
Adam and I want to have an autumn-themed wedding, so I’ve been scouring the Web looking for fun details and accents and decorations. I found the best deals and cutest things at Oriental Trading Company. Not only are their details adorable, but the prices are great too.

Here are a few things I’m considering:

The leaves around the candles would be autumn leaves, of course.

Adam’s not too keen on the scarecrows. I am not terribly attached to them so if he really doesn’t want them, that’s OK. But they’d be cute. :)

Orange daisies. Yes, and yes. :) Rosa had them in her wedding and they were beautiful. I don’t even want a bouquet; I’ll be happy to carry a single flower.

I also want kind of a funky-looking cake. I lifted this picture from The Cake Blog because I thought the design was so cute and original. Now, as this bakery is based in San Jose, CA, I don’t think I’ll be able to get that actual baker to do my cake, but maybe Tami can pull off something similar, and in my colors, of course. An orange cake would be so awesome!

There is so much to think about. On the one hand, I want the wedding day to be here NOW so I can be married to Adam that much sooner, but then again, I know I have a LOT of work to do over the next 400 or so days, so it’s GOOD that it’s not time yet.

Still, I hope I don’t Go Bridal. Hahaha.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I won’t be able to buy a dress for at least five or six months, and most of them are so expensive that I’ll never be able to afford them, but that’s not stopping me from perusing the sites and checking out the styles. I’m finding myself gravitating toward a particular style, but there aren’t a lot of them out there. There are so many designers, so many styles, so many dresses…it’s crazy! So, I’ve been kind of randomly going around, just saving .jpgs of anything that strikes my fancy. I’ve also learned a nifty trick to help me stay organized. I name the files this way: designerstylenumber.jpg. That way, when I want to find a certain dress again, I don’t have to go through random picture files of dresses and go “Um… I don’t remember where I found this!”

Today I went to the library and checked out a couple of planning books:

  • Going Bridal: How to Get Married Without Losing Your Mind
  • Wonderful Wedding for Cost-Conscious Couples

I think they’ll be fun reads. The covers are neat, at any rate.

Adam and I are waffling on the date. Halloween would be a fun day, and easy to remember, but it’s a Friday, and with most of our guests coming in from out of town, that could prove challenging. November 1st is a good day too. I like both days, and I told him that it’s up to him. Hopefully we’ll have a finalized date for you guys soon!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Just Stuff

Well now. What a week it’s been! I had an awesome time in Chicago, what with getting engaged and all. I know, I’m a dork. I can’t stop grinning like a grinning thing when I think about it. And it comes over me at the most random times, like when I’m at Marc’s in the soap aisle.

Thanks to everyone who commented/emailed/wrote on our Facebook walls with their sincere congratulations! ♥ They really mean a lot to both of us.

Wedding planning is underway. Both moms are excited and on board. Now, we’re scoping for reasonably-priced Chicago-land venues. THAT is not an easy feat, let me tell you. We’ve also set an official date: November 01, 2008. We want to keep it very small, and it’ll be autumn-themed. I’ve also discovered The Knot. Holy cow. That site will cause me to lose a lot of sleep over the next 400 days. There is SO MUCH to see and read and look at and OMG.

Anyway, there is now wedding blog up where we both post:
I’ll post most of the wedding craziness there. Feel free to bookmark and comment there.

In a few months, it’ll be December 20th. My birthday. I know it’s going to be on a Thursday because September’s days always line up with December’s days. And now that the days are lining up, I know it’s time to start thinking about Christmas. In an abstract sort of way, of course. I want to get Aidan a digital camera, and tons of little things. I love to watch him open presents. He’s soooo freaking cute. My mom’s already planning a boatload of stuff for him. I haven’t had to buy clothes for Aidan in about 18 months because my mom buys him so many outfits.

Speaking of Aidan, that little booger started preschool Monday! He’d started going to a small school in Pataskala in the summer, but Chris (zenosidal) got a job in Westerville, so he moved Aidan to a school that is closer (and frankly, nicer). He’s going to a Goddard school, and yesterday he told me all about it. He told me what his dad packs in his Spiderman lunchbox (the lunchbox that matches the backpack my mom got him), the kinds of activities he did, and about his new friend Dylan. He also told me that he’s a very good boy in school, which I believe. His progress sheet is so cute! It outlines all the things they did during the day. For example, yesterday, they played restaurant, they painted a picture with lollipops, and listened to a story about lollipops. They’re doing the five senses now, and Aidan told me he tasted something salty and something sweet. He wouldn’t try the lemon. I cannot wait to see what else he learns at this school! They’re teaching them so much, and he said he likes the way the teachers talk to him. They have nice voices, he says. Awwwww. I’m glad he’s enjoying school.

