Daily Horoscope for Sagittarius

You have been on the fast track and it may feel as if your life is taking off, but something is holding you back today. You can feel the pressure building as your overactive mind comes up with one self-criticism after another. You think you have valid reasons not to do what makes you happy. In a few days, however, you won’t be able to remember them, so for now, just continue on your present path.

Sleepness night.
Restless soul.
Broken dreams.

Yeah, that’s how it is right now.


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More Holiday Photo Fun! (Pictures)

These are post bath, happy-feeling cuddly-wuddly Saturday night pictures!

Cozy Saturday Night

Aidan watching a Christmas DVD.

Little Aidan

Aidan being really cute!

Mommy & Aidan
Aidan and Me.

Four of my nutcrackers.
Yes, that is a Harry Potter wand on my bookshelf.

Sparkling lights again.

Have a good night! 🙂

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That Meme Again

Directions: Write the first sentence in your journal from every month.

(I am not including posts from locked posts.)

Here are mine from 2006.

January: Hi!
February: So yesterday, I went and got my hair done for the first time since September.
March: Libby is AWESOME!! <3
April: Hi hi!
The Blurrrrrrr is something that’s been on my mind and something I’d wanted to post about for a long time.
June: Radio Fusion Chicago is Love
July: Hmm.
August: Or as E.Mae would say: TFGIF. HA.
September: My mom promised to make me salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, and corn when I go up to see her on Saturday!
October: Happy October!!
November: I’m tired.
December: Current Temp is 28ºF.

HAHA. I’m so random. 🙂

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