Anywhere Is….

So, after months ofdebate and deep thought (OK, maybe not that much thinking), I have decided to post blog posts at my domain again. Actually, I plan for A-I to be a catch-all for all my sites, so I’ll still have a presence at LJ and Blogspot…. but I’ll try to consolidate most of my spread out all over cyberspace entries on the domain. One stop shopping, or something like that.

At any rate, that’s the deal. Heinous dorkitudinal happenings. Word. 🙂

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I have so much freelance work and it’s all due Monday. And I am in Normal, IL supporting Adam with his Young Author stuff. I may or may not get any sleep this weekend. (2.75 hour drive back to Chicago tomorrow besides).

I hope I didn’t get in over my head!

Excuse me while I disappear for the weekend (and think of the awesome paychecks that will result from all this hard work/sleep deprivation)!

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Random Survey Going ‘Round on LJ

What were you doing 10 years ago?

I was working three part time jobs while searching for a full-time job. I worked at a day care as a “teacher,” a church as a receptionist, and I built a Web site for someone. I had just graduated from college.

What are 5 things you need to do today?

1. Take my plate into the kitchen.
2. Take a nap.
3. Make sure Adam takes a nap.
4. Bathe with a bath bomb.
5. Fabreeze the heck out of the place.

What are some snacks you enjoy?

* Ice cream bars
* Doritos
* Hostess chocolate cakey things
* Cookies

What would you do if you were a billionaire?

* Sleep a lot.
* Constantly give surprises to those dearest to me.
* Travel to Disney World a LOT.
* Donate to various literacy charities and organizations.
* Throw fun parties.
* Shop.

What are 3 bad habits?

1. Worry too much
2. Procrastination
3. Not leaving the apartment for days at a time

Name 5 places you have lived

Cleveland, OH
Columbus, OH
Westerville, OH
Pataskala, OH
Chicago, IL

What are 5 jobs you’ve had?

* Deli clerk
* Administrative Secretary
* Server at Boston Market
* Assistant Production Editor
* Copy Editor

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My opinion in regards to America’s Next Top Model:


That is all.

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