bit in The Land, trying to wait for it to let up, then finally braved a few drops to make our way to one of the gift shops to buy ponchos. I also got a pair of earrings, and Adam got a new watch! Once we were in our ponchos, we were ready to go. The park was emptying out at an alarming rate, and we walked right on to Test Track. This was good because we’d had to forfeit our others when the time for our lunch reservations bumped up with our fast pass time. (Now I know that we can get on anytime after the initial start time, no need to go in that specified hour).

Spaceship Earth

We made our way to World Showcase, where we walked right on Maelstrom (twice) and enjoyed leisurely walking around looking at the countries. Adam had a strawberry preserve crepe which was yummy! Then we watched Illuminations, then headed back. I had the famous Tie Dye cheesecake from the Pop Century food court, and it turned my tongue blue! It was yummy, though.

The next morning, we were back at Epcot. Had a hard time finding something to snack on for breakfast, which made Adam cranky. But I found an apple danish, and Adam drank a milk shake. We did World Showcase again. Characters came out to play around 11. We rode the ride in Mexico, and we rode Maelstrom again.

Whee! Shadow Puppets Me and Cinderella's Mice Mulan
Fiesta Donald Aurora

As were talking with Aurora, she asked what our plans were. I told her we’d planned to party that night, and she said “Oh, you will be getting your grooves on, yes?” AWESOME! :)

The highlight of my day, though, was meeting BEAST! I’d just missed him the last time I was at Disney World. While we were in line for Belle, Beast came out and joined her. I was SCREAMING with happiness. And to make matters even better, the couple in front of us gave me a pin you can only get at Tokyo Disney!


Soon, it was time for lunch at Akershus Royal Banquet Hall. This place is not easy to get into because it’s full of princesses and very popular. I was surprised that we got a reservation. I loved the place. First, they started off by photographing us with Belle:

Akershus Princess Banquet

Then they seated us. The food was great, and we got to dine with four other princesses! They came around with photos for us, and then the manager gave Adam and me complimentary champagne as congratulations for our marriage!

Akershus Princess Banquet

After lunch, we headed back to Pop Century for a nap before Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.

Wood Fairy
I was a wood fairy.

The villains mixed and mingled, we were treated to a special parade kicked off by the Headless Horseman, saw special fireworks, and we trick or treated at various stations throughout the park. Adam couldn’t resist going on Haunted Mansion, which was extra spookified that night.

We met Cinderella’s wicked relatives, who were HILARIOUS by the way, and Pooh and Eeyore all dressed up, the Wicked Queen, Claude Frollo, and Minnie looking extra cute!

All Dressed Up

We also got our grooves on, yes, at Ariel’s Grotto.

Wednesday, we headed to Hollywood Studios. Adam was excited to meet the regular, non-dressed up Donald Duck, and to meet the awesome Sorcerer Mickey.

Donald! Showing off the Rings
We Made Mickey Blush!

We rode the Backlot Tour (where we starred in the feature show!) and The Great Movie Ride. We hung out with flappers on the main strip and got marriage advice. (Say “Yes, dear, you’re right dear” and “She’s always right.”) I met Kim Possible and her boyfriend Ron, and we watched Muppet Vision 3D. After dinner, Stitch walked by and wiped a booger on my shoulder. The highlight of the day? I GOT TO MEET Tow Mater and Lightning McQueen!

Lightning.. Ahhhh! It's like Tomater, without the Ta.

We also hung out with Mike and Sulley of Monsters Inc. fame!

Monsters, Inc!

A cast member at the Indiana Jones kiosk gave me a “diamond” upgrade on my ring. :) We popped on Rockin’ Roller Coaster, which I’d always wanted to try but never made it over to where it is in the Studios. That ride is crazy! And then Adam talked me into riding Tower of Terror. I’d never ridden Tower of Terror before. I was VERY nervous. And for the first few seconds afterward, I HATED it. Then I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And… wanting to go on it again!

We had dinner at the ’50s Prime Time Cafe, where they singled us out and had people from all over the restaurant give us marriage advice. More of the same: “She’s always right.” Ha. That night we went to Downtown Disney and it was CRAZY. Not a lot of fun with the crowds everywhere, but I got some cool pins and souvenirs.

The next morning was Magic Kingdom. We had a breakfast date with Pooh and Friends, but before that, we ran into Jiminy Cricket (who incidentally, tried to run off with me)!

Us and Jiminy Cricket

Then we headed to Crystal Palace for breakfast. YUM! There, they’d put a heart of confetti on our table!


At Crystal Palace, I got a Mickey waffle (can’t have a trip to WDW without a Mickey waffle!), and I ate about 10 pieces of bacon. Piglet was WAY too cute, and so was Pooh and sweet Eeyore, who is sooo cuddly. Tigger tried to run off with me, telling me that he was WAY better than Adam.

