
Today I woke up with one of those “knock you on your tail + nausea + eye twitching + sensitivity to light + halo” migraines. I slept 80% of the day away because even sitting upright made me want to hurl.

(One good thing about not working full-time is that I didn’t have to worry about taking off from work to rest.)

I took two Darvocent and eight ibuprofen today, and now I’m hoping to knock the rest of this out tonight as I sleep. Now I have light sensitivity, a very mild ache, and nausea. Blah. But much better than most of today. I was even too sick to read Sarah Dessen’s new book. You KNOW that has to be rough, if I can’t even read!

Anyway, I’m off to bed again. Got a busy weekend ahead, must be healthy for it.

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Wiii! :D

We’ve got a Wii! YAY! Adam went out this morning on his bike just to see, and the 2nd place he checked had some in stock!

I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, I had to take off shortly after Adam brought it home, but I did make a Mii. 🙂 And when he goes on his tour tonight, it’ll be ALL ME.

I’m excited! A new toy, YAY!

But first, I need FOOD!

PS LJ friends with Wiis, send me your Wii Code!

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Author Visit (Pictures)

I think that I need to make it a goal to meet at least one best-selling author a year. In 2006, I got to meet Jennifer Cruisie, Bob Mayer, and Alesia Holliday. Last year, I got to chat a bit with Brian Selznick, but the highlight was with I met the lovely Laurie Halse Anderson (halseanderson), and this year, it was Melissa Marr (melissa_writing), the author of WICKED LOVELY and INK EXCHANGE.

Melissa Marr & Me
Melissa and Me
She has awesome hair.

I’m always interested in people’s voices, and her voice is definitely not what I expected. She sounds a bit like laurenbarnholdt, actually. It was great to sit and chat with her about anything and everything. I’ve been to a few author events, and each one is different, each one is awesome.

It’s always inspiring to meet authors. Just knowing that this person sitting in front of you is where you want to be. OK, I know that I LIVE with an author which should be constant inspiration, but still, it’s nice to meet those I read about and talk to online, and whose works I enjoy.

Who’s next for me to meet?

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Hey There!

I’m toying with blogging on anywhere-is again.  I love Live Journal, but I kind of want a portal here as well.  🙂  We’ll see how it goes.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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