I’m very tired. Getting to bed before midnight has not been happening lately. I think I should get off the computer at about 9pm and take a bath in lavender, then read myself to sleep. That way, I can be asleep by 10:30pm at the latest. Because I am SO TIRED during the day and that’s not good. My body definitely prefers the night to the day.

Big Brother 8 has ended and Evel Dick has won. There was a lot of talk about the game being rigged so the Donatos would go to the final 2. Hmm. Strange things. My loyalties switched throughout the season, as they always do, but I would have loved to see Jameka take home the $500,000. Some episodes were crazy, I mean, what was UP with ED burning Jen? Then again, she was pretty dumb to keep trying to grab a lit cigarette from a man who didn’t like her. And the endurance part of the last HOH competition. Standing under FREEZING water for hours. Nice. I don’t think I’d have lasted ten minutes, but then again, I guess being fueled by the thought of $500,000 is a good motivator. I don’t know, this was one of the weirdest seasons. I missed a few seasons (I didn’t watch 1, 4, 5, or 6), but out of the ones I watched, this one had the weirdest set of people. My favorite all time player though, will always be Dr. Will. He was just sooo entertaining to watch. I’d love if they put BB2 on DVD.

When Big Brother 9 starts, I’ll either be living in Chicago, or getting ready to move there!

That’s all for now. ‘Til next time.

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Adam and I are totally getting married!


(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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So Happy Together Those of you who read my Facebook and those of you who are also friends with adamselzer already know. But I thought I’d post here anyway, because not everyone here reads Facebook or Adam’s LJ.

Thursday morning started as any typical day. I knew it was payday, so I’d be getting groceries after work, possibly stopping by Borders (I had a 25% off coupon), and maybe the library. I also knew I had a weird day ahead, because I had two meetings scheduled, one which was supposed to be three hours.

I’m not a big fan of meetings. It’s just hard for me to sit still that long and focus. I am also not a big fan of the room the meetings are typically held in, as it’s usually balls-freezing cold in there! Honestly, I take my electric heater in there to blow on my feet because it’s that cold. (For the record, I also have the thing blowing on me all day at work because it’s so cold there. It can be 97 degrees outside and I’ll be inside shivering in front of the heater). Anyway, the meeting actually turned out to be interesting, and I got to leave after 90 minutes anyway. YAY.

I went back to my desk and checked email. Adam had written and talked about getting me out to Chicago again soon. I rememebered I had a free SW flight that I was planning on using when he got his wisdom teeth out, but he said he won’t be doing that for a while so to use it for a visit. I started looking for seats and flights, and imagine my surprise when I found one available THAT EVENING. I called him, got the green light, went home for lunch to pack, came back to work, finished out the work day and at quitting time, burst out of the office, got to the airport, and was on the 4:55pm plane to Chicago.

Oh WHAT!!!

So I’m here now. Total last-minute, unexpected trip. We ate dinner at Pie-Eyed, hung out with some friends at Ambrosia Cafe (I found raspberry M&Ms at the 7-11 on the same block. They taste like Christmas), and then Adam and I went to Margie’s Candies, which is an old-fashioned candy shop and ice cream parlor. I couldn’t understand why he was so keen on going there, but as I hadn’t been in over a year and had been kind of craving it (despite being stuffed from eating junk food all evening). We shared a chocolate phosphate, he told me a beautiful story about his great-grandparents which ended with “so this is the ring he gave her….”

I freaked out. In a good way, of course.

For the record, this is the ring his great-grandfather gave his great-grandmother in 1924(ish). The ring that Adam gave me Thursday night:

So, I woke up Thursday morning, expecting a pretty typical day. I went to bed Thursday evening in Chicago, and engaged.


A year ago, I was saying I’d never do the marriage thing again. Well, I guess it just goes to show that I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about. Not to say that I don’t get scared sometimes, just because that’s my nature. When I’m not worrying about what other people will think, and not worried about my own foolishness and self-sabotage tendencies, I relax and I’m happy. I am happy. ๐Ÿ˜€

I was hesitant to post it here because I haven’t yet told my mother or told some other people who should probably not learn of this through LJ, but my mom doesn’t have Internet at the moment and the other people won’t have Internet until Monday. So I’ve got time. ๐Ÿ™‚


P.S. Jen Hathy, the person who takes the best photos of Adam ever, is posting pix on her DeviantArt site. Get there from here: saintscribble, and here’s the link to her DeviantArt site:

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