Tigger and Me Piglet is so Pink! Rivals

After breakfast, we headed back to Town Square to meet more characters! We ran into Horace and Clarabelle where scandal ensued (mostly characters trying to run off with spouses AGAIN–and vice versa).

While we were waiting for them, I noticed this in the sky:

Skywriting Chick Tracts?
Sky Writing Chick Tracts?

Anyway, on to the shenanigans:


Rarities! Rarities! Rarities!

After Horace and Clarabelle, we ran into Daisy Duck, who we’d *just* missed in Hollywood Studios the day before, and Mary Poppins and Burt!

Another Duck! It's a Jolly Holiday

We watched the Dreams Come True show.

Dreams Come True Dreams Come True

We also met Snow White, Frontier Donald, Peter Pan and Wendy, Jessie and Woody, and Captain Hook and Smee. We then spent the rest of the day wandering around Magic Kingdom doing whatever stuck our fancies. Now, MK was VERY crowded (relatively) because of morning Extra Magic Hours, so now we know to AVOID parks that have morning hours. Still, we got to ride the Mad Tea Party, Liberty Bell, Pirates of the Caribbean, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad twice in a row, and Splash Mountain. It was my first time riding Splash Mountain. “You won’t get that wet,” Adam had said. Oh yeah?

After Splash Mountain

At one point, Adam got very distraught.


This was why:

Closed Down!

We also did Stitch’s Great Escape and Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor (which is BRILLIANT!), the Hall of Presidents, and the Enchanted Tiki Room. Lunch was at Columbia Harbor House, where I got a free dessert for being a newlywed! We watched Spectromagic (where Adam freaked out over Chernabog) and Wishes again, then hung around more than an hour after official close to people watch and to just enjoy the castle. It did a special good night around 10pm with sparkles and music. It was lovely.

The next morning was Magic Kingdom again! Told you, we ♥ that place! First, though, we had breakfast at 1900 Park Fare in the Grand Floridian. I enjoyed it greatly. It was a lot less busy than Crystal Palace and they had yummy strawberry soup. We got to meet Mary Poppins, Pooh, Tigger, Alice, and the Mad Hatter there.

Me & the Wonderland Folks

At the Kingdom, we rode Pirates of the Caribbean (where there was a message waiting for me from Mickey and Minnie congratulating me on my marriage and encouraging me to eat lots of cake) and Haunted Mansion (he’s obsessed!). The guy at the Dole Whip counter gave us free pineapple floats with a congratulations!

We met Rafiki and Timon, who BOTH tried to run off with me. The cast member there said “I’d tell you congratulations but I think Rafiki is jealous!”

Meeting Rafiki and Timon

On our way out of Magic Kingdom, we ran into a vendor who’d talked to us a the day before. She gave me a special and exclusive Pixie Dust pin! And then the Family Fun Day Parade started, which was very cute and a lot of fun. A great way to end our Magic Kingdom Adventure of 2008.

We hopped over the Hollywood Studios, and got there just in time for the Block Party Bash, which was colorful and beautiful! We also watched the Beauty and the Beast show which made me teary eyed. We rode Tower of Terror twice in a row and wanted to go a third time but the wait time had gone up. FYI, Tower of Terror is TOTALLY my favorite Hollywood Studios ride now!

We were wandering around and meandered over to the place where you check wait times for rides. The cast member there caught on that we were interested in riding the new Toy Story Midway Mania ride, but didn’t really have time to do the 60 minute wait. SHE GAVE US FAST PASSES! Win Win Win!! They were all out of them for the day, too. The ride was FUN! It’s like Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin on steroids. I loved it. Then, we hit Sounds Dangerous, and then it was time to eat at Hollywood & Vine, which was very tasty, especially the desserts!!!

After dinner, Adam bought this cel he’d had his eye on for days. I’m glad he got it, it looks great in our room. I shopped like crazy, buying pins and stuffed things and stuff for Aidan. We got back to the hotel about 730pm or so, used up the last of our snack credits, and commenced packing. We had an EARLY start the next morning.

What a magical, amazing, and fun trip. We got loads of extra attention from cast members and park guests alike. We had fun, and I got to do a bunch of things I’d never done before. I noticed things I never had before, and I got to meet a bunch of characters I never DREAMED I’d meet! This is a great time of year to go. The weather isn’t too ridiculously hot, and the crowd level is dreamy. We’re already making preliminary plans for next 2009!

I leave you with two photographs I took:

Castle at Night Castle Reflection

Click to see more pictures of our adventure:

Ronni & Adam’s 2008 Trip to Disney World/Honeymoon

Hope you enjoyed this. We certainly enjoyed our trip and are excited about going back soon! ‘Til next time!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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